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Created December 17, 2013 20:39
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lmer vs Stan comparison
beta[1] = Intercept
beta[2] = c1
beta[3] = c2
beta[4] = c3
1. Fixed effects, Stan vs lmer:
mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
beta[1] 381.1 3.5 7.0 367.5 376.2 381.1 385.9 394.1 4 1.4
beta[2] 31.6 0.8 3.5 23.9 29.7 32.0 34.1 37.9 17 1.2
beta[3] 14.0 0.1 2.2 9.9 12.5 13.8 15.4 18.3 292 1.0
beta[4] 2.9 0.1 2.0 -1.3 1.5 3.0 4.2 7.0 251 1.0
Estimate Std. Error t value
beta[1] 389.73 7.15 54.5
beta[2] 33.78 3.31 10.2
beta[3] 13.98 2.32 6.0
beta[4] 2.75 2.22 1.2
2. Random effects, Stan vs lmer:
Stan: Var sd
# id (Intercept) 3152.9 56.151
# c1 531.6 23.056 0.5054
# c2 89.3 9.4499 -0.01583 0.11337
# c3 77.5 8.8034 -0.094069 -0.4715 0.028849
# Residual 4886 69.9
lmer: Var sd
# id (Intercept) 3098.3 55.66
# c1 550.8 23.47 0.603
# c2 121.0 11.00 -0.129 -0.014
# c3 93.2 9.65 -0.247 -0.846 0.376
# Residual 4877.1 69.84
## calculations of correlations from Stan output:
r12: 654.3 / (56.151 * 23.056) = 0.5054 = r12
r13: -8.4 / (56.151 * 9.4499) = -0.01583 = r13
r14: -46.5 / (56.151 * 8.8034) = -0.094069 = r14
r23: 24.7 / (23.056 * 9.4499) = 0.11337 = r23
r24: -95.7 / (23.056 * 8.8034) = -0.4715 = r24
r34: 2.4 / (9.4499 * 8.8034) = 0.028849 = r34
## original stan output:
Sigma[1,1] 3152.9 32.4 589.5 2197.9 2729.1 3090.3 3522.1 4432.8 331 1.0
Sigma[1,2] 654.3 8.5 180.7 367.8 522.5 628.3 767.5 1022.8 455 1.0
Sigma[1,3] -8.4 6.4 91.8 -203.6 -58.8 -4.5 49.7 161.7 207 1.0
Sigma[1,4] -46.5 7.4 91.1 -235.8 -101.9 -41.4 11.0 118.9 151 1.0
Sigma[2,1] 654.3 8.5 180.7 367.8 522.5 628.3 767.5 1022.8 455 1.0
Sigma[2,2] 531.6 6.4 109.0 357.4 455.4 517.5 599.2 780.8 289 1.0
Sigma[2,3] 24.7 2.9 37.3 -50.4 0.6 26.0 49.8 94.7 162 1.0
Sigma[2,4] -95.7 4.2 43.6 -186.6 -121.0 -91.4 -68.0 -16.6 109 1.0
Sigma[3,1] -8.4 6.4 91.8 -203.6 -58.8 -4.5 49.7 161.7 207 1.0
Sigma[3,2] 24.7 2.9 37.3 -50.4 0.6 26.0 49.8 94.7 162 1.0
Sigma[3,3] 89.3 11.6 53.1 11.5 50.0 85.7 120.6 207.4 21 1.1
Sigma[3,4] 2.4 2.8 21.2 -31.6 -11.0 -0.6 13.4 49.1 56 1.0
Sigma[4,1] -46.5 7.4 91.1 -235.8 -101.9 -41.4 11.0 118.9 151 1.0
Sigma[4,2] -95.7 4.2 43.6 -186.6 -121.0 -91.4 -68.0 -16.6 109 1.0
Sigma[4,3] 2.4 2.8 21.2 -31.6 -11.0 -0.6 13.4 49.1 56 1.0
Sigma[4,4] 77.5 9.7 44.5 11.2 45.5 68.6 102.4 175.3 21 1.1
#LMER fit: time taken: 23 seconds
# Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
# id (Intercept) 3098.3 55.66
# c1 550.8 23.47 0.603
# c2 121.0 11.00 -0.129 -0.014
# c3 93.2 9.65 -0.247 -0.846 0.376
# Residual 4877.1 69.84
#Number of obs: 28710, groups: id, 61
#Fixed effects:
# Estimate Std. Error t value
#(Intercept) 389.73 7.15 54.5
#c1 33.78 3.31 10.2
#c2 13.98 2.32 6.0
#c3 2.75 2.22 1.2
##Stan: time taken: 18,814 seconds (5.2261 hours)
> fit2 <- stan(model_code = klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast,
+ data = dat2,
+ iter = 500, chains = 2)
TRANSLATING MODEL 'klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast' FROM Stan CODE TO C++ CODE NOW.
COMPILING THE C++ CODE FOR MODEL 'klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast' NOW.
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast' NOW (CHAIN 1).
Iteration: 500 / 500 [100%] (Sampling)
Elapsed Time: 8255.26 seconds (Warm-up)
1650.07 seconds (Sampling)
9905.33 seconds (Total)
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast' NOW (CHAIN 2).
Iteration: 500 / 500 [100%] (Sampling)
Elapsed Time: 8062.87 seconds (Warm-up)
845.716 seconds (Sampling)
8908.59 seconds (Total)
> print(fit2)
Inference for Stan model: klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast.
2 chains, each with iter=500; warmup=250; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=250, total post-warmup draws=500.
The model code:
klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast <- 'data {
int<lower=1> N;
real rt[N]; //outcome
real c1[N]; //predictor
real c2[N]; //predictor
real c3[N]; //predictor
int<lower=1> I; //number of subjects
int<lower=1, upper=I> id[N]; //subject id
vector[4] mu_prior; //vector of zeros passed in from R
parameters {
vector[4] beta; // intercept and slope
vector[4] u[I]; // random intercept and slopes
real<lower=0> sigma_e; // residual sd
vector<lower=0>[4] sigma_u; // subj sd
corr_matrix[4] Omega; // correlation matrix for random intercepts and slopes
transformed parameters {
matrix[4,4] D;
D <- diag_matrix(sigma_u);
model {
matrix[4,4] L;
matrix[4,4] DL;
real mu[N]; // mu for likelihood
beta ~ normal(0,50);
sigma_e ~ cauchy(0,2);
sigma_u ~ cauchy(0,2);
Omega ~ lkj_corr(4.0);
L <- cholesky_decompose(Omega);
DL <- D * L;
for (i in 1:I) // loop for subj random effects
u[i] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(mu_prior, DL);
for (n in 1:N) {
mu[n] <- beta[1] + beta[2]*c1[n] + beta[3]*c2[n] + beta[4]*c3[n] + u[id[n], 1] + u[id[n], 2]*c1[n] + u[id[n], 3]*c2[n] + u[id[n], 4]*c3[n];
rt ~ normal(mu,sigma_e); // likelihood
generated quantities {
cov_matrix[4] Sigma;
Sigma <- D * Omega * D;
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