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Created April 26, 2012 03:50
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➜ quickfix-test-app git:(master) ✗ bundle exec cucumber features/manage_admin.feature
Using the default profile...
Feature: Manage Admin
In order to create a admin
As an Owner of this project
I want to create admin account and manage users
Scenario: Create Valid Admin # features/manage_admin.feature:8
Given I have no admin # features/step_definitions/admin_steps.rb:1
When I click on "Create channels" # features/manage_admin.feature:10
Undefined step: "I click on "Create channels"" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:10:in `When I click on "Create channels"'
Then I should see "Thank you for your interest. We will soon send an email with activation instructions." # features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:107
And I log in to gmail account "" to approve the request # features/manage_admin.feature:12
Undefined step: "I log in to gmail account "" to approve the request" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:12:in `And I log in to gmail account "" to approve the request'
Then I should be routed another to page for approving the request # features/manage_admin.feature:13
Undefined step: "I should be routed another to page for approving the request" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:13:in `Then I should be routed another to page for approving the request'
Then I click on "Approve Request" # features/manage_admin.feature:14
Undefined step: "I click on "Approve Request"" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:14:in `Then I click on "Approve Request"'
And I should see "Admin request approved." # features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:107
Then I check the admin email account to follow the link to complete the account creation. # features/manage_admin.feature:16
Undefined step: "I check the admin email account to follow the link to complete the account creation." (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:16:in `Then I check the admin email account to follow the link to complete the account creation.'
Then I should be routed to a new page to complete the registration # features/manage_admin.feature:17
Undefined step: "I should be routed to a new page to complete the registration" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:17:in `Then I should be routed to a new page to complete the registration'
And I fill in the Full Name with name, Email with email, Password with pass and Confirm Password with pass # features/manage_admin.feature:18
Undefined step: "I fill in the Full Name with name, Email with email, Password with pass and Confirm Password with pass" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:18:in `And I fill in the Full Name with name, Email with email, Password with pass and Confirm Password with pass'
Then I click on "Create Account". # features/manage_admin.feature:19
Undefined step: "I click on "Create Account"." (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:19:in `Then I click on "Create Account".'
Then I should see "Nice! Your account has been created. Log in to participate." # features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:107
Then I enter Email with email and Password with pass # features/manage_admin.feature:21
Undefined step: "I enter Email with email and Password with pass" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:21:in `Then I enter Email with email and Password with pass'
And click on "Log in" # features/manage_admin.feature:22
Undefined step: "click on "Log in"" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:22:in `And click on "Log in"'
Then I should be routed to channels page # features/manage_admin.feature:23
Undefined step: "I should be routed to channels page" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/manage_admin.feature:23:in `Then I should be routed to channels page'
1 scenario (1 undefined)
15 steps (3 skipped, 11 undefined, 1 passed)
You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:
When /^I click on "([^"]*)"$/ do |arg1|
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I log in to gmail account "([^"]*)" to approve the request$/ do |arg1|
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I should be routed another to page for approving the request$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I click on "([^"]*)"$/ do |arg1|
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I check the admin email account to follow the link to complete the account creation\.$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I should be routed to a new page to complete the registration$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I fill in the Full Name with name, Email with email, Password with pass and Confirm Password with pass$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I click on "([^"]*)"\.$/ do |arg1|
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I enter Email with email and Password with pass$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^click on "([^"]*)"$/ do |arg1|
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I should be routed to channels page$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
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