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# version 1.3 (clearer kick sound)
# Converted from CoffeeScript
# Source:
# Usage: coffee -bcp
# Original from Les Miserables
# (
# Inspired by DUHearThePeopleSing
# (
# Remixed and coded by Thai Pangsakulyanont
# (
# Major constants
BPM = 142
# The music itself...
music = ->
Instrument =
kick: do ->
click = pipeline(Note.drop(12, 140)).to(Osc.sin).gain(0.4)
drop = pipeline(Note.drop(5, 20)).to(Osc.sin).gain(0.3)
sub = pipeline(Note.drop(12, 12)).to(Osc.sin).gain(0.6)
mix(click, drop, sub)
snare: do ->
combine(Osc.random, Value.approach(1, 0, 3), Filter.gain),
Value.approach(0.4, 0.001, 10),
hat: do ->
combine(Osc.random, Value.approach(1, 0, 24), Filter.gain)
phat: mix(
pipeline((t) -> t * 1.006).to(Osc.sawtooth).gain(0.3)
pipeline((t) -> t * 1.003).to(Osc.sawtooth).gain(0.3)
pipeline((t) -> t * 1).to(Osc.sawtooth).gain(0.4)
pipeline((t) -> t / 1.003).to(Osc.sawtooth).gain(0.3)
pipeline((t) -> t / 1.006).to(Osc.sawtooth).gain(0.3)
Instrument.supersaw = mix(
pipeline((t) -> t / 2).to(Instrument.phat).gain(0.4)
line = (text, transpose, transform) ->
notes = (MidiNote.lookup(c) + transpose for c in text.split(' '))
(MidiNote.toFrequency(c) for c in transform(notes))
convert = (array, transpose, transform) ->
result = (line(c, transpose, transform) for c in array)
.reduce(((a, b) -> a.concat(b)), [])
return result
Notes =
melody: Note.step(convert [
'sol Re RE Sol Sol'
'sol Re MI MI RE'
'do sol DO DO RE'
'do sol MI MI FA'
'mi ti SOL SOL SOL'
'mi ti MI RE DO'
'fa Do Ti Ti La'
'fa Do Ti Ti DO'
'Do sol Sol Sol Sol'
'ti sol La Sol Fa'
'mi la Mi Mi Sol'
'mi la DO DO MI'
're la RE RE DI'
're la RE RE La'
're sol DO DO Ti'
're sol Ti Ti DO'
'sol Re RE Sol Sol'
'sol Re MI MI RE'
'do sol DO DO RE'
'do sol MI MI FA'
'mi ti SOL SOL SOL'
'mi ti MI RE DO'
'fa Do Ti Ti La'
'fa Do Ti Ti DO'
'Do sol Sol Sol Sol'
'ti sol La Sol Fa'
'mi la Mi Mi Sol'
'mi la DO DO MI'
're la RE DI RE'
'sol Re FA FA Ti'
'do sol DO DO DO'
'do sol DO DO DO'
'do sol DO DO DO'
'ti mi Mi Mi Mi'
'la mi La La Si'
'la mi La La Ti'
'la mi DO DO Ti'
'la mi La La DO'
'ti mi Ti Ti La'
'ti mi Sol Sol La'
'ti mi Ti Ti Ti'
'ti mi Ti Ti DO'
're la RE RE DO'
're la Ti Ti DO'
're la RE RE DO'
're la Ti Ti RE'
'la mi DO DO Ti'
'la mi La La Ti'
'la mi DO DO DO'
'sol mi DO DO La'
'fa Do DO Ti La'
'fa Do DO Ti La'
'fi Do DO Ti La'
'fi Do DO Ti DO'
'sol Re RE RE RE'
'sol Re RE RE RE'
], 48 + 1, ([a, b, c, d, e]) -> [c, a, b, d, a, b, e, a])
bass: Note.step(convert [
'sol', 'sol',
'Do', 'Do', 'Mi', 'Mi', 'Fa', 'Fa', 'Do', 'ti',
'la', 'la', 'Re', 'Re', 'sol', 'sol', 'sol', 'sol',
'Do', 'Do', 'Mi', 'Mi', 'Fa', 'Fa', 'Do', 'ti',
'la', 'la', 'Re', 'sol', 'Do', 'Do', 'Do', 'mi',
'la', 'la', 'la', 'la', 'mi', 'mi', 'mi', 'mi',
