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Last active November 16, 2023 00:42
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  • Save varenc/7c0c17eea480a03d7c8844d81e608e1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save varenc/7c0c17eea480a03d7c8844d81e608e1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
uBlock origin custom scripts
/// allow-but-log-webassembly.js
(function() {
var OriginalWebAssembly = WebAssembly;
var counter = 0;
var logMessage = function(message) {
if (counter < 10) {
console.log(`CV SAYS: ${message}`);
} else if (counter === 10) {
console.log('CV SAYS: WebAssembly log messages now suppressed');
WebAssembly = new Proxy(OriginalWebAssembly, {
construct: function(target, args) {
logMessage('WebAssembly instantiated');
return new target(...args);
apply: function(target, thisArg, args) {
logMessage('WebAssembly invoked');
return target.apply(thisArg, args);
Object.keys(OriginalWebAssembly).forEach(key => {
if (typeof OriginalWebAssembly[key] === 'function') {
WebAssembly[key] = function() {
logMessage(`WebAssembly method ${key} invoked`);
return OriginalWebAssembly[key].apply(this, arguments);
} else {
WebAssembly[key] = OriginalWebAssembly[key];
logMessage('WebAssembly logging wrapper installed');
/// disable-webassembly.js
(function() {
delete WebAssembly;
console.log('CV SAYS: WebAssembly deleted')
/// disable-websocket.js
(function() {
function getContextInfo() {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') return window.location.href;
if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && typeof self.location !== 'undefined') return self.location.href;
if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && typeof global.process !== 'undefined') return `Node.js - ${global.process.title}`;
return 'Unknown context';
function deleteSubframeWebSockets() {
let frames = document.querySelectorAll('iframe, frame');
frames.forEach(frame => {
// try {
delete frame.contentWindow.WebSocket;
console.log('CV SAYS: WebSocket deleted from subframe:', frame);
// } catch (e) {
// console.error('An error occurred when deleting WebSocket: ', e);
// }
delete WebSocket;
console.log('CV SAYS: WebSocket deleted from:',getContextInfo())
/// hn-favicons.js
(function() {
console.log('CV SAYS: hn-favicon active')
for(let link of document.querySelectorAll('.titlelink')) {
const domain = new URL(link.href).hostname
const imageUrl = `${domain}.ico`
const image = document.createElement('img')
image.src = imageUrl
image.width = 16
image.height = 16 = '0.25em' = '0.25em'
/// disable-sendBeacon.js
(function() {
navigator.sendBeacon=function(url,data) {
console.debug("blocked sendBeacon of " + (data ? data.length : "None") + " chars (" + window.__sendBeacon_count++ + "): ", url,data);
// console.count("sendBeacon");
console.groupCollapsed("sendBeacon details");
try {
console.debug("parsed data:",JSON.parse(data))
} catch(e) {
try {
for (const entry of data.entries()) {
console.debug("FormData entry\t" + entry[0] + ' = ' + entry[1]);
} catch (e) {
console.groupEnd("sendBeacon details");
return true
/// disable-keyboard.js
(function() {
(function() {
console.log('CV SAYS: disabling these listeners:',arguments)
// for each argument passed in, create a listener that does nothing
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
document.addEventListener(arguments[i], function (e) {
console.log("event recieved and unblocked:", e);
}, true);
})('keydown', 'keyup', 'keypress')
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