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Vardan Grigoryan vardanator

  • Armenia
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// Assuming graph is connected
// and a graph node is defined by this structure
// struct GraphNode {
// T item;
// vector<GraphNode*> children;
// }
// WARNING: untested code
void BreadthFirstSearch(GraphNode* node) // start node
// Reminder: this is pseudocode, no bother with "const&", "std::" or others
// forgive me C++ fellows
template <typename BlaBla>
class BST
// other code ...
vector<BlaBla*> ReverseInOrderProduceVector(int offset, int limit)
template <typename BlaBla>
class BST
// other code ...
vector<BlaBla*> InOrderProduceVector()
vector<BlaBla*> result;
result.reserve(1000); // magic number, reserving a space to avoid reallocation on inserts
InOrderProduceVectorHelper_(root_, result); // passing vector by reference
// this is a pseudocode, that's why I didn't bother with "const&"'s and "std::"'s
// though it could have look better, forgive me C++ fellows
vector<Item*> GetItemsByKeywordInSortedOrder(string keyword)
// assuming IndexTable is a big hashtable mapping keywords to Item BSTs
BST<Item*> items = IndexTable[keyword];
// suppose BST has a function InOrderProduceVector(), which creates a vector and
// inserts into it items fetched via in-order traversing the tree
// Cached representation of an Item
// Full Item object (with title, description, comments etc.)
// could be fetched from the database
struct Item
// ID_TYPE is the type of Item's unique id, might be an integer, or a string
int rating;
// struct TreeNode {
// T item;
// TreeNode* left;
// TreeNode* right;
// }
// you cann pass a callback function to do whatever you want to do with the node's value
// in this particular example we are just printing its value.
// node is the "starting point", basically the first call is done with the "root" node
// struct ListNode {
// ListNode* next;
// T item;
// };
void TraverseRecursive(ListNode* node) // starting node, most commonly the list 'head'
if (!node) return; // stop
std::cout << node->item;
TraverseRecursive(node->next); // recursive call
// Warning: a bunch of pseudocode ahead
void RangeInsertIntoTimelines(vector<long> user_ids, long tweet_id)
for (auto id : user_ids) {
InsertIntoUserTimeline(id, tweet_id);
void DeliverATweet(User* author, Tweet* tw)
// 'author' represents the User object, at this point we are interested only in
// 'tw' is a Tweet object, at this point we are interested only in ''
void DeliverATweet(User* author, Tweet* tw)
// we assume that 'tw' object is already stored in a database
// 1. Get the list of user's followers (author of the tweet)
vector<User*> user_followers = GetUserFollowers(author->id);
// 'author' represents the User object, at this point we are interested only in
// 'tw' is a Tweet object, at this point we are interested only in ''
void DeliverATweet(User* author, Tweet* tw)
// we assume that 'tw' object is already stored in a database
// 1. Get the list of user's followers (author of the tweet)
vector<User*> user_followers = GetUserFollowers(author->id);