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Created May 16, 2017 02:22
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good code example
// There is an annotated configuration object in the GRAMMAR section below
function Parser(config) {
var prio = this.priorities = config.priorities;
prio["boundary:$"] = [-1, -1]; =;
this.toktypes = config.toktypes;
config.blocks.forEach(function (defs) {
var parts = defs.split(" ");
prio[parts.shift()] = [10000, 0];
prio[parts.pop()] = [0, 10001, true];
parts.forEach(function (part) {prio[part] = [0, 0];});
var level = 5;
config.tower.forEach(function (ops) {
ops[1].split(" ").forEach(function (op) {
var pfx = op.substring(0, 2) === "P:";
prio[op] = [pfx ? 10000 : level, level - ops[0]];
if (pfx && !prio[op.substring(2)])
prio[op.substring(2)] = prio[op];
level += 5;
// The return value of tokenize("a + 6 * 10") is:
// [{token: "$", type: "boundary"},
// {token: "a", type: "id"},
// {token: "+", type: "op"},
// {token: "6", type: "num"},
// {token: "*", type: "op"},
// {token: "10", type: "num"},
// {token: "$", type: "boundary"}]
// In everything that follows, tok(a) will stand for {token: "a", type: "id"},
// tok(*) for {token: "*", type: "op"}, and so on.
Parser.prototype.tokenize = function (text) {
var m; var last = "op";
var results = [{token: "$", type: "boundary"}];
while (m = {
var type = this.toktypes[m.slice(1).indexOf(m[0])];
if (type === "comment") continue;
var tok = {token: m[0], type: type};
// An "op" token followed by an "op" token makes the second prefix
// unless the first is marked as suffix.
if (last.type === "op" && type === "op" && !this.getPrio(last)[2])
tok.prefix = true;
last = tok;
results.push({token: "$", type: "boundary"});
return results;
Parser.prototype.getPrio = function (t) {
// getPrio returns a pair of priorities [leftPrio, rightPrio]
// leftPrio is used to compare with operators on the left side
// rightPrio is used to compare with operators on the right side
// Prefix operators can have different priority from infix ones.
var x; var pfx = t.prefix && "P:" || "";
if (x = this.priorities[t.type + ":" + t.token]
|| this.priorities[pfx + t.token]
|| this.priorities[t.token]
|| this.priorities["type:" + t.type])
return x;
throw SyntaxError("Unknown operator: " + t.token);
Parser.prototype.order = function (a, b) {
// Compare the priorities of operators a and b when found in that order
// To help visualize what the return value means, imagine that
// <• and •> are matching brackets, so when you see <• you insert
// "(" after a, and when you see •> you insert ")" before b.
// And when you see =•, you just skip over it.
if (a.type === "boundary" && b.type === "boundary") return "done";
var pa = this.getPrio(a)[1];
var pb = this.getPrio(b)[0];
if (pa < pb) return "<•";
if (pa > pb) return "•>";
if (pa == pb) return "=•";
Parser.prototype.parse = function (text, finalize) {
// This algorithm is based on operator precedence grammars:
// Supposing finalize is the identity function and that we are
// using conventional priority settings, the return value of parse
// basically looks like this:
// "a + b * c" ==> [tok(a), tok(+), [tok(b), tok(*), tok(c)]]
// "a + -b" ==> [tok(a), tok(+), [null, tok(-), tok(b)]]
// "(a) + b" ==> [[null, tok("("), tok(a), tok(")"), null], tok(+), tok(b)]
// "a[b]" ==> [tok(a), tok([), tok(b), tok(]), null]
// EXCEPT THAT The algorithm interprets identifiers and literals
// as nullary operators, so instead of tok(a) what you actually
// get is [null, tok(a), null]. (Rule of thumb: even indexes
// (0-based) are always null or a subnode, and odd indexes are
// always tokens). To clarify:
// "a + b" ==> [[null, tok(a), null], tok(+), [null, tok(b), null]]
// The finalize function is given a subnode at the moment of
// completion and should return what to replace it with. Note that
// it's called inside out: the subnodes of what you get in
// finalize have already been processed.
