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Created September 28, 2013 13:50
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# History
setopt append_history
setopt share_history
setopt hist_ignore_dups
setopt hist_ignore_all_dups
# Init options
setopt autocd extendedglob
unsetopt beep
bindkey -v # vim bindings ftw
zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/varomodt/.zshrc'
setopt aliases
autoload -Uz compinit promptinit
# Personalized options
setopt correct # correct spelling
setopt auto_name_dirs # use named directories
setopt rm_star_wait # time delay to C-c if deleting *
setopt no_hup # do not send a HUP on closing
setopt vi # common sense
setopt no_flow_control
setopt no_case_glob
setopt numeric_glob_sort
setopt rc_expand_param
setopt auto_pushd
setopt pushd_minus
setopt pushd_silent
setopt pushd_to_home
# Environment variables
export PATH=/opt/script:$HOME/.cabal/bin:$HOME/.bin/:/opt/matlab/bin:/opt/java/bin:/opt/mathematica/Executables:/opt/quartus/quartus/bin:/opt/aocl/linux64/bin:/opt/julia:$PATH
declare -U path
export LANG=en_US
export PAGER=most
# set up vimclojure (ng, particularly)
export VIMCLOJURE_SERVER_JAR="/src/ext/vimclojure/client/ng-server.jar"
# Set aliases
alias emacs="emacs -nw --color=always"
alias mk=popd
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias grepr='grep --color=auto -r'
alias diffr='diff -Bbr'
alias sus_proc='killall -STOP'
alias cont_proc='killall -CONT'
# code aliases
alias py=python
alias ipy=ipython
# Pacman Aliases
alias pm="pacman"
alias pms="pacman -S"
alias pmss="pacman -Ss"
alias yao="yaourt"
alias yaos="yaourt -S"
alias yaoss="yaourt -Ss"
# Git aliases
alias gitc="git commit -m"
alias gitp="git push origin master"
alias gita="git add"
# Game aliases
alias _go="gnugo --boardsize 9 --quiet --level 3"
alias fsy="fluidsynth -a alsa -m alsa_seq -l -g 0.95 -i /usr/share/soundfonts/FluidR3_GM.sf2"
alias linerva="ssh -l rsloan"
alias matlab="matlab -nosplash -hgVersion 2"
alias apt-get="sudo apt-get"
# Key bindings
bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line
bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line
bindkey -M vicmd "/" history-incremental-search-backward
bindkey -M vicmd "?" history-incremental-search-forward
bindkey -M vicmd "//" history-beginning-search-backward
bindkey -M vicmd "??" history-beginning-search-forward
bindkey -M vicmd "q" push-line
bindkey -M vicmd 'u' undo
export PS1='$ '
# Do these things at startup
fortune -a -s
export LS_COLORS
alias trayer="trayer --edge right --width 11 --align right --margin 0 --transparent true"
export QUARTUS_ROOTDIR=/opt/quartus/quartus
PATH=$PATH:$ALTERAOCLSDKROOT/linux64/bin;export PATH; # ADDED BY INSTALLER - DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS COMMENT - 65356670-D175-44B1-8E15-954131C19881 E630F70A-9878-285C-F1E1-CE18E83A929B
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