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Created May 15, 2018 05:10
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module ShowExpression where
data Op = Add | Sub | Mul | Div
instance Show Op where
show Add = "+"
show Sub = "-"
show Mul = "*"
show Div = "/"
valid :: Op -> Int -> Int -> Bool
valid Add _ _ = True
valid Sub x y = x > y
valid Mul _ _ = True
valid Div x y = mod x y == 0
apply :: Op -> Int -> Int -> Int
apply Add x y = x + y
apply Sub x y = x - y
apply Mul x y = x * y
apply Div x y = div x y
data Expr = Val Int | App Op Expr Expr
instance Show Expr where
show (Val n) = show n
show (App o l r) = brak l ++ show o ++ brak r
brak (Val n) = show n
brak e = "(" ++ show e ++ ")"
values :: Expr -> [Int]
values (Val n) = [n]
values (App _ l r) = values l ++ values r
eval :: Expr -> [Int]
eval (Val n) = [n | n > 0]
eval (App o l r) = [apply o x y | x <- eval l,
y <- eval r,
valid o x y]
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