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Created September 21, 2022 12:47
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# download
from collections import Counter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
lines = open('edata.csv').readlines()[1:]
lines = [i.strip() for i in lines]
totals = [int(i.split(',')[-4]) for i in lines]
ers = [int(i.split(',')[-5]) for i in lines]
rats = [b/a*100 for a, b in zip(totals, ers) if a>0]
from matplotlib import pyplot
a = Counter([round(i) for i in rats])
xs = list(range(0, 101))
plt.plot(xs, list([a[i]for i in xs]))
t1 = 0.5
def aa(v):
c1 = c2 = 0
for i in rats:
if v - t1 < i < v:
c1 += 1
if v < i < v + t1:
c2 += 1
return c1, c2
for p in range(50, 100, 5):
c1, c2 = aa(p)
print(p, c1 > c2, round((c1-c2)/(c1+c2), 3))
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