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Created January 3, 2019 13:09
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{'id': 1, 'meaning': 'become less in amount or intensity', 'word': 'abate'},
{'id': 2,
'meaning': 'markedly different from an accepted form',
'word': 'aberrant'},
{'id': 3, 'meaning': 'temporary cessation or suspension', 'word': 'abeyance'},
{'id': 4,
'meaning': 'run away; usually includes taking something or somebody alone',
'word': 'abscond'},
{'id': 5,
'meaning': 'sparing in consumption of especially food or drinks',
'word': 'abstemious'},
{'id': 6,
'meaning': 'to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnes, or solitious manner',
'word': 'admonish'},
{'id': 7,
'meaning': 'corrupt, debase or make impure by adding some foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones.',
'word': 'adulterate'},
{'id': 8,
'meaning': 'concerning or characterised by an appreation of beauty or good taste',
'word': 'aesthetic'},
{'id': 9,
'meaning': 'a sum total of many hetrogeneous things taken together',
'word': 'aggregate'},
{'id': 10, 'meaning': 'liveliness and eagerness', 'word': 'alacrity'},
{'id': 11, 'meaning': 'to make less severe', 'word': 'alleviate'},
{'id': 12,
'meaning': 'to bring or combine together or with something else',
'word': 'amalgamate'},
{'id': 13, 'meaning': 'having more than one meaning', 'word': 'ambiguous'},
{'id': 14, 'meaning': 'mixed feelings or emotions', 'word': 'ambivalence'},
{'id': 15, 'meaning': 'to make better', 'word': 'ameliorate'},
{'id': 16,
'meaning': 'something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred',
'word': 'anachronism'},
{'id': 17,
'meaning': 'similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar',
'word': 'analogous'},
{'id': 18,
'meaning': 'a state of lawlessness and disorder',
'word': 'anarchy'},
{'id': 19,
'meaning': 'deviating from a general or common order',
'word': 'anomalous'},
{'id': 20, 'meaning': 'feeling of intense dislike', 'word': 'antipathy'},
{'id': 21,
'meaning': 'an absence of emotion or enthusiasm',
'word': 'apathy'},
{'id': 22,
'meaning': 'pacify or placate by ascending to their demands',
'word': 'appease'},
{'id': 23, 'meaning': 'to inform someone about something', 'word': 'apprise'},
{'id': 24, 'meaning': 'official approval', 'word': 'approbation'},
{'id': 25,
'meaning': 'suitable for particular person or place',
'word': 'appropriate'},
{'id': 26,
'meaning': 'involving or requiring strenuous effort',
'word': 'arduous'},
{'id': 27,
'meaning': 'simple and natural; without cunning or deceit',
'word': 'artless'},
{'id': 28,
'meaning': 'someone who pracitces self denial as a spiritual discipline',
'word': 'ascetic'},
{'id': 29,
'meaning': 'marked by care and persistant efforts',
'word': 'assiduous'},
{'id': 30, 'meaning': 'make less intense', 'word': 'assuage'},
{'id': 31,
'meaning': 'of stern or strict bearing or demeanour; forbidding in aspect',
'word': 'austere'},
{'id': 32,
'meaning': 'existing as an independent identity',
'word': 'autonomous'},
{'id': 33,
'meaning': 'to declare or to affirm solemnly and formally as true',
'word': 'aver'},
{'id': 34,
'meaning': 'so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring',
'word': 'banal'},
{'id': 35,
'meaning': 'to fail to give a true notion or impression of something; disguise or contradict',
'word': 'belie'},
{'id': 36, 'meaning': 'doing or producing good', 'word': 'beneficent'},
{'id': 37, 'meaning': 'support or strenghthen', 'word': 'bolster'},
{'id': 38, 'meaning': 'ostentatiously lofty in style', 'word': 'bombastic'},
{'id': 39,
'meaning': 'ill-mannered or coarse and contemplible in behaviour or appearence',
'word': 'boorish'},
{'id': 40, 'meaning': 'grow and flourish', 'word': 'burgeon'},
{'id': 41, 'meaning': 'polish and make shiny', 'word': 'burnish'},
{'id': 42,
'meaning': 'a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building',
'word': 'buttress'},
{'id': 43, 'meaning': 'having an unpleasant sound', 'word': 'cacophonous'},
{'id': 44,
'meaning': 'determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason',
'word': 'capricious'},
{'id': 45,
'meaning': 'the infliction of severe punishment',
'word': 'castigation'},
{'id': 46,
'meaning': 'of substance; especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action',
'word': 'caustic'},
{'id': 47,
'meaning': 'a use of trick to achieve political, financial or legal purpose',
'word': 'chicanery'},
{'id': 48,
'meaning': 'change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state',
'word': 'coagulate'},
{'id': 49,
'meaning': 'the closing section of a musical composition',
'word': 'coda'},
{'id': 50, 'meaning': 'powerfully persuasive', 'word': 'cogent'},
{'id': 51,
'meaning': 'corresponding in size or degree or extent',
'word': 'commensurate'},
{'id': 52,
'meaning': 'a publication containing a variety or works',
'word': 'compendium'},
{'id': 53,
'meaning': 'showing cheerful willingness to do favours for others',
'word': 'complaisant'},
{'id': 54, 'meaning': 'disposed or willing to comply', 'word': 'compliant'},
{'id': 55,
'meaning': 'making or willing to make consessions',
'word': 'conciliatory'},
{'id': 56,
'meaning': 'excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with',
'word': 'condone'},
{'id': 57,
