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Created October 3, 2016 21:55
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mDNS in pure Perl, no extra modules needed
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Select;
use IO::Socket::INET;
# Build an mDNS query.
sub build_query {
my $domain = shift;
my $msgid = int(rand(1 << 16)); # Start with a random message ID
# No flags, one question, no answers of any kind
my $query = pack('n*', $msgid, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
# Pack parts of name, prefixed by len
my @parts = split /\./, $domain;
for my $part (@parts) {
$query .= pack('C', length($part)) . $part;
# Null terminate, request A record for INET
$query .= "\0" . pack('n*', 1, 1);
return ($msgid, $query);
# Remove the first $len chars of a string, returning them unpacked via $templ
sub take {
my (undef, $len, $templ) = (@_, '');
my $r = substr($_[0], 0, $len, '');
return unpack($templ, $r);
# Skip a DNS-formatted name
sub skip_name {
while (1) {
# Length of next segment, or zero if done
my $n = take($_[0], 1, 'C') or return;
# If we're big, this is a pointer segment. Take pointer and end
return take($_[0], 1) if $n >= 192;
take($_[0], $n);
sub parse_response {
my ($msgid, $r) = @_;
# Header
my ($rid, $flags, $qd, $an, $ns, $ar) = take($r, 12, 'n*');
die "Bad message ID\n" unless $msgid == $rid;
die "Not a response\n" unless vec($flags, 16, 1) == 1;
# Skip any questions
while ($qd--) {
take($r, 4);
# Parse answer segment
die "Not an A response\n" unless take($r, 2, 'n') == 1;
die "Not an INET response\n" unless take($r, 2, 'n') == 1;
take($r, 4); # TTL
die "Bad length\n" unless take($r, 2, 'n') == 4;
return join('.', take($r, 4, 'C*'));
sub ask {
my $hostname = shift;
# Create socket, bind with no restrictions
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Timeout => 1,
Proto => 'udp',
) or die $!;
$sock->bind(scalar(sockaddr_in(0, INADDR_ANY))) or die $!;
# Send query to mDNS host/port
my $peer = sockaddr_in(5353, inet_aton(''));
my ($msgid, $query) = build_query($hostname);
$sock->send($query, 0, $peer) or die $!;
# Wait for a response
my $select = IO::Select->new($sock);
$select->can_read(1) or die "No response\n";
# Read and parse
my $response;
$sock->recv($response, 1024) or die $!;
return parse_response($msgid, $response);
# Take an hostname as the only argument, look it up via mDNS.
# On success, print the IP to stdout. Otherwise, print an error to stderr.
my $ip = ask(shift) or die $!;
printf "%s\n", $ip;
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