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Pavel Varchenko varpa89

View GitHub Profile
Description=Fn Server
name: {your_dockerhub_account}/hello-fn-rpi
version: 0.0.1
runtime: java9
cmd: com.example.fn.HelloFunction::handleRequest
build_image: arm32v7/maven:3.5-jdk-9-slim
run_image: varpa89/fn-java-fdk-arm32:1.0.56
format: http
varpa89 / Dockerfile-jdk9-rpi.dockerfile
Last active February 6, 2018 14:01
Dockerfile for Fn Project java runtime
FROM arm32v7/openjdk:9-slim
COPY target/runtime-*.jar target/dependency/*.jar /function/runtime/
# UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap looks up /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.limit_in_bytes inside the container to determine
# what the heap should be set to. This is an experimental feature at the moment, thus we need to unlock to use it.
# MaxRAMFraction is used modify the heap size and it is used as a denominator where the numerator is phys_mem.
# It seems that this value is a uint in the JVM code, thus can only specify 1 => 100%, 2 => 50%, 3 => 33.3%, 4 => 25%
# and so on.
groupmembe0_.guid as guid1_59_,
groupmembe0_.createdTs as createdT2_59_,
groupmembe0_.updatedTs as updatedT3_59_,
groupmembe0_.provider_guid as provide12_59_,
groupmembe0_. timestamp as timestam4_59_,
groupmembe0_.deleted as deleted5_59_,
groupmembe0_.deleted_by_provider as deleted_6_59_,
groupmembe0_.origin_id as origin_i7_59_,
groupmembe0_.end_date as end_date8_59_,
personids0_.person_guid as person_g1_92_0_,
personids0_.origin_id as origin_i2_98_0_,
personids0_.provider_guid as provider3_0_,
provider1_.guid as guid1_110_1_,
provider1_.createdTs as createdT2_110_1_,
provider1_.updatedTs as updatedT3_110_1_, as active4_110_1_,
provider1_.all_access as all_acce5_110_1_,
provider1_.apiKey as apiKey6_110_1_,
personlink0_.guid as guid1_99_,
personlink0_.createdTs as createdT2_99_,
personlink0_.updatedTs as updatedT3_99_,
personlink0_.provider_guid as provide10_99_,
personlink0_. timestamp as timestam4_99_,
personlink0_.child_guid as child_g11_99_,
personlink0_.link_create_date as link_cre5_99_,
personlink0_.deleted as deleted6_99_,
personlink0_.deleted_by_provider as deleted_7_99_,
person0_.guid as guid1_92_,
person0_.createdTs as createdT2_92_,
person0_.updatedTs as updatedT3_92_,
person0_.provider_guid as provide38_92_,
person0_. timestamp as timestam4_92_,
person0_.deleted as deleted5_92_,
person0_.deleted_by_provider as deleted_6_92_,
person0_.adapt_program_needy as adapt_pr7_92_,
person0_.birth_date as birth_da8_92_,
name = "OdoPetition.xls",
attributeNodes = {
@NamedAttributeNode(value = "studyProgram", subgraph = "OdoPetition.studyProgram.xls")
subgraphs = {
@NamedSubgraph(name = "OdoPetition.studyProgram.xls",
"orgType": {
"name": "OO",
"code": 3,
"title": "ОО",
"management": false
"permissions": {