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Last active September 8, 2018 13:12
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Save vassvik/f4c19c35ba72ad52eaa51d1091d379d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a simple Wavefront OBJ loader in Odin
import "core:os.odin";
import "core:fmt.odin";
import "core:strconv.odin";
Vec2 :: [2]f32;
Vec3 :: [3]f32;
Model_Data :: struct {
vertex_positions: []Vec3,
vertex_normals: []Vec3,
vertex_uvs: []Vec2,
indices_positions: []i32,
indices_normals: []i32,
indices_uvs: []i32,
free_model_data :: proc(using model_data: Model_Data) {
print_model_data :: proc(using model_data: Model_Data, N: int) {
for v, i in vertex_positions[..N] do fmt.printf("v[%d]: %v\n", i, v);
for v, i in vertex_normals[..N] do fmt.printf("vn[%d]: %v\n", i, v);
for v, i in vertex_uvs[..N] do fmt.printf("vt[%d]: %v\n", i, v);
for _, i in 0..N do fmt.printf("fv[%d]: %d %d %d\n", i, indices_positions[3*i+0], indices_positions[3*i+1], indices_positions[3*i+2]);
for _, i in 0..N do fmt.printf("fvn[%d]: %d %d %d\n", i, indices_normals[3*i+0], indices_normals[3*i+1], indices_normals[3*i+2]);
for _, i in 0..N do fmt.printf("fvt[%d]: %d %d %d\n", i, indices_uvs[3*i+0], indices_uvs[3*i+1], indices_uvs[3*i+2]);
stream: string;
is_whitespace :: inline proc(c: u8) -> bool {
switch c {
case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', '/': return true;
return false;
skip_whitespace :: inline proc() #no_bounds_check {
for stream != "" && is_whitespace(stream[0]) do stream = stream[1..];
skip_line :: proc() #no_bounds_check {
N := len(stream);
for i := 0; i < N; i += 1 {
if stream[0] == '\r' || stream[0] == '\n' {
stream = stream[1..];
next_word :: proc() -> string #no_bounds_check {
for i := 0; i < len(stream); i += 1 {
if is_whitespace(stream[i]) || i == len(stream)-1 {
current_word := stream[0..i];
stream = stream[i+1..];
return current_word;
return "";
// @WARNING! This assumes the obj file is well formed.
// Each v, vn line has to have at least 3 elements. Every element after the third is discarded
// Each vt line has to have at least 2 elements. Every element after the second is discarded
// Each f line has to have at least 9 elements. Every element after the ninth is discarded
// Note that we only support files where the faces are specified as A/A/A B/B/B C/C/C
// Note also that '/' is regarded as whitespace, to simplify the face parsing
read_obj :: proc(filename: string) -> (Model_Data, bool) #no_bounds_check {
to_f32 :: strconv.parse_f32;
to_i32 :: proc(str: string) -> i32 do return cast(i32)strconv.parse_int(str);
data, status := os.read_entire_file(filename);
if !status do return Model_Data{}, false;
defer free(data);
vertex_positions: [dynamic]Vec3;
vertex_normals: [dynamic]Vec3;
vertex_uvs: [dynamic]Vec2;
indices_positions: [dynamic]i32;
indices_normals: [dynamic]i32;
indices_uvs: [dynamic]i32;
stream = string(data);
for stream != "" {
current_word := next_word();
switch current_word {
case "v":
append(&vertex_positions, Vec3{to_f32(next_word()), to_f32(next_word()), to_f32(next_word())});
case "vn":
append(&vertex_normals, Vec3{to_f32(next_word()), to_f32(next_word()), to_f32(next_word())});
case "vt":
append(&vertex_uvs, Vec2{to_f32(next_word()), to_f32(next_word())});
case "f":
indices: [9]i32;
for i in 0..9 do indices[i] = to_i32(next_word())-1;
append(&indices_positions, indices[0], indices[3], indices[6]);
append(&indices_normals, indices[1], indices[4], indices[7]);
append(&indices_uvs, indices[2], indices[5], indices[8]);
fmt.printf("vertex positions = %d, vertex normals = %d, vertex uvs = %d\n", len(vertex_positions), len(vertex_normals), len(vertex_uvs));
fmt.printf("indices positions = %d, indices normals = %d, indices uvs = %d\n", len(indices_positions), len(indices_normals), len(indices_uvs));
return Model_Data{vertex_positions[..], vertex_normals[..], vertex_uvs[..],
indices_positions[..], indices_normals[..], indices_uvs[..]}, true;
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