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Last active November 8, 2024 14:25
AWS User Data Script to create users when launching an Ubuntu server EC2 instance
# Initial script to create users when launching an Ubuntu server EC2 instance
declare -A USERKEY
# Create one entry for every user who needs access. Be sure to change the key to their
# public key. The keys here are all my key.
USERKEY[tom]="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCyFgGobmiU2H+9TA3H5lx2F/MLUErDlq65PCj8Y1goarTdbZf2sDvYJjdwA8btHGn0scoYH0cSIjxUEteA+NjIMAiG94AcN+UXJH99XmenIGxwRKvludZL1Np2UXZRPLo1JgoGyCgypS3THTbkbOxeOZ3wGAEW9YYxNhZ96cHKl1ORxFOzZ80ZS4C+LQEFDCaMykBUFxilFhvUPpuyuj9BCPfRXBDcLyYYBObKcdBvnBjC5bezg+BB/ihQNn76PJjdVVxVd2WxUtyCjf4/+Sn3R0M2VPI9AUXfmoSjZVS1nasaKmgGeftVvzL3aqzQWHabxGIhBCqdQ4+7TrIeb6Kb tom"
USERKEY[dick]="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCyFgGobmiU2H+9TA3H5lx2F/MLUErDlq65PCj8Y1goarTdbZf2sDvYJjdwA8btHGn0scoYH0cSIjxUEteA+NjIMAiG94AcN+UXJH99XmenIGxwRKvludZL1Np2UXZRPLo1JgoGyCgypS3THTbkbOxeOZ3wGAEW9YYxNhZ96cHKl1ORxFOzZ80ZS4C+LQEFDCaMykBUFxilFhvUPpuyuj9BCPfRXBDcLyYYBObKcdBvnBjC5bezg+BB/ihQNn76PJjdVVxVd2WxUtyCjf4/+Sn3R0M2VPI9AUXfmoSjZVS1nasaKmgGeftVvzL3aqzQWHabxGIhBCqdQ4+7TrIeb6Kb dick"
USERKEY[harry]="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCyFgGobmiU2H+9TA3H5lx2F/MLUErDlq65PCj8Y1goarTdbZf2sDvYJjdwA8btHGn0scoYH0cSIjxUEteA+NjIMAiG94AcN+UXJH99XmenIGxwRKvludZL1Np2UXZRPLo1JgoGyCgypS3THTbkbOxeOZ3wGAEW9YYxNhZ96cHKl1ORxFOzZ80ZS4C+LQEFDCaMykBUFxilFhvUPpuyuj9BCPfRXBDcLyYYBObKcdBvnBjC5bezg+BB/ihQNn76PJjdVVxVd2WxUtyCjf4/+Sn3R0M2VPI9AUXfmoSjZVS1nasaKmgGeftVvzL3aqzQWHabxGIhBCqdQ4+7TrIeb6Kb harry"
declare -A SUDOUSER
# Add one entry below for each user who needs sudo access.
# The usernames should be same as above.
# Iterate through all users (based on the associative array USERKEY)
for user in "${!USERKEY[@]}" ; do
# Add the user (--gecos "" ensures that this runs non-interactively)
adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" $user
# Give read-only access to log files by adding the user to adm group
# Other groups that you may want to add are apache, nginx, mysql etc. for their log files
usermod -a -G adm $user
# If the user needs sudo access, give that.
if [ "${SUDOUSER[$user]}" == 'y' ] ; then
# Give sudo access by adding the user to sudo group
usermod -a -G sudo $user
# Allow passwordless sudo
echo "$user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users
# Add the user's auth key to allow ssh access
mkdir /home/$user/.ssh
echo "${USERKEY[$user]}" >> /home/$user/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Change ownership and access modes for the new directory/file
chown -R $user:$user /home/$user/.ssh
chmod -R go-rx /home/$user/.ssh
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romk1n commented Sep 25, 2019

anyone create a script so you can do it remotely ?

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