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Save vasekbrychta/7fe4d3fc797d3cc80636d5f75f8b3c4a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. photo downloader

There is no way, how to download full photo album from when this function has been disabled by author. Here is my workaround - console script to your browser

  1. You have to define sessionId parametr (value of ASP.NET_SessionId cookie name)
  2. Put this command into your browser console and wait
  3. You will get console output with long curl command
  4. Copy this command and run it from your unix console (if you don't know what unix console is, send this command to your geeky friend)
commands='curl -J --remote-name-all ';sessionId='';
$('[data-type=photo]').each(function (i,el) {
commands+='\'' + $(el).data('image-pattern').replace('{width}', $(el).data('width')).replace('{height}', $(el).data('height')).replace('_18_', '_24_') + '\' ';
}).promise().done( function(){ console.log(commands+'-H \'Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId='+sessionId+';\''); } );
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