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Last active December 23, 2018 16:50
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R code to perform admixture mapping for detection of gene-by-environment interactions
### Step 1: load libraries
### Step 2: load the COPDGene data
# phenotypes
phen <- copdgene::copdgene_phen(progress = FALSE)
ids_phen <- phen$sid
# local ancestry segments
acs <- copdgene::copdgene_acs()
# ARM & EARM matrices used further in the linear mixed model (as random effects)
arm <- copdgene::copdgene_arm(ids = ids_phen)
#earm <- copdgene::copdgene_arm(ids = ids_phen, exposure = "SmokCigNow")
val_exposure <- phen[, "SmokCigNow"]
D_exposure <- sapply(val_exposure , function(x) as.numeric(x == val_exposure))
earm <- D * arm # element-wise multiplication of matrices
### Step 3: fit linear mixed model (LMM)
form <- FEV1pp_utah ~ Age_Enroll + gender + Duration_Smoking + log_CigPerDaySmokAvg + SmokCigarNow + SmokCigNow + SmokCigNow0_15 + acs_global2 + acs_global2*SmokCigNow
# note: the interaction term with global ancestry `acs_global2*SmokCigNow` is included in the model
y <- model.extract(model.frame(form, phen), "response")
X <- model.matrix(form, phen)
# random effects of medical center
Zc <- model.matrix(~ ccenter - 1, phen)
Kc <- tcrossprod(Zc)
# random effects of heterogeneity
D1 <- (phen$CigPerDaySmokNow0_gr3 == "0") %>% as.numeric %>% diag
K <- list(Kc, D1, arm, earm)
mod <- gaston::lmm.aireml(y, X, K = K)
### Step 4: compute V = var(y) matrix estimated by LMM
vmat <- c(K, list(diag(nrow(phen))))
vsigma <- with(mod, c(tau, sigma2))
varcov <- lapply(seq(1, length(vmat)), function(i) vsigma[i] * vmat[[i]])
varcov <- Reduce("+", varcov)
rownames(varcov) <- ids_phen
colnames(varcov) <- ids_phen
### Step 5: run association scan using GLS
decomp <- matlm::decompose_varcov(varcov, method = "evd", output = "all")
transform <- decomp$transform
assoc <- matlm::matlm(form, phen, pred = acs, int = "SmokCigNow", transform = transform, ids = ids_phen)
# for each predictor (say `x`) stored in columns of `pred`
# - added three terms in the model formula `form`: main effect `x`, main effect `int` and interaction `x*int`
# - fitted model with the updated formula and transformation (that corresponds to GLS)
# - performed test for the interaction `x*int` term
### tep 6: save results
saveRDS(assoc, file = "assoc_int_SmokCigNow_FEV1pp_utah.rds")
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