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Created May 29, 2020 21:24
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How to embed script name or a hash of it on a plot to allow to track plots and the scripts thar produced it in R, based on this question :
# code source for plotting
# get source filename SO quest:
# get source fielname answer:
# if you do use a hash, you will have to save these to a csv or write
# a DB, perhaps an sqlite file that has the entry
# for the source file and corresponding hash to keep track of the
# hashes or just use filename and proj_dir,
# and display that if you want to keep it simple,
# open and reproducible
# use font colour white to not distract from plot
# Then you can select the caption - Note this only works for PDFs
Proj_dir_name <-NULL
if(git2r::in_repository()){Proj_dir_name <-git2r::repository()$path}
Proj_dir_name <-dirname(thisfile())
hash_label <-digest::digest(thisfile(), algo = "murmur32") #char fixed length of 8
p <- ggplot(ToothGrowth, aes(x = factor(dose), y = len)) +
p <- p + labs(title = "Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth",
subtitle = "Plot of length by dose",
caption = paste0("Proj_dir: ",Proj_dir_name,"\n",
"File: ",thisfile(),"\n",
"FileHash: ", hash_label))
p + theme(plot.caption = element_text(size =5,colour = "white"))
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