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Created June 16, 2015 20:30
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## Determine speed from frequency output of HB100 module
# Input file is logged with NI Datalogger
import sys
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib.mlab import find
def speedFromTV(t, v):
# t = time array / list
# v = voltage array / list
speedCoeff = 19.49 # see HB100 sensor application note
dt = t[1] - t[0]
windowHalfWidth_samples = 10 #
print "Analysis window length = %.2f milliseconds" % (2 * windowHalfWidth_samples * dt * 1000)
print "Theoretical highest speed %f" % (1 / (dt*2) / speedCoeff)
speedInKmh_meanf = np.zeros(len(t))
speedInKmh_medianf = np.zeros(len(t))
for ti in xrange(windowHalfWidth_samples+1, len(v)-windowHalfWidth_samples):
curBlock = np.array(v[ti - windowHalfWidth_samples:ti + windowHalfWidth_samples])
waveLengths = 2*np.diff(find(np.abs(np.diff(curBlock)) > 1)) * dt
if len(waveLengths) < 1:
speedInKmh_medianf[ti] = 0.0
speedInKmh_meanf[ti] = 0.0
medianFreq = np.median(1.0 / waveLengths)
meanFreq = np.mean(1.0 / waveLengths)
speedInKmh_medianf[ti] = medianFreq / speedCoeff
speedInKmh_meanf[ti] = meanFreq / speedCoeff
return speedInKmh_meanf, speedInKmh_medianf
if __name__ == "__main__":
raw = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
t = np.array([float(row.split('\t')[0]) for row in raw.split('\r')[40:-1]])
v = np.array([float(row.split('\t')[1]) for row in raw.split('\r')[40:-1]])
speed_mean, speed_median = speedFromTV(t, v)
pyplot.plot(t, speed_mean)
pyplot.xlabel('t (s)')
pyplot.ylabel('v (km/h)')
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