'meaning': 'be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly',
'word': 'confound'},
{'id': 58,
'meaning': 'an expert able to appreciate to a field; especially in the fine arts',
'word': 'connoisseus'},
{'id': 59,
'meaning': 'a struggling together in opposition',
'word': 'contention'},
{'id': 60,
'meaning': 'inclined or showing inclination to dispute or disagree; even to engene in law suits',
'word': 'contentious'},
{'id': 61,
'meaning': 'feeling or expressing sorrow or pain for sins or offences',
'word': 'contrite'},
{'id': 62, 'meaning': 'a diffucult problem', 'word': 'conundrum'},
{'id': 63, 'meaning': 'be adjacent or come togther', 'word': 'converge'},
{'id': 64,
'meaning': 'extremely complex and difficult to follow',
'word': 'convoluted'},
{'id': 65,
'meaning': 'contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly',
'word': 'craven'},
{'id': 66, 'meaning': 'cause to lose courage', 'word': 'daunt'},
{'id': 67, 'meaning': 'propriety in manners and conduct', 'word': 'decorum'},
{'id': 68,
'meaning': 'an option that is selected automatically unless an alternative option is satisfied',
'word': 'default'},
{'id': 69,
'meaning': "courteous regards for people's feelings",
'word': 'deference'},
{'id': 70, 'meaning': 'describe or portray precisely', 'word': 'delineate'},
{'id': 71,
'meaning': 'charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone',
'word': 'denigrate'},
{'id': 72, 'meaning': 'express contempt for; ridicule', 'word': 'deride'},
{'id': 73,
'meaning': 'a compound obtained from, or regarded as derived from, another compound',
'word': 'derivative'},
{'id': 74,
'meaning': 'lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless',
'word': 'desiccate'},
{'id': 75,
'meaning': 'marked by lack of plan or regularity or purpose, jumping from one thing to another',
'word': 'desultory'},
{'id': 76,
'meaning': 'something immaterial that interfaces with or delays action or progress',
'word': 'deterrent'},
{'id': 77, 'meaning': 'thunderous verbal attack', 'word': 'diatribe'},
{'id': 78,
'meaning': 'being two folded; a classification into two oppesed parts or subclasses',
'word': 'dichotomy'},
{'id': 79, 'meaning': 'lack of self confidence', 'word': 'diffidence'},
{'id': 80,
'meaning': 'spread out; not concentrated in one place',
'word': 'diffuse'},
{'id': 81,
'meaning': 'a turning side(of your course or attention or concern)',
'word': 'digression'},
{'id': 82,
'meaning': 'a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person',
'word': 'dirge'},
{'id': 83,
'meaning': 'free someone from erroneous belief',
'word': 'disabuse'},
{'id': 84, 'meaning': 'process of ending', 'word': 'cessation'},
{'id': 85,
'meaning': 'mood or general attitude about life',
'word': 'disposition'},
{'id': 86, 'meaning': 'a predisposition to like something', 'word': 'fancy'},
{'id': 87, 'meaning': 'suffering or trouble', 'word': 'tribulations'},
{'id': 88,
'meaning': 'making someone blissful or extremely happy',
'word': 'beatification'},
{'id': 89, 'meaning': 'clump or bunching of something soft', 'word': 'tuft'},
{'id': 90, 'meaning': 'obstruct or hindrance', 'word': 'stymie'},
{'id': 91,
'meaning': 'burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped',
'word': 'pall'},
{'id': 92, 'meaning': 'a member of british nobility', 'word': 'earl'},
{'id': 93, 'meaning': 'characterised by jokes and humor', 'word': 'jocose'},
{'id': 94,
'meaning': 'having or revelaing keen insights and good judgement',
'word': 'discerning'},
{'id': 95, 'meaning': 'not in agreement or harmony', 'word': 'dicordant'},
{'id': 96,
'meaning': 'a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions',
'word': 'discrepancy'},
{'id': 97,
'meaning': 'not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance or frankness',
'word': 'disingenuous'},
{'id': 98, 'meaning': 'unaffected by self-interest', 'word': 'disinterested'},
{'id': 99, 'meaning': 'stop associating with', 'word': 'dismiss'},
{'id': 100, 'meaning': 'taken apart at the joins', 'word': 'disjointed'},
{'id': 101, 'meaning': 'express a negative opinion', 'word': 'disparage'},
{'id': 102,
'meaning': 'fundamentally different or distinct in quality',
'word': 'disparate'},
{'id': 103,
'meaning': 'to give a false or misleading appearance; to conceal the truth or real nature',
'word': 'dissemble'},
{'id': 104,
'meaning': 'spread or disperse(something, especially information) widely',
'word': 'disseminate'},
{'id': 105,
'meaning': 'lack of agreement or harmony or consistency',
'word': 'dissonance'},
{'id': 106,
'meaning': 'cause to expand as it by internal pressure',
'word': 'distend'},
{'id': 107,
'meaning': 'undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid and fall in drops',
'word': 'distill'},
{'id': 108, 'meaning': 'move or draw apart', 'word': 'diverge'},
{'id': 109,
'meaning': 'to strip off clothing, ornaments, etc..',
'word': 'divest'},
{'id': 110,
'meaning': 'of or pertaining to or characteristic of a doctorine or code of belief accepted as authoritative',
'word': 'dogmatic'},
{'id': 111,
'meaning': 'inactive but capable of being active',
'word': 'dormant'},
{'id': 112, 'meaning': 'fool or hoax', 'word': 'dupe'},
{'id': 113, 'meaning': 'a humorous or malacious deception', 'word': 'hoax'},
