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Last active March 9, 2018 19:37
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Common useful accessories for javascript
//Some functions where taken from Jistin Windle's sketch.js at
// Modulus with support for negative integers
Mod = function(current, limit) {
return ( (current % limit) + limit ) % limit;
function isArray( object ) {
return object ) == '[object Array]';
function isFunction( object ) {
return typeof object == 'function';
function isNumber( object ) {
return typeof object == 'number';
function isString( object ) {
return typeof object == 'string';
function extend( target, source, overwrite ) {
for ( var key in source )
if ( overwrite || !( key in target ) )
target[ key ] = source[ key ];
return target;
function proxy( method, context ) {
return function() {
method.apply(context, arguments);
function clone( target ) {
var object = {};
for ( var key in target ) {
// not sure why is not using hasOwnProperty
if ( isFunction( target[ key ] ) )
object[ key ] = proxy( target[ key ], target);
object[ key ] = target[ key ];
return object;
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