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Created October 5, 2017 03:04
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Use the locally installed node modules for eslint and flow checking
" return full path with the trailing slash or empty string
fun! s:GetNodeModulesAbsPath ()
let lcd_saved = fnameescape(getcwd())
silent! exec "lcd" expand('%:p:h')
let path = finddir('node_modules', '.;')
exec "lcd" lcd_saved
" fnamemodify will return full path with trailing slash;
" if no node_modules found, we're safe
return path is '' ? '' : fnamemodify(path, ':p')
" return full path of local bin or empty string
fun! s:GetNodeModuleBin (node_modules, bin)
let guess = a:node_modules is '' ? '' : a:node_modules . '.bin/' . a:bin
return exepath(guess)
fun! s:main ()
let node_modules = s:GetNodeModulesAbsPath()
let eslint_exec = s:GetNodeModuleBin(node_modules, 'eslint')
if a:eslint_exec isnot ''
let b:syntastic_javascript_eslint_exec = a:eslint_exec
let flowtype_exec = s:GetNodeModuleBin(node_modules, 'flow')
if a:flowtype_exec isnot ''
let b:syntastic_javascript_flowtype_exe = a:flowtype_exec
call s:main()
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