{'id': 114, 'meaning': 'joyously unrestrained', 'word': 'ebullient'},
{'id': 115,
'meaning': 'deriving ideas, style or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources',
'word': 'eclectic'},
{'id': 116,
'meaning': 'capacity or power to produce desired effect',
'word': 'efficacy'},
{'id': 117,
'meaning': 'audacious (even arrogant) behaviour that you have no right to',
'word': 'effrontery'},
{'id': 118,
'meaning': 'a mournful poem; a lament for the dead',
'word': 'elegy'},
{'id': 119,
'meaning': 'a passionate expression of grief or sorrow',
'word': 'lament'},
{'id': 120,
'meaning': 'call forth(emotions, feelings and responses)',
'word': 'elicit'},
{'id': 121,
'meaning': 'to make more attractive by adding ornament, colour etc...',
'word': 'embellish'},
{'id': 122,
'meaning': 'derived from experiment and observations rather than theory.',
'word': 'empirical'},
{'id': 123,
'meaning': 'strive to equal or match especially by intimating',
'word': 'emulate'},
{'id': 124,
'meaning': 'native or confined to a certain region',
'word': 'endemic'},
{'id': 125, 'meaning': 'weaken mentally or morally', 'word': 'enervate'},
{'id': 126,
'meaning': 'to produce, cause or give rise to',
'word': 'engender'},
{'id': 127, 'meaning': 'increase', 'word': 'enhance'},
{'id': 128,
'meaning': 'anything short-lived; as an insect that lives for a day in its winged form',
'word': 'ephemeral'},
{'id': 129,
'meaning': 'steadiness of mind under stress',
'word': 'equanimity'},
{'id': 130,
'meaning': 'deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or with hold information',
'word': 'equivocate'},
{'id': 131,
'meaning': 'having or showing profound knowledge',
'word': 'erudite'},
{'id': 132,
'meaning': 'confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle',
'word': 'esoteric'},
{'id': 133,
'meaning': 'a formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently',
'word': 'eulogy'},
{'id': 134,
'meaning': 'an inoffencive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considerd offencive or too harsh',
'word': 'euphemism'},
{'id': 135,
'meaning': 'make (a problem, negative feeling or bad situation) worse.',
'word': 'exacerbate'},
{'id': 136,
'meaning': 'pronounce not guilty of criminal charges',
'word': 'exculpate'},
{'id': 137, 'meaning': 'a pressing or urgent situation', 'word': 'exigency'},
{'id': 138,
'meaning': 'an inference about the future based on known facts and observations',
'word': 'extrapolation'},
{'id': 139, 'meaning': 'cleverly amusing in tone', 'word': 'facetious'},
{'id': 140, 'meaning': 'make easier', 'word': 'facilitate'},
{'id': 141, 'meaning': 'devoid of intelligence', 'word': 'fatuous'},
{'id': 142,
'meaning': 'attempting to win favour by flattery',
'word': 'fawning'},
{'id': 143, 'meaning': 'excessive and insicere praise', 'word': 'flattery'},
{'id': 144,
'meaning': 'exhibiting or agreeing appropriate manner or style',
'word': 'felicitous'},
{'id': 145,
'meaning': 'the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up',
'word': 'fervour'},
{'id': 146,
'meaning': 'young bird that has just fledged or capable of flying',
'word': 'fledgling'},
{'id': 147, 'meaning': 'treat with contemptuous disregard', 'word': 'flout'},
{'id': 148, 'meaning': 'try to stir up public opinion', 'word': 'foment'},
{'id': 149,
'meaning': 'keep from happening or arising; make impossible',
'word': 'forestall'},
{'id': 150, 'meaning': 'prudence in avoiding waste', 'word': 'frugality'},
{'id': 151, 'meaning': 'producing no result or effect', 'word': 'futile'},
{'id': 152,
'meaning': 'deny or contradict (a fact or a statement)',
'word': 'gainsay'},
{'id': 153, 'meaning': 'full of trivial conversation', 'word': 'garullous'},
{'id': 154,
'meaning': 'stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick',
'word': 'goad'},
{'id': 155,
'meaning': 'an impression in a surface(as made by a blow)',
'word': 'gouge'},
{'id': 156, 'meaning': 'lofty in style', 'word': 'grandiloquent'},
{'id': 157,
'meaning': 'instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying company of others',
'word': 'gregarious'},
{'id': 158, 'meaning': 'free from deceit', 'word': 'guileless'},
{'id': 159,
'meaning': 'naive and easily deceived or tricked',
'word': 'gullible'},
{'id': 160, 'meaning': 'a lengthy and aggressive speech', 'word': 'harangue'},
{'id': 161,
'meaning': 'all of the same or similar kind or nature',
'word': 'homogeneous'},
{'id': 162, 'meaning': 'extravagant exaggeration', 'word': 'hyperbole'},
{'id': 163,
'meaning': 'characterised by attack on established beliefs and intuitions.',
'word': 'iconoclastic'},
{'id': 164,
'meaning': 'the worship of idols; the worship of images that are God',
'word': 'idolatry'},
{'id': 165,
'meaning': 'not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form of quality or value.',
'word': 'immutable'},
{'id': 166,
'meaning': 'weaken or damage(especially human function or facility)',
'word': 'impair'},
{'id': 167,
'meaning': 'having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily excited or aroused',
'word': 'impassive'},
{'id': 168, 'meaning': 'be a hindrance or obstacle to', 'word': 'impede'},
{'id': 169,
'meaning': 'preventing especially liquid to pass or diffuse through',
'word': 'impermeable'},
{'id': 170,
'meaning': 'not easily perturbed or excited or upset',
