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Last active October 16, 2020 15:31
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Comparing SNFS & RigL's implementation of the ERK sparsity distribution
import logging
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
def SNFS_ERK(module, density, tolerance: int = 5, growth_factor: float = 0.5):
total_params = 0
baseline_nonzero = 0
masks = {}
for e, (name, weight) in enumerate(module.named_parameters()):
# Exclude first layer
if e == 0:
# Exclude bias
if "bias" in name:
# Exclude batchnorm
if "bn" in name:
device = weight.device
masks[name] = torch.zeros_like(
weight, dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=False
for e, (name, weight) in enumerate(module.named_parameters()):
if name not in masks:
total_params += weight.numel()
target_params = total_params * density
current_params = 0
# TODO: is the below needed
# Can we do this more elegantly?
# new_nonzeros = 0
epsilon = 10.0
# searching for the right epsilon for a specific sparsity level
while abs(current_params - target_params) > tolerance:
new_nonzeros = 0.0
for name, weight in module.named_parameters():
if name not in masks:
# original SET formulation for fully connected weights: num_weights = epsilon * (noRows + noCols)
# we adapt the same formula for convolutional weights
growth = max(int(epsilon * sum(weight.shape)), weight.numel())
new_nonzeros += growth
current_params = new_nonzeros
if current_params > target_params:
epsilon *= 1.0 - growth_factor
epsilon *= 1.0 + growth_factor
growth_factor *= 0.95
density_dict = {}
for name, weight in module.named_parameters():
if name not in masks:
growth = epsilon * sum(weight.shape)
prob = growth /
density_dict[name] = prob"ERK {name}: {weight.shape} prob {prob}")
device = weight.device
masks[name] = (torch.rand(weight.shape) < prob).float()
baseline_nonzero += (masks[name] != 0).sum().int().item()"Overall sparsity {baseline_nonzero/total_params}")
return density_dict
def RigL_ERK(module, density, erk_power_scale: float = 1.0):
"""Given the method, returns the sparsity of individual layers as a dict.
It ensures that the non-custom layers have a total parameter count as the one
with uniform sparsities. In other words for the layers which are not in the
custom_sparsity_map the following equation should be satisfied.
# eps * (p_1 * N_1 + p_2 * N_2) = (1 - default_sparsity) * (N_1 + N_2)
density: float, between 0 and 1.
erk_power_scale: float, if given used to take power of the ratio. Use
scale<1 to make the erdos_renyi softer.
density_dict, dict of where keys() are equal to all_masks and individiual
masks are mapped to the their densities.
# Obtain masks
masks = {}
total_params = 0
for e, (name, weight) in enumerate(module.named_parameters()):
# Exclude first layer
if e == 0:
# Exclude bias
if "bias" in name:
# Exclude batchnorm
if "bn" in name:
device = weight.device
masks[name] = torch.zeros_like(
weight, dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=False
total_params += weight.numel()
# We have to enforce custom sparsities and then find the correct scaling
# factor.
is_epsilon_valid = False
# # The following loop will terminate worst case when all masks are in the
# custom_sparsity_map. This should probably never happen though, since once
# we have a single variable or more with the same constant, we have a valid
# epsilon. Note that for each iteration we add at least one variable to the
# custom_sparsity_map and therefore this while loop should terminate.
dense_layers = set()
while not is_epsilon_valid:
# We will start with all layers and try to find right epsilon. However if
# any probablity exceeds 1, we will make that layer dense and repeat the
# process (finding epsilon) with the non-dense layers.
# We want the total number of connections to be the same. Let say we have
# for layers with N_1, ..., N_4 parameters each. Let say after some
# iterations probability of some dense layers (3, 4) exceeded 1 and
# therefore we added them to the dense_layers set. Those layers will not
# scale with erdos_renyi, however we need to count them so that target
# paratemeter count is achieved. See below.
# eps * (p_1 * N_1 + p_2 * N_2) + (N_3 + N_4) =
# (1 - default_sparsity) * (N_1 + N_2 + N_3 + N_4)
# eps * (p_1 * N_1 + p_2 * N_2) =
# (1 - default_sparsity) * (N_1 + N_2) - default_sparsity * (N_3 + N_4)
# eps = rhs / (\sum_i p_i * N_i) = rhs / divisor.
divisor = 0
rhs = 0
raw_probabilities = {}
for name, mask in masks.items():
n_param =
n_zeros = n_param * (1 - density)
n_ones = n_param * density
if name in dense_layers:
# See `- default_sparsity * (N_3 + N_4)` part of the equation above.
rhs -= n_zeros
# Corresponds to `(1 - default_sparsity) * (N_1 + N_2)` part of the
# equation above.
rhs += n_ones
# Erdos-Renyi probability: epsilon * (n_in + n_out / n_in * n_out).
raw_probabilities[name] = (
np.sum(mask.shape) /
) ** erk_power_scale
# Note that raw_probabilities[mask] * n_param gives the individual
# elements of the divisor.
divisor += raw_probabilities[name] * n_param
# By multipliying individual probabilites with epsilon, we should get the
# number of parameters per layer correctly.
epsilon = rhs / divisor
# If epsilon * raw_probabilities[] > 1. We set the sparsities of that
# mask to 0., so they become part of dense_layers sets.
max_prob = np.max(list(raw_probabilities.values()))
max_prob_one = max_prob * epsilon
if max_prob_one > 1:
is_epsilon_valid = False
for mask_name, mask_raw_prob in raw_probabilities.items():
if mask_raw_prob == max_prob:"Sparsity of var:{mask_name} had to be set to 0.")
is_epsilon_valid = True
density_dict = {}
total_nonzero = 0.0
# With the valid epsilon, we can set sparsities of the remaning layers.
for name, mask in masks.items():
n_param =
if name in dense_layers:
density_dict[name] = 1.0
probability_one = epsilon * raw_probabilities[name]
density_dict[name] = probability_one
f"layer: {name}, shape: {mask.shape}, density: {density_dict[name]}"
total_nonzero += density_dict[name] * mask.numel()"Overall sparsity {total_nonzero/total_params}")
return density_dict
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sparselearning.models as models
model = models.WideResNet(depth=22, widen_factor=2)
SNFS_ERK(model, density=0.2)"========")
RigL_ERK(model, density=0.2)
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