'Re', 'Re', 'Re', 'Re', 'la', 'la', 'la', 'sol',
'fa', 'fa', 'fi', 'fi', 'sol', 'sol'
], 24 + 1, ([a]) -> [a - 12, a, a + 12, a, a - 12, a + 12, a, a + 12])
kick = pipeline(loopEvery 1 * BEAT).to(Instrument.kick)
snare = pipeline((t) -> t + 3 * BEAT).to(loopEvery 2 * BEAT).to(Instrument.snare)
hat = pipeline((t) -> t + 0.5 * BEAT).to(loopEvery 1 * BEAT).to(Instrument.hat)
arp = combine(
pipeline(loopEvery 1 * STEP).to(Value.approach(0.8, 0.01, 8)),
bass = combine(
pipeline(loopEvery 1 * STEP).to(Value.approach(0.5, 0.0001, 30)),
arpMixed = pipeline(arp).gain(0.4)
delay = (t) -> t + (STEP * (Notes.melody.steps - 3))
arpMixedDelayed = pipeline(delay).to(arpMixed).gain(0.2)
arpMixedDelayedDelayed = pipeline(delay).to(arpMixedDelayedDelayed).gain(0.5)
main = mix(
pipeline((t) -> t + 3 * STEP).to(hat).gain(0.1),
return main
# Other constants...
PI = Math.PI
BEAT = 60 / BPM
# Define units, so we can use them as unit(1)
unit = (value) -> (x) -> x * value
beat = unit(BEAT)
step = unit(STEP)
# The oscillators. These oscilators receive the number of rotations.
pipeline = (source) ->
f = (t) -> source(t) = (g) -> pipeline((t) -> g(f(t)))
f.gain = (gain) -> pipeline((t) -> f(t) * gain)
return f
combine = (f, g, h) ->
throw new Error("f must be a function") if typeof f != 'function'
throw new Error("g must be a function") if typeof g != 'function'
throw new Error("h must be a function") if typeof h != 'function'
(t) -> h(f(t), g(t))
mix = (sources...) ->
return (t) -> sources.reduce(((a, source) -> a + source(t)), 0)
loopEvery = (loopLength) -> (time) -> time % loopLength
Osc =
sin: (x) -> Math.sin(x * 2*PI)
sawtooth: (x) -> (x % 1) * 2 - 1
random: (x) -> Math.random() * 2 - 1
Note =
# A frequency drop...
# Don't know from which frequency to which frequency though;
# I am not a mathematician!
# a : Frequency multiplier
# b : Drop speed
drop: (a, b) -> (t) -> (1 - Math.exp(-t * b)) * a
freq: (f) -> (t) -> f * t
step: (frequencies) ->
length = frequencies.length
result = (t) ->
c = (t / STEP) % length
i = Math.floor(c)
it = t - i * STEP
(frequencies[i] * t)
result.steps = length
return result
MidiNote =
lookup: do ->
NOTE_NAMES = 'do di re ri mi fa fi sol si la li ti
Do Di Re Ri Mi Fa Fi Sol Si La Li Ti
DO DI RE RI MI FA FI SOL SI LA LI TI'.split(/\s+/)
return (name) ->
toFrequency: (c) -> 440 * Math.pow(2, (c - 69) / 12)
Value =
approach: (s, f, b) -> (t) -> s + (1 - Math.exp(-t * b)) * (f - s)
Filter =
gain: (signal, volume) -> signal * volume
Lowpass: () ->
current = 0
(signal, factor) ->
current += (signal - current) * factor
# Logging facilities....
log = do ->
last = 0
(args...) ->
now = new Date().getTime()
if now - last > 1000
last = now
return music()
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