'word': 'imperturbable'},
{'id': 171, 'meaning': 'anxious or unsettled; upset', 'word': 'perturbed'},
{'id': 172,
'meaning': 'not admitting of passage or capable of being affected',
'word': 'impervious'},
{'id': 173, 'meaning': 'incapable of being placated', 'word': 'implacable'},
{'id': 174, 'meaning': 'make less angry or hostile', 'word': 'Placated'},
{'id': 175,
'meaning': 'implied through not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something',
'word': 'implicit'},
{'id': 176, 'meaning': 'burst inward', 'word': 'implode'},
{'id': 177,
'meaning': 'without knowledge or intention',
'word': 'inadvertently'},
{'id': 178,
'meaning': 'only partly existence; imperfectly formed',
'word': 'inchoate'},
{'id': 179,
'meaning': 'the quality of disagreeing; being unsuitable and inappropriate',
'word': 'incongruity'},
{'id': 180,
'meaning': 'lacking of worth or importance',
'word': 'inconsequential'},
{'id': 181,
'meaning': 'make into whole or make part of whole',
'word': 'incorporate'},
{'id': 182,
'meaning': 'not precisely determined or established; not fixed or known in advance',
'word': 'indeterminate'},
{'id': 183,
'meaning': 'a state of extreme poverty or destitution',
'word': 'indigence'},
{'id': 184, 'meaning': 'disinclined to work or exertion', 'word': 'indolent'},
{'id': 185, 'meaning': 'unable to move or resist motion', 'word': 'inert'},
{'id': 186,
'meaning': 'lacking in sophistication or worldliness',
'word': 'ingenuous'},
{'id': 187,
'meaning': 'existing as an essential constituent or characteristic',
'word': 'inherent'},
{'id': 188,
'meaning': 'not injurious to mental or physical health',
'word': 'innocuous'},
{'id': 189, 'meaning': 'barely able to be perceived', 'word': 'insensible'},
{'id': 190,
'meaning': 'suggest or hint in an indirect and unpleasant way',
'word': 'insinuate'},
{'id': 191,
'meaning': 'lacking interest or significance or interest; lacking flavor',
'word': 'insipid'},
{'id': 192,
'meaning': 'the state of being isolated and detached',
'word': 'insularity'},
{'id': 193,
'meaning': 'not tractable; difficult to manage or mould',
'word': 'intractable'},
{'id': 194, 'meaning': 'easy to control or influence', 'word': 'tractable'},
{'id': 195,
'meaning': 'the trait of being intransigent; stubbornly refusing to compromise',
'word': 'intransigence'},
{'id': 196,
'meaning': 'fill or cover completely; usually with water',
'word': 'inundate'},
{'id': 197, 'meaning': 'made tough by habitual exposure', 'word': 'inured'},
{'id': 198,
'meaning': 'abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will',
'word': 'invective'},
{'id': 199, 'meaning': 'quickly aroused to anger', 'word': 'irascible'},
{'id': 200,
'meaning': 'uncertain how to act or proceed',
'word': 'irresolute'},
{'id': 201,
'meaning': 'an established line of travel or access',
'word': 'Itinerary'},
{'id': 202, 'meaning': 'brief and to point; effectively', 'word': 'Laconic'},
{'id': 203,
'meaning': 'a feeling of lack or interest or energy',
'word': 'Lassitude'},
{'id': 204,
'meaning': 'potentially existing but not presently evident or realised',
'word': 'Latent'},
{'id': 205, 'meaning': 'praise, glorify and honour', 'word': 'Laud'},
{'id': 206,
'meaning': 'deficient in alertness or activity',
'word': 'Lethargin'},
{'id': 207,
'meaning': 'a pier that provides a landing place on a river',
'word': 'levee'},
{'id': 208, 'meaning': 'a manner lacking seriousness', 'word': 'Levity'},
{'id': 209, 'meaning': 'full of trivial conversation', 'word': 'Loquacious'},
{'id': 210,
'meaning': 'transparently clear; easily understandable',
'word': 'Lucid'},
{'id': 211, 'meaning': 'softly bright or radiant', 'word': 'Luminous'},
{'id': 212,
'meaning': 'liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit',
'word': 'Magnanimity'},
{'id': 213,
'meaning': 'someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or capacity',
'word': 'Maligerer'},
{'id': 214, 'meaning': 'avoiding or neglecting', 'word': 'Shirking'},
{'id': 215, 'meaning': 'pretending to be affected', 'word': 'Feigning'},
{'id': 216,
'meaning': 'capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out',
'word': 'Malleable'},
{'id': 217,
'meaning': 'someone who dislikes people in general',
'word': 'Misanthrope'},
{'id': 218,
'meaning': 'lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of',
'word': 'Mitigate'},
{'id': 219,
'meaning': 'cause to be more favourably inclined; gain the good will',
'word': 'Mollify'},
{'id': 220, 'meaning': 'sullen and ill-tempered', 'word': 'Morose'},
{'id': 221, 'meaning': 'bad tempered and sulky', 'word': 'sullen'},
{'id': 222,
'meaning': 'found in ordinary cause of events',
'word': 'Mundane'},
{'id': 223,
'meaning': 'make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of',
'word': 'Negate'},
{'id': 224,
'meaning': 'any new participant in some activity',
'word': 'Neophyte'},
{'id': 225,
'meaning': 'stubbornly persistent in wrong doing',
'word': 'Obdurate'},
{'id': 226,
'meaning': 'attempting to win favour from influential people by flattery',
'word': 'Obsequious'},
{'id': 227, 'meaning': 'do away with', 'word': 'Obviate'},
{'id': 228, 'meaning': 'block passage through', 'word': 'Occlude'},
{'id': 229,
'meaning': 'intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner',
