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Created June 23, 2020 16:28
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Git Cheatsheet



Git is used for version control, and also for holding all our files.

  • It provides options to clone repositories (download them from online)
  • The repository is broken up into branches, a list of commits outlining the history
  • The typical workflow:
    • clone the repo
    • make sure you're on the master branch
    • make a new local branch (on your pc)
    • make changes, add files, etc.
    • commit those changes local
    • push those changes to remote branch (online)
    • get approval and merge those changes into the remote master branch


Use this to get a new ssh key

Use this to add it to your git account:

This will authenticate your machine. Use the ssh version of git to git clone, not the https

Repos and Branches

Cloning repos

  • you can clone (download from online) a repo using git clone <repo to clone>
    • for example, git clone
  • newly cloned repos end up on the default branch, often master or devel

Changing branches

  • you can change to a different branch with git checkout <branch name>
  • if you specify the -b flag, it'll create a new branch with that name instead
    • The new branch will be equal to the branch you were just on (have the same commits)
    • This only creates a local branch, to create an equivalent remote branch:
      • git push --set-upstream origin <branch name>
      • execute that while you have the branch of interest checked out

Commit and Push

Once you have a branch, you can start making changes. When you're happy with the changes, you can add, commit and push them

  • Use git status to see the state of your current directory

    • It'll usually have some files in red which you've made changes to
    • you can use git diff to see all the changes you've made
    • you can also use gitk or git gui for an interactive approach
  • Once you're happy with the changes, get them ready for committing with:

    • git add . (this stages all files that have been changed)
    • if you want to be selective, git add <path/to/file/filename.fileextension>
      • You can add as many as you want one by one, or use * to add folders
  • Once all files of interest are added, commit them:

    • git commit -m "<enter a useful message describing changes>"
    • you can use gitk to see the new commit
    • you can also use git log to see the new commit
      • enter q to quit git log
  • if you make an accidental commit, you can revert it

    • open up gitk and right click on the prev commit
    • select reset branch to here, and then you have a couple of options
      • hard will reset the branch to that commit and delete everything above it
      • soft wil reset the branch to that commit, but keep the reset as unstaged changes

Once you're happy with your commit, push it to remote:

  • git push
    • if it says there is no remote, create it with git push --set-upstream origin <branch name>
  • This won't work if someone else has made changes to your branch (or you did from a diff computer)
    • In this case, you'll first have to git pull the changes
      • This does a messy merge, so instead, use gitk to do a soft revert on your commit, pull and recommit
    • If you're confident the changes to remote are useless, you can force push
      • git push -f
      • This will overwrite the commit history on remote and replace it exactly with what you have locally
      • This is useful if you just rebased your branch and know that your local is more correct than remote

PR's and Merging with Master

Once your branch works, you can make a pull request (PR) to merge your changes to master branch

  • This is all done online with the git website
  • Before you do this, make sure you rebase

Rebasing replays your commits onto a new base commit, hence rebase. In otherwords, while developing

  • you started with a new branch based of master, which started on some commit (it's base)
  • you then made a number of commits, say 4, on top of that base
  • while you were doing that, master has progressed and has new commits
  • before merging, we need to move all your commits to the new base (rebase), the latest commit on master

To do this, first git checkout master and git pull to make sure you have the latest master

  • go back to your branch with git checkout <branch name>
  • run git rebase origin/master
    • This will add all your commits on top of master one by one
  • If you have conflicts, use your favourite editor to resolve them
    • ctrl+shift+F for <<<< to find them all
    • git add . any changes you make
    • git rebase --continue to keep going
  • If you make a catastrophic mistake, git rebase --abort will undo your rebase attempt

Once all the conflicts are handled, we're done, let's push it to master

  • git push won't work, by rebasing we changed the commit history
  • use git push -f instead

When merging the PR, select the Squash and Merge option

  • This squashes all your commits into a single one, and puts it on top of master
  • This way, master will have a single, linear history and it's easier to revert PR's if something goes wrong

Cleaning up your commit history

Sometimes you make a bunch of commits that don't need to be distinct or are too granular If you have to rebase, you have to deal with conflicts on all of those commits one by one, which is a pain. You might've also made a change, commited, reverted the change, commited again, which is a pain to rebase through too

To solve this, you can squash commits

  • go to your branch
  • run git log to see all your commits, find the commit hash that's one before all the commits of interest and copy it
  • run git rebase -i <commit hash>
    • This pulls up an interactive terminal that list all your commits since that hash
    • all the commits say push, but if you change some of them to s or squash, it'll squash it with the commit above
    • Ctrl+X when youre happy, edit any commit msg you like, answer the prompts and you're done
  • git log or gitk to see your new commit history
  • if you'd pushed to remote before, you'll likely need to git push -f now

Cleaner PR's for Review

Sometimes you have multiple tickets you're working on at once, say A and B. B requires all the things that A is implementing, so you base your branch B on top of A (instead of master). When you make the PR, you can set the base branch to A as well, so people can focus on the relevant files

After A has been merged in, change the base back to master, and you'll have a bit of a mess (duplicate commits from A) Even worse, if A continued development, it may have diverged from when B was branched off

The fix is simple

  • git checkout master and git pull to make sure you have the latest stuff (after A has been merged)
  • git checkout B and git log (or gitk)
  • Find the commit where B actually starts note the description
  • git rebase master (you'll get a whole bunch of conflicts)
  • git rebase --skip every commit that is not part of B and your mess will be ignored!

Turning back time

Sometimes you execute a command and realize you fucked up. Git let's you turn back time!

  • git reflog shows you all the commands you executed recently
  • All of those states have commit hashes, so you can git checkout <commit hash> to jump to that point in time!
  • Once you're there, you can git checkout -b <branch name> and then you'll have a nice reference to it
  • From here, you can also manually copy paste stuff out of the git repo, etc.

Reverting some files

Sometimes you accidentally change files you didn't want to touch. Just revert them to the base branch of choice

  • git checkout origin/<base branch> -- <path/to/file/filename>
  • You can use * to get multiple files or folders
  • you can also git checkout origin/<current branch> -- <path/to/file/filename> to just revert to what's on remote of current branch
  • This is also useful for quickly grabbing a file from a different branch for testing

Alternatively, maybe you just want to scrap what you have and revert to a stable version on remote

  • git reset origin/<branch name> --hard will destroy local changes and revert your current branch to remote version of current branch
    • use --soft to revert but keep the changes as unstaged

Stashing for later

Sometimes you're in the middle of some work, but need to do something else. With unstaged changes, you can't switch branches, and you don't want to commit because it's unstable

  • git stash will stash all your changes
  • You can then switch branches, do whatever you want as
  • Once you're done and ready to return, git stash apply will bring back the latest thing you stashed
    • You can git stash list to see everything you've stashed that's available
    • You can also git stash apply --index <number> to apply older stashed items instead of latest

Staying up to date

Your local repo doesn't update automatically, you have to update it and sync with remote

  • git fetch --all will grab all the new things that have happened since you last made that call

Cherry picking

Sometimes there's a single commit somewhere that you want to add to your current branch. Use git cherry-pick

  • git cherry-pick <commit hash> will apply that commit on top of your current history
    • if there are conflicts, resolve them, save and git add . and git cherry-pick --continue
    • if things go horribly wrong, git cherry-pick --abort
  • You can use the -n flag to just stage the changes (ready for commit) instead of actually apply the commit
    • Will still resolve the conflicts as usual, but will also have to git commit -m "<commit message>" afterwards
    • Useful if you just want the changes but don't plan on keeping them
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