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Last active July 24, 2018 13:35
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Kubernetes and helm
1. install in current dir
`helm install --namespace=gm-integration -f values-integration.yaml .`
2. Upgrade
`helm upgrade "gm" -i --namespace=gm-integration -f values-integration.yaml .`
3. Delete purge
`helm delete --purge "name".`
  1. Get the first element of arrary

{{- $zookeeper_first := index $config.zookeeper_servers 0 -}}

  1. Convert to Json

{{ toJson $config.nimbus_seeds }}

  1. Parsing array of dict with detecting , for last elemet
{{ range $index, $element := $config.bootstrap_servers -}}
  {{- if $index -}},{{- end -}}
    {{- $element -}}
{{- end }}
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