'word': 'Officious'},
{'id': 230,
'meaning': "interfering or busying oneself unduly with something that is not one's concern",
'word': 'Meddling'},
{'id': 231, 'meaning': 'not easily borne; wearing', 'word': 'Onerous'},
{'id': 232, 'meaning': 'a state of extreme dishonour', 'word': 'Opprobrium'},
{'id': 233,
'meaning': 'move or swing side to side regularly',
'word': 'Oscillate'},
{'id': 234,
'meaning': 'intended to attack notice and impress others',
'word': 'Ostentatious'},
{'id': 235,
'meaning': 'an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept',
'word': 'Paragon'},
{'id': 236,
'meaning': 'a fervent and even militant proponent of something',
'word': 'Partisan'},
{'id': 237,
'meaning': 'of or relating to the practice of pathology',
'word': 'Pathological'},
{'id': 238,
'meaning': 'in insufficient quantity or number',
'word': 'Paucity'},
{'id': 239,
'meaning': 'marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects',
'word': 'Pedantic'},
{'id': 240, 'meaning': 'a strong liking', 'word': 'Penchant'},
{'id': 241,
'meaning': 'a state of extreme poverty or destitution',
'word': 'Penury'},
{'id': 242,
'meaning': 'lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time',
'word': 'Perennial'},
{'id': 243, 'meaning': 'tendency to betray', 'word': 'Perfidious'},
{'id': 244,
'meaning': 'guilty of or involving betrayal or deception',
'word': 'Treacherous'},
{'id': 245,
'meaning': 'hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough',
'word': 'Perfunctory'},
{'id': 246,
'meaning': 'allowing fluids or gases to pass through',
'word': 'Permeable'},
{'id': 247, 'meaning': 'spreading or spread throughout', 'word': 'Pervasive'},
{'id': 248, 'meaning': 'showing little emotion', 'word': 'Phlegmatic'},
{'id': 249,
'meaning': 'righteousness by virtue of being pious',
'word': 'Piety'},
{'id': 250, 'meaning': 'devoutly religious', 'word': 'Pious'},
{'id': 251,
'meaning': 'cause to be more favourably inclinded; gain the good will',
'word': 'Placate'},
{'id': 252, 'meaning': 'a trite or obvious remark', 'word': 'Platitude'},
{'id': 253,
'meaning': '(of remark, opinion, or idea) overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness',
'word': 'trite'},
{'id': 254,
'meaning': 'the property of being physically malleable; the property of something that can be worked or hammered or shaped without breaking',
'word': 'Plasticity'},
{'id': 255, 'meaning': 'extreme excess', 'word': 'Plethora'},
{'id': 256, 'meaning': 'drop sharply', 'word': 'Plummet'},
{'id': 257, 'meaning': 'full or pores and holes', 'word': 'Porous'},
{'id': 258,
'meaning': 'concerned with practical matters',
'word': 'Pragmatic'},
{'id': 259,
'meaning': 'a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution(usually explaining its purpose)',
'word': 'Preamble'},
{'id': 260,
'meaning': 'not secure; beset with difficulties',
'word': 'Precarious'},
{'id': 261, 'meaning': 'Bring about abruptly', 'word': 'Precipitate'},
{'id': 262,
'meaning': 'something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone',
'word': 'Precursor'},
{'id': 263, 'meaning': 'excessively forward', 'word': 'Presumptuous'},
{'id': 264,
'meaning': 'be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information',
'word': 'Prevaricate'},
{'id': 265, 'meaning': 'immaculately clean and unused', 'word': 'Pristine'},
{'id': 266,
'meaning': 'complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles',
'word': 'Probity'},
{'id': 267,
'meaning': 'making great mental demands; to hard to comprehend or solve or believe',
'word': 'Problematic'},
{'id': 268, 'meaning': 'recklessly wasteful', 'word': 'Prodigal'},
{'id': 269,
'meaning': 'situated at or extending to great depth; too deep to have been sounded or plumbed',
'word': 'Profound'},
{'id': 270, 'meaning': 'tending to discourage', 'word': 'Prohibitive'},
{'id': 271, 'meaning': 'grow rapidly', 'word': 'Proliferate'},
{'id': 272, 'meaning': 'a natural inclination', 'word': 'Propensity'},
{'id': 273, 'meaning': 'make peace with', 'word': 'Propititate'},
{'id': 274,
'meaning': 'correct or appropriate behaviour',
'word': 'Propriety'},
{'id': 275, 'meaning': 'command against', 'word': 'Proscribe'},
{'id': 276, 'meaning': 'strong and sharp', 'word': 'Pungent'},
{'id': 277,
'meaning': 'meeting the proper standard and requirement and training for and office or post or task',
'word': 'qualified'},
{'id': 278,
'meaning': 'evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objections',
'word': 'Quibble'},
{'id': 279,
'meaning': 'being quite or still or inactive',
'word': 'Quiescent'},
{'id': 280,
'meaning': 'of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature of style',
'word': 'Rarefied'},
{'id': 281,
'meaning': 'stubbornly resistant to authorities or control',
'word': 'Recalcitrant'},
{'id': 282,
'meaning': 'formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief usually under pressure',
'word': 'Recant'},
{'id': 283,
'meaning': 'deny any responsibility or support for',
'word': 'Disavow'},
{'id': 284, 'meaning': 'one who lives in solitude', 'word': 'Recluse'},
{'id': 285,
'meaning': 'difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge',
'word': 'Recondite'},
{'id': 286, 'meaning': 'stubborn or unmanageable', 'word': 'Refractory'},
{'id': 287,
