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Last active March 14, 2019 17:18
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Option Explicit
' Description: Outputs quarterly average for a range monthly data.
' "quarter" for quarter reports
' "year" for yearly reports
Sub GenerateReport(term As String)
Dim portfolioData As Range
Set portfolioData = Range("B2", Range("B2").End(xlToRight).End(xlDown))
Dim columnCount As Long
columnCount = portfolioData.Columns.Count
Dim rowCount As Long
rowCount = portfolioData.Rows.Count
Dim reportCell As Range
Set reportCell = Cells(2, columnCount + 2)
Dim startRow As Long
Dim steps As Long
If term = "quarter" Then
startRow = 3
steps = 3
ElseIf term = "year" Then
startRow = 12
steps = 12
End If
Dim currentRow As Long
Dim currentCol As Long
Dim currentColumn As Range
For currentCol = 1 To columnCount
For currentRow = startRow To rowCount + startRow Step steps
Set currentColumn = Range(portfolioData.Cells(currentRow - startRow + 1, currentCol), portfolioData.Cells(currentRow, currentCol))
reportCell.Cells(currentRow + 1, currentCol).Value = WorksheetFunction.Average(currentColumn)
Next currentRow
Next currentCol
End Sub
Sub Report()
' "quarter" or "year"
GenerateReport "year"
End Sub
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