var tokens = this.tokenize(text);
var next = tokens.shift.bind(tokens);
var stack = [];
// middle points to the handle between the two operators we are
// currently comparing (null if the two tokens are consecutive)
var middle = null;
var left = next();
var right = next();
var current = [null, left];
while (true) {
switch (this.order(left, right)) {
case "done":
// Returned when comparing boundary tokens
return middle;
case "<•":
// Open new handle; it's like inserting "(" between left and middle
current = [middle, right];
middle = null;
left = right;
right = next();
case "•>":
// Close current handle; it's like inserting ")" between middle and right
// and then the newly closed (...) block becomes the new middle
middle = finalize(current);
current = stack.pop()
left = current[current.length - 1];
case "=•":
// Merge to current handle and keep going
current.push(middle, right);
middle = null;
left = right;
right = next();
function Env(parent) {
this.parent = parent;
// I use JS's prototype inheritance to implement looking up
// bindings in the parent scope.
this.bindings = parent ? Object.create(parent.bindings) : {};
this.macros = parent ? parent.macros : [];
Env.prototype.resolve = function (sym) {
var res = this.bindings[sym];
// We must avoid resolving default fields of objects like toString
if (res !== {}[sym]) return res
else throw Error("Could not resolve symbol: " + sym);
Env.prototype.register = function (guard, handler) {
this.macros.push({guard: guard, handler: handler});
Env.prototype.getHandler = function (signature) {
// signature is a string like "E + E" or "E ( E ) _" that
// describes the kind of node we're trying to handle. E stands for
// an expression whereas _ means there is nothing there.
// Handlers either match the exact string or a regular expression
for (var i = 0; i < this.macros.length; i++) {
var m = this.macros[i];
if (m.guard instanceof RegExp && signature.match(m.guard)
|| m.guard === signature)
return m.handler;
throw Error("Unknown signature: " + signature);
}; = function(node) {
switch (node.type) {
case "op":
case "id": return this.resolve(node.token);
case "num": return parseInt(node.token);
case "str": return node.token.substring(1, node.token.length - 1).replace('\\"', '"');
case "inner":
// Handler for the node's signature is called with the node as
// its first argument and the node's actual arguments as its
// second, ... arguments. For instance, the handler for "a + b"
// would be called as, node, a, b).
return this.getHandler(node.signature).apply(this, [node].concat(node.args));
throw SyntaxError("Unknown leaf type: " + node.type);
function finalize(node) {
// This is given to Parser::parse as a callback. It reformats the
// parser's output to be a bit easier to manipulate.
// a + b ==> [[null, tok(a), null], tok(+), [null, tok(b), null]] (parser)
// ==> {type: "inner", args: [tok(a), tok(b)], signature: "E + E"} (finalize)
if (node.length === 3 && node[0] === null && node[2] === null)
return node[1];
return {type: "inner",
orig: node,
args: node.filter(function (x, i) { return i % 2 == 0; }),
signature: (x, i) {
if (i % 2 == 0)
return x === null ? "_" : "E"
return x.token
}).join(" ")};
/// GRAMMAR ///
var op_re = "([\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\},;\n]|[!@$%^&*|/?.:~+=<>-]+)"
var id_re = "([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)"
var num_re = "([0-9]+)"
var str_re = "(\"(?:[^\"]|\\\\.)*\")"
var cmnt_re = "(#.*(?:$|(?=\n)))"
var re = new RegExp([op_re, id_re, num_re, str_re, cmnt_re, "([^ ])"].join("|"), "g");
var toktypes = ["op", "id", "num", "str", "comment", "other"];
var config = {
// This is the regular expression to tokenize with. Each group of
// the regexp corresponds to a token type.
re: re,
// These are the token types for each group in the regexp.
toktypes: toktypes,
// These are individual priority settings for a set of operators.