'meaning': 'overthrow by argument, evidence or proof',
'word': 'refute'},
{'id': 288,
'meaning': 'assingn to lower position; reduce in rank',
'word': 'relegate'},
{'id': 289, 'meaning': 'express criticism towards', 'word': 'Reproach'},
{'id': 290,
'meaning': 'A person without moral scruples',
'word': 'Reprobate'},
{'id': 291,
'meaning': 'A feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action',
'word': 'Scruple'},
{'id': 292,
'meaning': 'Refuse to acknowledge, ratify or recognize as valid',
'word': 'Repundite'},
{'id': 293, 'meaning': 'Cancel officially', 'word': 'Rescind'},
{'id': 294,
'meaning': 'finding a solution to a problem',
'word': 'Resolution'},
{'id': 295, 'meaning': 'find the solution', 'word': 'Resolve'},
{'id': 296,
'meaning': 'reluctant to draw attention to yourself',
'word': 'Reitcent'},
{'id': 297,
'meaning': 'feeling or showing profound respect or veneration',
'word': 'Reverent'},
{'id': 298, 'meaning': 'great respect or reverence', 'word': 'Veneration'},
{'id': 299,
'meaning': 'a mentor in spiritual or philosophical topic who is renowned for profound wisdom',
'word': 'Sage'},
{'id': 300, 'meaning': 'promoting health; healthful', 'word': 'Salubrious'},
{'id': 301, 'meaning': 'official approval or permission', 'word': 'Sanction'},
{'id': 302, 'meaning': 'fill to satisfaction', 'word': 'Satiate'},
{'id': 303, 'meaning': 'infuse or fill completely', 'word': 'Saturate'},
{'id': 304,
'meaning': 'the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth',
'word': 'Savour'},
{'id': 305,
'meaning': 'a substance such as salt or ketchup that is used to add flavour to food',
'word': 'Condiment'},
{'id': 306,
'meaning': 'generate and separate from body cell or bodily fluids',
'word': 'Secrete'},
{'id': 307, 'meaning': 'a broken piece of brittle artefact', 'word': 'Shard'},
{'id': 308,
'meaning': 'someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs',
'word': 'Skeptic'},
{'id': 309, 'meaning': 'full of anxiety and concern', 'word': 'Solicitous'},
{'id': 310, 'meaning': 'sleep indulging', 'word': 'Soporific'},
{'id': 311, 'meaning': 'plausible but false', 'word': 'Specious'},
{'id': 312,
'meaning': 'seemingly reasonable or probable',
'word': 'plausible'},
{'id': 313,
'meaning': 'a broad range of related objects or values or qualities or ideas or activities.',
'word': 'Spectrum'},
{'id': 314,
'meaning': 'recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances',
'word': 'Sporadic'},
{'id': 315, 'meaning': 'a symbol of disgrace or infamy', 'word': 'Stigma'},
{'id': 316,
'meaning': 'a state of being unknown for some bad quality or deed',
'word': 'Infamy'},
{'id': 317,
'meaning': 'supply sparingly and with restricted quantities',
'word': 'Stint'},
{'id': 318,
'meaning': 'specify a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make and express demand or provision in an agreement',
'word': 'Stipulate'},
{'id': 319,
'meaning': 'having or revelaing little emotion or understanding; not easily aroused or excited',
'word': 'Stolid'},
{'id': 320, 'meaning': 'marked with stria or striations', 'word': 'Striate'},
{'id': 321,
'meaning': 'a linear mark, slight ridge or a groove on a surface',
'word': 'Stria'},
{'id': 322,
'meaning': 'to walk with a lofty gait, often in an attempt to impress others',
'word': 'Strut'},
{'id': 323, 'meaning': "a person's manner of walking", 'word': 'Gait'},
{'id': 324,
'meaning': 'a writ inssued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding; disobedience may be punishable as a contempt of court',
'word': 'Subpoena'},
{'id': 325,
'meaning': 'sink to lower level or from a depression',
'word': 'Subside'},
{'id': 326,
'meaning': 'establish or strengthen with new evidence or proof',
'word': 'Substantiate'},
{'id': 327,
'meaning': 'take the place or move into position of',
'word': 'Supersede'},
{'id': 328,
'meaning': 'the cognitive process of supposing',
'word': 'Supposition'},
{'id': 329,
'meaning': 'implied by or inferred from actions or statements',
'word': 'Tacit'},
{'id': 330,
'meaning': 'diverging from a previous course or line; erratic',
'word': 'Tangential'},
{'id': 331, 'meaning': 'a speech of violent denunciation', 'word': 'Tirade'},
{'id': 332, 'meaning': 'very thin in gauge or diameter', 'word': 'Tenuous'},
{'id': 333,
'meaning': 'a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility',
'word': 'Torpor'},
{'id': 334,
'meaning': 'marked by repeated turns and bends',
'word': 'Tortuous'},
{'id': 335, 'meaning': 'easily managed', 'word': 'Tractable'},
{'id': 336,
'meaning': 'the process of transgressing; violation of a law or a duty or moral principle',
'word': 'Transgression'},
{'id': 337,
'meaning': 'incapable of being justified or explained',
'word': 'Unwarranted'},
{'id': 338,
'meaning': 'be undecided about something, waver between conflicting positions or courses of action',
'word': 'Vacillate'},
{'id': 339,
'meaning': 'obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness',
'word': 'Truculence'},
{'id': 340,
'meaning': 'noisy and difficult to control',
'word': 'Onstreperous'},
{'id': 341, 'meaning': 'habitually speaking the truth', 'word': 'Veracious'},
{'id': 342, 'meaning': 'using or containing many words', 'word': 'Verbose'},
{'id': 343,
'meaning': 'capable of life or normal growth and development',
