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Last active October 7, 2022 17:51
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Mips Single Precision Floating Point Unit (FPU) Array
break: .asciiz "\n"
ask: .asciiz "Please enter a random 4 digit number for a seed: "
input: .float 4
list : .word 100
multIt: .float 32749
addIt: .float 32649
divIt: .float 32768
oneHundred: .float 100
la $t5, list #$t5 array address for first loop
la $t7, list #$t7 array adress for second loop
l.s $f9, multIt #$f9 has float to multiply 32749
l.s $f8, addIt #$f8 has float to add 32649
l.s $f7, divIt #$f7 has number to divide 32768
l.s $f5 oneHundred #$f5 has constant 100 to divide by to move decimal
li $t3, 20 #$t3 has loop count comparison for BNE
li $t2, 0 #$t2 has zero for loop count to be incrememnted for BNE comparison in loop 1
li $t9, 0 #$t9 has zero for loop count to be incrememnted for BNE comparison in loop 2
randnum: #randnum() function
beq $t2, $t3, printLoop #If loop counter == 20, branch to print loop, printLoop function
la $a0, ask #Load the address of string to print asking for input
li $v0, 4 #Load syscall to print ask string
syscall #syscall to print ask string
la $a0, input #Gets user input into float varible
la $a1, input #Gets user input size of float variable
li $v0, 6 #Syscall code to load user float input
mov.s $f10, $f0 #Moves input from $f0 to $f10 for math
mul.s $f6, $f10, $f9 #Multiplies seed (input) * 3279 and stores in $f6
add.s $f6, $f6, $f8 #Adds above + 32649
div.s $f6, $f6, $f7 #Divide above / 32768
div.s $f12, $f6, $f5 #Divide above / 100 to move decimal, store in $f12
addi $t2, $t2, 1 #Add 1 to loop counter in $t2 for BNE comparison
s.s $f12, ($t5) #Put above math result in float array address in $t5
addi $t5, $t5, 4 #Increment array address position by 4 in $t5
la $a0, break #Print line break string for input
li $v0, 4 #Syscall code to print string
j randnum #Starts from beginning of loop
printLoop: #printLoop() Function to print loop after filling it
beq $t3, $t9, exit #Exit program if loop counter == 20
l.s $f12, ($t7) #Load float from array address in $t7
addi $t7, $t7, 4 #Add 4 to $t7 array address to update for next array
addi $t9, $t9, 1 #Add 1 to loop counter variable
li $v0, 2 #Syscall to print floating point loaded from array
la $a0, break #Print line break
li $v0, 4 #Syscall code to print line break
j printLoop #Loop to top of printLoop() function
li $v0, 10 #Syscall code to exit
syscall #Exits
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