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Created February 2, 2022 07:37
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Local init scripts
# move all services to runit, was tricky to make this happen in docker without
# overwriting cron / sshd
echo "*** Copying services to runit"
mv /home/wandb/service/* /etc/service/
mv /home/wandb/wandb-logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/
# Setup our default user if we dont exist as in OpenShift, this ensures it's a
# member of the root group which will mean it can write to the filesystem where
# it needs to.
WB_UID=`id -u`
WB_GID=`id -g`
if [ $WB_GID -eq 0 -a $WB_UID -ge 100000 ]; then
echo "*** Setting OpenShift default user"
echo "wandb:x:$WB_UID:$WB_GID:wandb user:/home/wandb:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd
id -G | grep -q -w $WB_UID; STATUS=$?
if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
echo "wandb:x:$WB_UID:" >> /etc/group
# Existing installs did not have proper permissions since we used to run as root.
# We made this change in March 2020, since this is a rather expensive operation,
# we're not doing it anymore but I figured I would leave it around for posterity.
#if [ $WB_UID -eq 999 ]; then
# sudo /vol
# Bypass owner check by copying .jobber template
echo "*** Copying jobber template"
cat /etc/service/jobber/.jobber-template > /etc/service/jobber/.jobber
mkdir -p /var/jobber/${WB_UID}
# TODO: add the ability to enforce SSL
if [[ "${LOCAL_SECURE}" == "true" ]]; then
echo "*** Enforcing SSL"
# TODO: mark redis as down if we've confirmed we can talk to an external instance
if [[ ! -z "${LOCAL_RESTORE}" ]]; then
random_pass=$(openssl rand -base64 10 | sed -e 's/[\/&]/0/g')
echo "$random_pass" > /etc/container_environment/LOCAL_RESTORE_PASSWORD
echo "*** Enabling restore mode"
echo ""
echo "Login at $HOST/api/login"
echo " username:"
echo " password: $random_pass"
echo ""
[ "$(ls -A /usr/local/share/ca-certificates)" ] && echo "*** Found custom SSL certifcates, updating root trust..." && sudo update-ca-certificates
if [[ ! -z "${LOCAL_NETDATA}" ]]; then
echo "*** Installing netdata"
sudo sh -c ". /home/wandb/.profile \
&& pip install --no-cache-dir PyMySQL >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& wget --quiet -O /tmp/ \
&& bash /tmp/ --no-updates --dont-wait --dont-start-it >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& chown -R wandb /opt/netdata \
&& /opt/netdata 2>/dev/null \
&& rm /tmp/"
echo "*** Enabling netdata"
echo "8125" > /etc/container_environment/GORILLA_STATSD_PORT
echo "" > /etc/container_environment/GORILLA_STATSD_HOST
rm /etc/service/netdata/down
if [[ ! -z "${LOCAL_DEV}" ]]; then
echo "*** Enabling development mode"
touch /etc/service/gorilla/down
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/wandb-dev.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wandb.conf
echo "*** Enabling production mode"
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/wandb-prod.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wandb.conf
# Put up loading screen
cp /var/app/frontend/index.html /var/app/frontend/original.html
cp /var/app/local/animated-logo.gif /var/app/frontend/animated-logo.gif
rm /var/app/frontend/index.html
ln -s /var/app/local/loading.html /var/app/frontend/index.html
mkdir -p /vol/env /vol/env
rm -f /var/app/frontend/startup-error-details
echo "*** Loading settings..."
/usr/local/bin/local load_env 2>&1 | tee /tmp/load_env_output
if [ $load_env_status -ne 0 ]; then
echo "!!! Failed to load settings. If this issue persists, please contact"
# nginx will serve this at /startup-error-details
cp /tmp/load_env_output /var/app/frontend/startup-error-details
# mark services as "down" so we see the error page:
touch /etc/service/gorilla/down
touch /etc/service/gorilla-filemeta/down
touch /etc/service/local/down
touch /etc/service/minio/down
touch /etc/service/mysql/down
touch /etc/service/redis/down
if {
[[ $(< /etc/container_environment/MINIO_ACCESS_KEY) == "wandb_local" ]] ||
[[ $(< /etc/container_environment/MINIO_SECRET_KEY) == "wandb_local" ]]
}; then
# if load_env didn't set a real access key/secret key, that means we aren't using minio,
# and we can shut it off:
touch /etc/service/minio/down
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