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Last active April 22, 2020 01:30
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Setting up new MBP
0. launch `term`
1. Install Homebrew (see
2. While Homebrew is installing this and following things, modify settings (see settings.txt)
3. `brew install cask`
4. `brew cask install iterm2`
5. Launch iterm2
6. `brew install python git` # pre-installed versions are old, see also
6.1. export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH to make homebrew stuff take precedence
7. `brew cask install visual-studio-code slack google-chrome`
8. Powerline
8.1 `pip3 install powerline-shell`
8.2 `brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts`
8.3 `brew cask install font-inconsolata-for-powerline` and set it as default in iTerm2
8.4 add it o `.zshrc` or `.bashrc` (see
9. Random console tools: `brew install awscli lsof htop pinfo mtr mc`
1. remove bloatware from Dock
2. enable autohide Dock, move it to your preferred position
3. disable "natural" scroll (System Preferences -> Trackpad -> Scroll & Zoom)
4. if machine w/o touchbar, change F-keys/Fn behavior in Keyboard preferences; for touchbar machines no choice seems good :-/
5. disable everything in Keyboard -> Text tab
6. `defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool NO` to make fonts on external monitors not look like crap
7. change screenshot location in (defaults to ~/Desktop/)
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