'word': 'viable'},
{'id': 344,
'meaning': 'having or revealing high resistance to flow',
'word': 'viscous'},
{'id': 345,
'meaning': 'marked by harshly abusive criticism',
'word': 'vituperative'},
{'id': 346,
'meaning': 'a substance that changes readily from solid to liquid to vapour',
'word': 'Volatile'},
{'id': 347,
'meaning': 'marked by keen caution and watchful prudence',
'word': 'Wary'},
{'id': 348, 'meaning': 'a confuded multitude of things', 'word': 'Welter'},
{'id': 349,
'meaning': 'determined by chances or impulse or whim rather than necessity or reason',
'word': 'Whimsical'},
{'id': 350,
'meaning': 'a person who is fanatical and unpromising in pursuit of their religious, political or other idols',
'word': 'Zealot'},
{'id': 351,
'meaning': 'filled with excessive and single-minded zeal',
'word': 'Fanatical'},
{'id': 352,
'meaning': 'to give a position or right or power',
'word': 'Abdicate'},
{'id': 353, 'meaning': 'miserable; pitiful', 'word': 'Abject'},
{'id': 354, 'meaning': 'to reject; abondon formally', 'word': 'Abjure'},
{'id': 355,
'meaning': 'the act of cutting; the natural separation of a leaf or other part of plants',
'word': 'Abscission'},
{'id': 356,
'meaning': 'the giving up of certain pleasures',
'word': 'Abstinence'},
{'id': 357, 'meaning': 'very bad', 'word': 'Abysmal'},
{'id': 358,
'meaning': 'growth in size or increase in amount',
'word': 'Accretion'},
{'id': 359, 'meaning': 'to accumulate; grow by addition', 'word': 'Accrue'},
{'id': 360, 'meaning': 'uncompromising; unyielding', 'word': 'Adamant'},
{'id': 361,
'meaning': 'something added; attached or joined',
'word': 'Adjunct'},
{'id': 362, 'meaning': 'pretentious; phoney', 'word': 'Affected'},
{'id': 363, 'meaning': 'fondness; liking; similarity', 'word': 'Affinity'},
{'id': 364, 'meaning': 'to make larger or greater', 'word': 'Aggrandize'},
{'id': 365,
'meaning': 'medieval chemical philosophy based on changing metal into gold; a seemingly magical power or process of transmutation',
'word': 'Alchemy'},
{'id': 366, 'meaning': 'to lessen; ease; soothe', 'word': 'Allay'},
{'id': 367, 'meaning': 'the power to entice by charm', 'word': 'Allure'},
{'id': 368,
'meaning': 'a combination; mixture of two or more metals',
'word': 'Alloy'},
{'id': 369,
'meaning': 'attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage',
'word': 'Entice'},
{'id': 370,
'meaning': 'something delicious; the food of the Gods',
'word': 'Ambrosia'},
{'id': 371, 'meaning': 'agreeable; cooperative; suited', 'word': 'Amenable'},
{'id': 372, 'meaning': 'something that increases comfort', 'word': 'Amenity'},
{'id': 373,
'meaning': 'ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits',
'word': 'Amulet'},
{'id': 374,
'meaning': 'medication that eliminates or reduces pain',
'word': 'Analgesic'},
{'id': 375,
'meaning': 'something that calms or soothes pain',
'word': 'Anodyne'},
{'id': 376, 'meaning': 'something that comes before', 'word': 'Antecedent'},
{'id': 377, 'meaning': 'prehistoric', 'word': 'Antediluvian'},
{'id': 378, 'meaning': 'at the highest point', 'word': 'Apex'},
{'id': 379,
'meaning': 'the point or orbit most distant from the body being orbited; the highest point',
'word': 'Apogee'},
{'id': 380, 'meaning': 'a terse, witty saying', 'word': 'Apothegm'},
{'id': 381, 'meaning': 'sparing in use of words', 'word': 'Terse'},
{'id': 382, 'meaning': 'name', 'word': 'Appellation'},
{'id': 383,
'meaning': 'strikingly appropriate and relevant',
'word': 'Apposite'},
{'id': 384,
'meaning': 'ornate design featuring intertwined curves',
'word': 'Arabesque'},
{'id': 385,
'meaning': 'the study of material evidence of past human life',
'word': 'Archaeology'},
{'id': 386, 'meaning': 'great emotion or passion', 'word': 'Ardor'},
{'id': 387,
'meaning': 'a specialized vocabulary used by a group',
'word': 'Argot'},
{'id': 388, 'meaning': 'to stop or seize', 'word': 'Arrest'},
{'id': 389, 'meaning': 'item made by human craft', 'word': 'Artefact'},
{'id': 390,
'meaning': 'severity; harshness; irritability',
'word': 'Asperity'},
{'id': 391, 'meaning': 'slander; false rumor', 'word': 'Aspersion'},
{'id': 392, 'meaning': 'harsh; severe', 'word': 'Astringent'},
{'id': 393, 'meaning': 'place to refuge or shelter', 'word': 'Asylum'},
{'id': 394,
'meaning': 'in biology the reappearance of a characteristic in an organism after several generation of absence',
'word': 'Atavism'},
{'id': 395, 'meaning': 'Greed', 'word': 'Avarice'},
{'id': 396, 'meaning': 'secondary occupation', 'word': 'Avocation'},
{'id': 397,
'meaning': 'like an uncle; benevolent and tolerant',
'word': 'Avuncular'},
{'id': 398,
'meaning': 'taken for granted; self-evident truth',
'word': 'Axiomatic'},
{'id': 399,
'meaning': 'pertaining to riotous or drunken festivities; pertaining to revelry',
'word': 'Bacchanalian'},
{'id': 400, 'meaning': 'playful converation', 'word': 'Banter'},
{'id': 401, 'meaning': 'poet', 'word': 'Bard'},
{'id': 402, 'meaning': 'obscene', 'word': 'Bawdy'},
{'id': 403,
'meaning': 'to sanctify; to bless; to ascribe a virtue to',
'word': 'Beatify'},
{'id': 404,
'meaning': 'to dress in a vulgar, showy manner',
'word': 'Bedizen'},
{'id': 405,
'meaning': 'huge creature; anything very large and powerful',
'word': 'Behemoth'},
{'id': 406,
