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Created April 2, 2019 08:43
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React Solutions
import * as React from 'react'
* 通过调用createModal函数,传入一个模态窗口组件,返回对象{ show: [Function], hide: [Function], Component: [React.Component] }
* @example:
* class App extends React.Component {
* modal = createModal(SomeModalComponent)
* render () {
* return (
* <div>
* <button onClick={() =>'标题')}>show</button>
* <this.modal.Component/>
* </div>
* )
* }
* }
* @description:
* - modal.show函数用于显示窗口
* - modal.hide函数用于隐藏窗口
* - modal.Component为窗口组件
/** 模态窗口组件属性 */
export type ModalComponentProps<O> = {
title: string
visible: boolean
onOk: (output: O) => any
onCancel: () => any
/** 模态窗口组件类型 */
export type ModalComponentType<O, I extends ModalComponentProps<O>> = React.ComponentType<I>
/** 模态窗口组件自有属性(除去ModalComponentProps的剩余属性) */
type ModalOwnProps<P> = Pick<P, Exclude<keyof P, keyof ModalComponentProps<any>>>
/** 模态窗口回调 */
type ModalCallback<O> = (output: O) => any | Promise<any>
/** 包装组件内部状态 */
interface WrapperState<I> {
title: string
visible: boolean
input?: I
/** 创建模态窗口 */
export default function createModal<O = any, I extends ModalComponentProps<O> = any> (
OriginalComponent: ModalComponentType<O, I>
) {
let instance: any = null
return {
show (title: string, props: ModalOwnProps<I>, callback: ModalCallback<O>) {
if (instance), props, callback)
hide () {
if (instance) instance.hide()
Component: class extends React.Component<any, WrapperState<I>> {
private callback?: ModalCallback<O>
public constructor (props: any) {
if (instance) {
} else {
instance = this
this.state = {
title: '',
visible: false
// 显示,将传入参数作为当前实例的内部状态
public show = (title: string, input: any, callback: ModalCallback<O>) => {
this.setState({ visible: true, title, input })
this.callback = callback
// 关闭
public hide = () => {
this.setState({ visible: false })
// 确定,并调用回调函数,根据结果判断是否关闭窗口
// 若该回调函数返回true,阻止关闭窗口,否则关闭窗口
private onConfirm = (output: O) => {
let result = this.callback ? this.callback(output) : true
if (!(result instanceof Promise)) result = Promise.resolve(result)
result.then((r: any) => !!r === false && this.hide())
// 取消,并关闭窗口
private onCancel = () => {
// 渲染,传入状态和事件
public render () {
const { visible, input } = this.state
const props: any = { ...this.props, visible, onHide: this.hide }
return <OriginalComponent {...input} {...props} onOk={this.onConfirm} onCancel={this.onCancel} />
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