// id, num and str are to be treated as nullary, which means
// giving them maximal priority on each side. The first priority
// is when the operator is compared with another on its left, the
// second is for comparison with an operator on its right.
priorities: {
"boundary:$": [-1, -1], // unused
"type:id": [20001, 20000],
"type:num": [20001, 20000],
"type:str": [20001, 20000],
// These are all treated as bracket types. The operators between
// the first and last are "middle" operators. Essentially, given
// these definitions, "let in end" will assign the following
// priorities: {let: [10000, 0], in: [0, 0], end: [0, 10001]}.
// For "let x in y end" the parser will thus output:
// [null, tok(let), tok(x), tok(in), tok(y), tok(end), null]
// An operator can only have one role, so none of the operators
// specified here should be in the tower.
blocks: [
"( )", "[ ]", "{ }", "begin end",
"if then elif else end", "let in end"
// [-1, "P:- * /"] means that prefix - and infix * and /
// have the same priority and are left associative.
// This translates to priority [p, p + 1].
// [1, "^"] means that infix ^ is right associative
// This translates to priority [p, p - 1].
// [0, ", ; \n"] means that , ; and \n are list associative
// This translates to priority [p, p].
// The groups are listed from *lowest* to *highest* priority
tower: [
[0, ", ; \n"], [1, "= each ->"],
[-1, "or"], [-1, "and"], [-1, "P:not"],
[-1, "== != < <= >= >"], [-1, ".."],
[-1, "+ -"], [-1, "P:- * /"], [1, "^"],
[-1, "type:op"] // everything else
var parser = new Parser(config);
var base = new Env();
function applyCall(env, fargs) {
var fn =[0]);
return fn.apply(null, fargs[1].map(function (arg) {
if (fn.lazy) return function () {return;};
else return;
function makeFunction(env, argnames, body) {
return function () {
var args = arguments;
var e = new Env(env);
argnames.forEach(function (n, i) {
e.bindings[n.token] = args[i];
function extractArgs(guard, node, strict) {
// This checks that the node has a certain form and returns a list
// of its non-null arguments. For instance,
// extractArgs("E + E", node) will check that node is an addition
// and will return a list of its two operands. If it is not an
// addition, it returns null or throws an error depending on the
// value of strict.
if (node && (node.signature
&& guard instanceof RegExp
&& node.signature.match(guard)
|| guard === node.signature))
return node.args.filter(function (x) { return x !== null; });
if (strict)
throw Error("Expected '"+guard+"' but got '"+node.signature+"'");
return null;
function listify(node) {
// Basically if given "a, b, c" this returns [a, b, c], and given
// "a" this returns [a]. It's a kind of normalization, really.
return extractArgs(/^[E_]( [;,\n] [E_])+$/, node) || (node ? [node] : []);
function normalizeCall(node) {
// Given either "a + b" or "(+)(a, b)" this returns [+, [a, b]].
var args;
if (args = extractArgs(/^[E_] [^ ]+ [E_]$/, node))
return [node.orig[1], args];
else if (args = extractArgs(/^E \( [E_] \) _$/, node))
return [args[0], listify(args[1])];
return null;
function normalizeAssignment(node) {
// Given "a = b" this returns [a, null, b]
// Given "f(a) = b" this returns [f, [a], b]
var lr = extractArgs("E = E", node, true);
var fargs;
if (fargs = normalizeCall(lr[0])) return [fargs[0], fargs[1], lr[1]];
else return [lr[0], null, lr[1]];
// The language's basic features follow. I think they are mostly
// straightforward.
