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Last active August 5, 2018 19:15
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Bouncing ball with clojurescript
;;; Interact with canvas
(def canvas (.getElementById js/document "my-canvas"))
(def c (.getContext canvas "2d"))
;;; Set width and Height
(set! (.-width canvas) (.-innerWidth js/window))
(set! (.-height canvas) (.-innerHeight js/window))
(defrecord Ball [pos-x pos-y radius vel-x vel-y])
; Making the atom hold a list to hold multiple balls
(def balls-atom (atom []))
; You should prefer "->Ball" over the "Ball." constructor. The java interop form "Ball." has a few drawbacks
; And I'm adding to the balls vector. What you had before didn't make sense.
; You put an empty map in the atom, then immedietly overwrote it with a single ball
(doseq [ball (range 10)]
(swap! balls-atom conj (->Ball (+ 300 ball) (+ 100 ball) 20 (+ ball 1) (+ ball 1))))
; You called this create-ball, but it doesn't create anything. It draws a ball.
(defn draw-ball [ball]
; Deconstructing here for clarity
(let [{:keys [pos-x pos-y radius]} ball]
(.beginPath c)
(.arc c pos-x pos-y radius 0 (* 2 Math/PI))
(set! (.-lineWidth c) 5)
(set! (.-fillStyle c) "red")
(.fill c)
(.stroke c)))
(defn draw-balls [balls]
(doseq [ball balls]
(draw-ball ball)))
(defn out-of-boundaries
"Check if ball is out of boundaries.
If it is, returns a new ball with inversed velocities."
(let [{:keys [pos-x pos-y vel-x vel-y radius]} ball]
;; This part was a huge mess. The calls to swap weren't even in the "if".
;; I'm using cond-> here. If the condition is true, it threads the ball. It works the same as ->, just conditionally.
(cond-> ball
(or (> (+ pos-x radius) (.-width canvas)) (< (- pos-x radius) 0))
(update :vel-x -) ; This negates the x velocity
(or (> (+ pos-y radius) (.-height canvas)) (< (- pos-y radius) 60))
(update :vel-y -)))) ; This negates the y velocity
; You're mutating atoms here, but that's very poor practice.
; This function should be pure and return the new ball
; I also got rid of the draw call here, since this function has nothing to do with drawing
; I moved the drawing to animate!.
(defn advance-ball [ball]
(let [{:keys [pos-x pos-y vel-x vel-y radius]} ball
; You had this appearing after the bounds check.
; I'd think that you'd want to move, then check the bounds.
moved-ball (-> ball
(update :pos-x + vel-x)
(update :pos-y + vel-y))]
(out-of-boundaries moved-ball)))
; For convenience. Not really necessary, but it helps things thread nicer using ->.
(defn advance-balls [balls]
(mapv advance-ball balls))
(defn animate
(swap! balls-atom
(fn [balls]
(doto (advance-balls balls)
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