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Created December 17, 2014 10:21
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import QtQuick 2.3
FocusScope {
id: scope
property alias text: label.text
signal clicked()
//FocusScope needs to bind to visual properties of the children
property alias color: rectangle.color
x: rectangle.x
y: rectangle.y
width: rectangle.width
height: rectangle.height
Rectangle {
id: rectangle
color: "lightsteelblue"
width: 175
height: 25
radius: 10
antialiasing: true
border.color: "blue"
TextInput {
id: label
anchors.centerIn: parent
focus: true
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: { scope.focus = true; parent.clicked() }
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
Rectangle {
id: window
width: 400
height: 150
ListModel {
id: model
ListElement {x: 42; y: 84}
ListElement {x: 126; y: 168}
TableView {
id: table
anchors.fill: parent
model: model
focus: true
itemDelegate: MyClickableWidget {
color: "lightgreen"
text: styleData.value
onClicked: {
console.log("handle click on row " + styleData.row);
table.currentRow = styleData.row;
rowDelegate: Rectangle {
height: 50
TableViewColumn {
role: "x"
width: 180
TableViewColumn {
role: "y"
width: 180
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