base.register(/^[E_]( [;,\n] [E_])+$/, function (node) {
var self = this;
return listify(node).map(function (arg) { return; }).pop();
base.register("_ ( E ) _", function (node, _, x, _) { return; });
base.register("_ begin E end _", function(node, _, x, _) {return;});
base.register(/^E \( [E_] \) _$/, function (node, f, x, _) {
return applyCall(this, normalizeCall(node));
// [a, b, ...] defines a list
base.register("_ [ E ] _", function (node, _, x, _) {
var self = this;
return listify(x).map(function (x) { return; });
// a[b] indexes a list; notice the E before the [, unlike above
base.register("E [ E ] _", function (node, l, x, _) {
base.register(/^_ if E then E( elif E then E)* else E end _$/,
function (node) {
var args = [], 2, -1);
for (var i = 0; i < args.length - 1; i += 2) {
if ([i])) return[i + 1]);
base.register("_ let E in E end _", function (node, _, defn, body, _) {
var e = new Env(this);
listify(defn).forEach(function (d) {
var args = normalizeAssignment(d);
if (args[1])
e.bindings[args[0].token] = makeFunction(e, args[1], args[2]);
e.bindings[args[0].token] =[2]);
base.register("E -> E", function (node, defn, body) {
var argnames = listify((extractArgs("_ ( E ) _", defn) || [defn])[0]);
return makeFunction(this, argnames, body);
base.register("E each E", function (node, lst, op) {
// Default fallback for unknown binary operators
base.register(/^[E_] [^ ()\[\]\{\}]+ [E_]$/, function (node) {
return applyCall(this, normalizeCall(node));
function lazy(f) { f.lazy = true; return f; }
// These are the global bindings of the language.
base.bindings = {
"+": function (x, y) { return x + y; },
"-": function (x, y) { return y === undefined ? -x : x - y; },
"*": function (x, y) { return x * y; },
"/": function (x, y) { return x / y; },
"^": Math.pow,
"==": function (x, y) { return x == y; },
"!=": function (x, y) { return x != y; },
"<": function (x, y) { return x < y; },
"<=": function (x, y) { return x <= y; },
">": function (x, y) { return x > y; },
">=": function (x, y) { return x >= y; },
"..": function (start, end) {
return Array.apply(null, Array(end - start)).map(function (_, i) {
return i + start;
and: lazy(function (x, y) { return x() && y(); }),
or: lazy(function (x, y) { return x() || y(); }),
not: function (x) { return !x; },
log: Math.log,
sin: Math.sin,
cos: Math.cos,
tan: Math.tan,
true: true,
false: false
function exec(s) {
var tree = parser.parse(s, finalize);
var e = new Env(base);
base.bindings["print"] = function () {
[] (arg) {
var box = document.createElement("div");
return arguments[arguments.length - 1];
function makeNode(type, cls) {
var box = document.createElement(type);
box.className = cls;
[], 2).forEach(function (x) {
return box;
function txt(t) {
return document.createTextNode(t);
function simplify(node) {
if (node[1].token.match(/[,;\n]/)) {
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
if (node[i] === null) {
if (results.pop() === undefined) i++;
else results.push(node[i]);
return results;
return node;
function display(node) {
if (!node) {
return makeNode("span", "nil");
if (node.length === 3 && node[0] === null && node[2] === null) {
return makeNode("span", node[1].type, txt(node[1].token));
node = simplify(node);
if (node.length === 1) { return node[0]; }
var box = makeNode("span", "inner");
node.forEach(function (x, i) {
if (i % 2 == 1) {
var op = makeNode("span", "op", txt(x.token.replace("\n", "↵")));
box.appendChild(x || txt(""));
return box;
function processInput() {
var s = document.getElementById("expr").value;
var res = document.getElementById("ast");
res.innerHTML = "";
res.appendChild(parser.parse(s, display));
var res = document.getElementById("result");
res.innerHTML = "";
try {
catch (e) {
res.appendChild(txt("ERROR: " + e.message));
var inputbox = document.getElementById("expr");
var examples = document.getElementById("examples");
[] (child, i) {
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.appendChild(txt(i || "Clear"));
button.onclick = function (e) {
inputbox.value = child.value;
examples.replaceChild(button, child);
if (i === 1) { inputbox.value = child.value; }
document.getElementById("evaluate").onclick = processInput;
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