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Created July 13, 2023 15:20
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<img src="" alt="Prami, the official logo, a smiling love heart with rosy cheeks">
<div class="statuslol_container"><div class="statuslol" style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; gap: 1em; background: #dbfff3; color: #111; border-radius: .5em; padding: 1em;"><div class="statuslol_emoji_container" style="flex: 0 0 1em; font-size: 3em; padding-right: 0;"><img class="statuslol_emoji" style="width: 1.5em;" alt="Laptop" src=""></div><div class="statuslol_content" style="flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 1; flex-basis: 0; margin: -.5em 0 0 0; text-align: left; overflow-wrap: break-word; overflow-wrap: anywhere; color: #111;"><p>Building my portfolio for <a href=""></a>!</p> <div class="statuslol_time"><small style="opacity: .5; color: #111;"><a style="color: #111;" href="">5 months ago</a></small></div></div></div></div><script src=";link&amp;fluent&amp;pretty"></script>
<img class="modal-trigger" src="" alt="A digital illustration of Totoro! He’s staring straight head, grinning a big toothy grin with a leaf on his head. Behind him is a circle of brown twigs with green leaves. I’ve used Procreate brushes that mimic pencil and watercolour.">
<img class="modal-trigger" src="" alt="A digital drawing of myself. Yellow background. Blue shirt. Three toned Caucasian skin. Resting my cheek on my hand with cocked eyebrows. Black beanie, black round rimmed glasses. I did not draw my eyes because that shit is hard.">
<img class="modal-trigger" src="" alt="A simple lined illustration. Fast food fries within a light purple box (think McDonalds). It has a cute smiling face on the front.">
<img class="modal-trigger" src="" alt="A pixel art piece. An orange leaved tree with a dark think trunk sits on a grey background. A few leaves have fallen off into the wind.">
<img class="modal-trigger" src="" alt="A pixel art piece. A white castle with blue turrets faces us head on. It's sitting on a floating island just wider than the castle. All is backed by a pink setting sky and a few fluffy clouds.">
<img class="modal-trigger" src="" alt="A pixel art rendition of the famously botched restoration of Ecce Homo.">
<img class="modal-trigger" src="" alt="A pixel art piece. A birds eye view of farmland surrounded by a large forest with a river running between it.">
<img class="modal-trigger" src="" alt="An animated pixel art piece. A magpie is perched atop a locked treasure chest. Both bird and chest are glowing a pulsating light blue.">
<img class="modal-trigger" src="" alt="A digital drawing in a painterly style. A dimly lit bagel sits on a black background. Sesame seeds floating in space, the center of the bagel reads 'Sucked into a bagel', referencing the film Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022).">
<img class="modal-trigger" src="" alt="A grayscale pixel art piece. Batman is standing on a roof within a line of building roofs. There are tall skyscrapers in the background with hundreds of lit windows. In the distance we can see the bat signal has been raised.">
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