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Last active July 29, 2023 20:43
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An extension for Opendream that provides an operation for ControlNet with Canny preprocessing. Read more here:
import torch
from diffusers import UniPCMultistepScheduler, ControlNetModel, StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline
from opendream import opendream
from opendream.layer import ImageLayer, Layer
from controlnet_aux import CannyDetector
def controlnet_canny(control_image_layer: ImageLayer, prompt, device: str = "cpu", model_ckpt: str = "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", batch_size = 1, seed = 42, selected = 0, num_steps = 20, **kwargs):
canny = CannyDetector()
canny_image = canny(control_image_layer.get_image())
controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained("lllyasviel/sd-controlnet-canny", torch_dtype=torch.float32)
pipe = StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained(
model_ckpt, controlnet=controlnet, torch_dtype=torch.float32, safety_checker=None
pipe.scheduler = UniPCMultistepScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config)
if device == "cuda":
generator = [torch.Generator().manual_seed(seed + i) for i in range(batch_size)]
controlnet_image = pipe(
return Layer(image=controlnet_image)
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