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Created March 13, 2019 20:58
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Calculate the probability of all possible cenarios.
# This problem lies in calculating the probability
# that a certain cenario has to occur. It is
# similar to a Monte Carlo method in that
# it creates several cenarios. However, MC method
# creates cenarios based on the distribution of
# already seen cases while this method brute forces
# all possible cenarios.
# Original post on reddit:
# The Happy Retirement Insurance Company (HRIC)
# has six elderly policyholders who are all of
# the same age. If a policyholder is still alive
# at the end of a year, that the policyholder will
# receive their annual benefit. If a policyholder
# is not alive at year end then nothing will be
# paid on their behalf. Here are the annual benefits
# for each of the six policyholders:
policy_holders = [
# The table bellow shows HRIC's assumptions about
# the number of payments N that will be paid to any
# randomly selected policyholder. The future lifetimes
# of the policyholders are assumed to be independent,
# i.e. the death or survival of any policyholder has no
# effect on other policyholders.
payments_benefit = [
# For example, if policyholder number 6 lives for
# four years but dies before the fifth year then
# $80,000 would be paid to policyholder 6 at the
# end of each year for four years. The probability
# of this $320,000 payout for policyholder 6 is 0.10.
# Questions:
# 1. What the probability of paying 1,200,000 or more
# 2. = = = = = 1,400,000 = =
# 3. = = = = = 1,700,000 = =
# Answers:
# 1. 0.545043
# 2. 0.366003
# 3. 0.158900
def benefit(a, b, c, d, e, f):
"""Calculate the benefit for the given number of years."""
result = (a * policy_holders[0] +
b * policy_holders[1] +
c * policy_holders[2] +
d * policy_holders[3] +
e * policy_holders[4] +
f * policy_holders[5])
return result
def benefit_probability(amount, a, b, c, d, e, f):
"""Calculate the probability for given years, if it is
higher than the amount."""
bf = benefit(a, b, c, d, e, f)
if bf > amount:
probability = (payments_benefit[a] *
payments_benefit[b] *
payments_benefit[c] *
payments_benefit[d] *
payments_benefit[e] *
probability = 0
return probability
def calculate_probability(amount):
"""Generate all possible cases for each policyholder
and the number of years (number of payments) from
0 (minimum number) to 11 (maximum number)."""
probability = 0
# Policyholder 1 ...
for a in range(11):
for b in range(11):
for c in range(11):
for d in range(11):
for e in range(11):
for f in range(11):
probability += benefit_probability(amount, a, b, c, d, e, f)
return probability
if __name__ == "__main__":
question_1 = calculate_probability(1200000)
question_2 = calculate_probability(1400000)
question_3 = calculate_probability(1700000)
# Compare results to the expected results:
print("Question 1:\n\t- Expected: {}\n\t- Obtained: {}".format(0.545043, round(question_1, 6)))
print("Question 1:\n\t- Expected: {}\n\t- Obtained: {}".format(0.366603, round(question_2, 6)))
print("Question 1:\n\t- Expected: {}\n\t- Obtained: {}".format(0.158900, round(question_3, 6)))
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