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Created October 17, 2024 14:37
patches dicom files so that `itkimage2segimage` will stop complaining
import argparse
import re
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import pydicom
class DcmError:
def __init__(self, msg):
tokens = msg.split(" - ")
if len(tokens) == 3:
self.t, self.path_to_attribute, self.message = tokens
self.value = None
elif len(tokens) == 4:
self.t, self.path_to_attribute, self.message, self.value = tokens
elif len(tokens) == 5:
self.t, self.path_to_attribute, a, b, self.value = tokens
self.message = f"{a} - {b}"
raise ValueError(f"Error parsing error message: {msg}")
def __repr__(self):
return f"DcmError({self.path_to_attribute}, {self.message}, {self.value})"
class DcmBundle:
def __init__(self, dicom_path: Path):
self.dicom_path = dicom_path
self.ds = pydicom.dcmread(dicom_path)
# find errors
cmd = ["dciodvfy", "-new", str(dicom_path)]
proc =, capture_output=True)
errs = proc.stderr.decode("utf-8").splitlines()
self.errs = [DcmError(x) for x in errs if x.startswith("Error")]
def fix(self):
for err in self.errs:
def _fix(self, err: DcmError):
if err.path_to_attribute.startswith("</ProcedureCodeSequence(0008,1032)"):
# might have been removed already
if hasattr(self.ds, "ProcedureCodeSequence"):
del self.ds.ProcedureCodeSequence # remove the sequence
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</Laterality(0020,0060)>":
self.ds.Laterality = ""
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</PatientSex(0010,0040)[1]>":
self.ds.PatientSex = ""
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</PatientAge(0010,1010)[1]>":
self.ds.PatientAge = f"{int(self.ds.PatientAge):03d}Y"
except ValueError:
del self.ds.PatientAge
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</PregnancyStatus(0010,21c0)>":
del self.ds.PregnancyStatus
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</Manufacturer(0008,0070)>":
self.ds.Manufacturer = ""
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</ImageType(0008,0008)>":
if self.ds.Modality == "CT":
self.ds.ImageType = ""
raise NotImplementedError(
f"fix for {err.path_to_attribute} not implemented for modality: {self.ds.Modality}"
elif (
== "</LongitudinalTemporalInformationModified(0028,0303)>"
if hasattr(self.ds, "LongitudinalTemporalInformationModified"):
del self.ds.LongitudinalTemporalInformationModified
elif err.path_to_attribute.startswith("</RequestAttributesSequence(0040,0275)"):
if hasattr(self.ds, "RequestAttributesSequence"):
del self.ds.RequestAttributesSequence
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</ClinicalTrialSponsorName(0012,0010)>":
self.ds.ClinicalTrialSponsorName = "UNKNOWN"
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</ClinicalTrialSubjectID(0012,0040)>":
self.ds.ClinicalTrialSubjectID = "UNKNOWN"
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</ClinicalTrialSubjectReadingID(0012,0042)>":
self.ds.ClinicalTrialSubjectReadingID = "UNKNOWN"
elif err.path_to_attribute.startswith(
self.ds.PatientOrientationCodeSequence = []
elif (
err.path_to_attribute == "</PatientPosition(0018,5100)>"
and err.message
== "Shall not be present when PatientOrientationCodeSequence is present"
and hasattr(self.ds, "PatientOrientationCodeSequence")
and len(self.ds.PatientOrientationCodeSequence) > 0
del self.ds.PatientPosition
elif (
err.path_to_attribute == "</NumberOfTimeSlices(0054,0101)>"
and err.message
== "Attribute present when condition unsatisfied (which may not be present otherwise) for Type 1C Conditional"
del self.ds.NumberOfTimeSlices
elif (
err.path_to_attribute == "</FrameTime(0018,1063)>"
and err.message
== "Attribute present when condition unsatisfied (which may not be present otherwise) for Type 1C Conditional"
del self.ds.FrameTime
elif (
err.path_to_attribute == "</TriggerTime(0018,1060)>"
and err.message
== "Attribute present when condition unsatisfied (which may not be present otherwise) for Type 1C Conditional"
del self.ds.TriggerTime
elif err.path_to_attribute.startswith(
if hasattr(self.ds, "AcquisitionContextSequence"):
del self.ds.AcquisitionContextSequence
elif err.path_to_attribute.startswith(
if hasattr(self.ds, "RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence") and hasattr(
del self.ds.RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence[
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</DecayFactor(0054,1321)>":
# fake data is not ideal, but since we are using this for segmentation dicom metadata, it should be fine
self.ds.DecayFactor = 1.0
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</RescaleSlope(0028,1053)[1]>":
# fake data is not ideal, but since we are using this for segmentation dicom metadata, it should be fine
self.ds.RescaleSlope = 1.0
elif err.path_to_attribute == "</PhotometricInterpretation(0028,0004)[1]>":
# value shouldn't matter since this is just a reference for the segmentation dicom
self.ds.PhotometricInterpretation = "MONOCHROME2"
# troublesome private tags
elif err.path_to_attribute == '</(0013,1010,"CTP")>':
del self.ds[0x0013, 0x1010]
elif m := re.match(
r'<\/\(([\da-f]{4}),([\da-f]{4}),"GEMS_PETD_01"\)>', err.path_to_attribute
a = int(, 16)
b = int(, 16)
del self.ds[a, b]
raise NotImplementedError(
f"fix for '{err.t} - {err.path_to_attribute} - {err.message} - {err.value}' not implemented for modality: {self.ds.Modality}"
def test(self):
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
tempdir = Path(tempdir)
temp_dcm = tempdir / "temp.dcm"
cmd = ["dciodvfy", "-new", str(temp_dcm)]
proc =, capture_output=True)
errs = proc.stderr.decode("utf-8").split("\n")
errs = [DcmError(x) for x in errs if x.startswith("Error")]
return errs
def fix_dicom_dir(dicom_dir: Path, output_dir: Path):
"""Scan the dicom files in dicom_dir and check with dciodvfy for errors. If any errors are found, attempt to fix them and write the fixed dicom files to output_dir.
dicom_dir (Path): input directory of dicom files
output_dir (Path): writes fixed dicom files to this directory if any fixes are required
_type_: output_dir if any fixes were required, otherwise dicom_dir
dcm_files = [x for x in dicom_dir.rglob("*") if pydicom.misc.is_dicom(x)]
dss = [DcmBundle(dcm_file) for dcm_file in dcm_files]
error_cnt = sum([len(x.errs) for x in dss])
if error_cnt == 0:
return dicom_dir
for x in dss:
out_file = output_dir / x.dicom_path.relative_to(dicom_dir)
if len(x.errs):
out_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
return output_dir
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Uses 'dciodvfy' to check dicom files for non-compliance and attempts to *fix* them enough that 'itkimage2segimage' won't complain"
parser.add_argument("dicom_dir", type=Path)
parser.add_argument("output_dir", type=Path)
args = parser.parse_args()
fix_dicom_dir(args.dicom_dir, args.output_dir)
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