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Last active August 27, 2021 17:53
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A JavaScript file to generate sounds procedurally on any browser by generating WAV files as data URI
// This function only generates pure frequencies but you can customize the waveform
// by changing the function at line ~50 (the one with the cos)
function sound(freq,volume,duration,fadeout){
// Generate a wav binary file, convert it to a blob and play it.
const sampling = 44100; // in hertz
duration = duration || 1; // in seconds
const sampleCount = Math.floor(sampling * duration);
volume = volume || 0.5;
if(volume > 1) volume = 1;
if(volume < 0) volume = 0; // clamp
volume = Math.floor(volume * 256 * 256); // convert to 16 bit integer
freq = freq || 440; // nice default freq
// Helper function to build binary files
function toBytes(value, bytes) {
let result = "";
for (; bytes>0; bytes--) {
result += String.fromCharCode(value & 255);
value >>= 8;
return result;
let samples = "";
// Example of a fade: linear fade.
// fadeout = fadeout || ((t,max) => (max-t)/max);
// By default, be use a fancy "fast attack, slow descent" fade
fadeout = fadeout || ((t,max) => {
const attackRatio = 0.01;
if(t/max < attackRatio){
// fast attack
return t/max/attackRatio;
// slow descent (linear)
return (1-(t/max)) / (1-attackRatio);
for(let i = 0;i < sampleCount;i++){
samples += toBytes(
2 * Math.PI * i * freq / sampling
)+1)/2 * volume * fadeout(i,sampleCount)
let dataChunk = [
"fmt ",
"\x10\x00\x00\x00", // 16: chunk length
"\x01\x00", // audio format, PCM integer
"\x01\x00", // mono
toBytes(sampling * 2,4), // bytes / sec
"\x02\x00", // bytes per bloc
"\x10\x00", // bytes per sample
toBytes(sampleCount * 2,4),
let wav = [
toBytes(20 + dataChunk.length,4),
let uint8 = new Uint8Array(wav.length);
for(let i = 0; i < uint8.length; i++) {
uint8[i] = wav.charCodeAt(i);
let blob = new Blob([uint8], {type: 'audio/wav'});
let audioObject = new Audio();
audioObject.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);;
return audioObject;
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