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Created September 20, 2011 22:33
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editor = `which vim`
templatedir = <%= File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) %>/git-template-dir
tool = opendiff
st = status -sb
co = checkout
# via
msg = commit --allow-empty -m
# Pretty!
# via
lol = log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate
unstage = reset HEAD
done = !git fetch && git rebase origin/master && git checkout master && git merge @{-1} && rake && git push
up = !git fetch origin && git rebase origin/master
aa = add .
# Not yet added - doesn't include ignored files
new = ls-files --others --exclude-standard
# Files that are in the staging area
added = diff --cached --name-only
today = log --stat --since='1 Day Ago' --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --date=relative
plre = pull --rebase
ff = merge --ff-only
newauthor = commit --amend --reset-author -C HEAD
# git log uses --pretty format by default, so this changes the default
# format
# Now log uses --pretty by default
# 4436819 [23 hours ago] (Gabe Berke-Williams) One line prompt
pretty = %C(magenta reverse)%h%Creset %Cgreen[%cr]%Creset (%an) %s
# For Github-style word diffs
wordRegex = [^[:space:]]
# color the UI!
ui = auto
[color "branch"]
# What colors should "git branch" show?
#current = yellow reverse # default black
#local = cyan # default yellow
#remote = green # default red
[color "diff"]
# Color syntax: <foreground> <background>
# So "normal red" is normal foreground, red background
# BUT bold is a modifier, so "bold green red" means
# "bold green" foreground, red background
whitespace = red reverse
plain = black
meta = cyan
frag = magenta bold
old = red
new = green
commit = yellow
[color "status"]
# Options:
# header: the header text of the status message
# added/updated: added but not committed
# changed: changed but not added in the index
# untracked
# nobranch: the color the "no branch" warning is shown in (default red)
added = yellow # files deleted with "git rm" are this color too
changed = green # deleted items NOT done with "git rm" are this color too
untracked = cyan
autocorrect = 1
authorsfile = <%= ENV['HOME'] %>/.git-author
excludesfile = <%= ENV['HOME'] %>/.gitignore
autocrlf = input
upload = true
httpd = webrick
[url ""]
insteadOf = heroku:
[url "git://"]
# Read-only
insteadOf = gh:
[url ""]
# With write access
insteadOf = wgh:
# Push current branch even if you've never pushed it before
default = current
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