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Last active February 6, 2021 17:02
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Documenting what comes up during our weekly chats that might be useful to us -R packages and Learning Resources and other cool tools

List of R Packages and other resources

Documenting what comes up during our weekly chats that might be useful to us

  1. R Package - Workflowr - to make a website for your R project

  2. R Package - pak - A Fresh Approach to R Package Installation

  3. R Package - renv - The renv package is a new effort to bring project-local R dependency management to your projects.

  4. Resource:

  5. R Package - details -to Create Details HTML Tag for Markdown and Package Documentation

  6. Resource: rmdformats HTML output formats for RMarkdown documents h/t Harithaa Anand I use downcute

  7. Resource: Rstudio addin gistfo Turn your RStudio untitled tabs into gists. You monsters.

  8. Resource: A curated list by Harithaa Anand

  9. Resource: Mindmaps using markdown

  10. R -Package datadrivencv An R package for building your CV with data

  11. Learn pivot wider longer graphical:

  12. ordinal if you're dealing with ordinal data or questionnaire data

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