'meaning': 'lively and noisy festivity, especially when these involves drinking a large amount of alcohol',
'word': 'Revelry'},
{'id': 407, 'meaning': 'to divide into two parts', 'word': 'Bifurcate'},
{'id': 408, 'meaning': 'flattery', 'word': 'Blandishment'},
{'id': 409,
'meaning': 'bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned',
'word': 'Blase'},
{'id': 410, 'meaning': 'cowlike', 'word': 'Bovine'},
{'id': 411, 'meaning': 'bold; shameless', 'word': 'Brazen'},
{'id': 412, 'meaning': 'to mention for the first time', 'word': 'Broach'},
{'id': 413,
'meaning': 'characteristic of the countryside, rustic, pastoral',
'word': 'Bucolic'},
{'id': 414, 'meaning': 'to beg; sponge', 'word': 'Cadge'},
{'id': 415, 'meaning': 'thick-skinned; insensitive', 'word': 'Callous'},
{'id': 416,
'meaning': 'false and malicious accusation; slander',
'word': 'Calumny'},
{'id': 417,
'meaning': 'false, deliberately misleading story',
'word': 'Canard'},
{'id': 418,
'meaning': 'an establishment set of principles; a basis of standard of judgement; a group of literary people',
'word': 'Canon'},
{'id': 419,
'meaning': 'insincere talk; language for a particular group',
'word': 'Cant'},
{'id': 420, 'meaning': 'irritable; ill-mannered', 'word': 'Cantankerous'},
{'id': 421,
'meaning': 'faultfinding; intended to entrap; as in argument',
'word': 'Captious'},
{'id': 422, 'meaning': 'of foremost importance', 'word': 'Cardinal'},
{'id': 423,
'meaning': 'of flesh or body; related to physical appetite',
'word': 'Carnal'},
{'id': 424, 'meaning': 'to find fault; complain', 'word': 'Carping'},
{'id': 425, 'meaning': 'the science of making maps', 'word': 'Cartography'},
{'id': 426,
'meaning': 'any of the hereditary social classes in Hindu society; social stratifaction',
'word': 'Caste'},
{'id': 427,
'meaning': 'a violent upheaval that causes great destruction and change',
'word': 'Cataclysm'},
{'id': 428, 'meaning': 'something that causes change', 'word': 'Catalyst'},
{'id': 429, 'meaning': 'absolute; without exception', 'word': 'Categorical'},
{'id': 430,
'meaning': 'smaller group within an organization',
'word': 'Caucus'},
{'id': 431,
'meaning': 'concerned with sky or heavens; sublime',
'word': 'Celestial'},
{'id': 432, 'meaning': 'involving a cause', 'word': 'Causal'},
{'id': 433, 'meaning': 'moving away from centre', 'word': 'Centrifugal'},
{'id': 434,
'meaning': 'moving toward or directed towards centre',
'word': 'Centripetal'},
{'id': 435, 'meaning': 'to defend or support', 'word': 'Champion'},
{'id': 436,
'meaning': 'to correct by punishment or reproof; to restrain or subdue',
'word': 'Chasten'},
{'id': 437,
'meaning': 'the qualities idealized by knighthood such as bravery and gallantry towards women',
'word': 'Chivalry'},
{'id': 438, 'meaning': 'rude; boorish', 'word': 'Churlish'},
{'id': 439, 'meaning': 'roundabout', 'word': 'Circuitous'},
{'id': 440,
'meaning': 'one who can predict the future; psychic',
'word': 'Clairvoyant'},
{'id': 441, 'meaning': 'noisy outcry', 'word': 'Clamor'},
{'id': 442, 'meaning': 'a small exclusive group', 'word': 'Clique'},
{'id': 443, 'meaning': 'to confine; seclude', 'word': 'Cloister'},
{'id': 444, 'meaning': 'rough, jagged section of rock', 'word': 'Carg'},
{'id': 445,
'meaning': "Any kind of reddish coloured makeup that is used to tint person's cheeks",
'word': 'Rouge'},
{'id': 446,
'meaning': 'any person or thing that is mysterious or mystifying or hard to read or impossible to interpret',
'word': 'Inscrutable'},
{'id': 447, 'meaning': 'to stretch something out', 'word': 'Protract'},
{'id': 448, 'meaning': 'cause to feel distress', 'word': 'Aggrieve'},
{'id': 449, 'meaning': 'intoxicate', 'word': 'Inebriate'},
{'id': 450,
'meaning': 'the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made; an event that occurs at a critical time',
'word': 'Juncture'},
{'id': 451,
'meaning': 'extending out to above and beyond a surface or boundary to change the shape of something',
'word': 'Jutting'},
{'id': 452,
'meaning': 'to act between parties to reconcile differences',
'word': 'Intercede'},
{'id': 453, 'meaning': 'an evil spell', 'word': 'Hex'},
{'id': 454,
'meaning': 'a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people',
'word': 'Rapport'},
{'id': 455, 'meaning': 'stir up or tend; of a fire', 'word': 'Stoke'},
{'id': 456, 'meaning': 'deeply or seriously thoughtful', 'word': 'Pensive'},
{'id': 457,
'meaning': 'a wreath of laurel foliage worn on head as an emblem of victory',
'word': 'Bay Wreath'},
{'id': 458,
'meaning': 'a methal hoop forming a thread of a wheel',
'word': 'Wagon Tire'},
{'id': 459, 'meaning': 'extreme interest or desire or care', 'word': 'Mania'},
{'id': 460,
'meaning': 'feel alone; left out and devastated',
'word': 'Desolute'},
{'id': 461,
'meaning': 'anything that disturbs the resonable use of your property or endangers life or health or is offensive; a bothersome annoying person.',
'word': 'Nuisance'},
{'id': 462, 'meaning': 'rich and superior in quality', 'word': 'Opulent'},
{'id': 463,
'meaning': 'trace or indication that reveals the presence of something; tint colour',
'word': 'Tincture'},
{'id': 464,
'meaning': 'cause to start burning; call forth(emotions feelings and responses)',
'word': 'Enkindle'},
{'id': 465, 'meaning': 'walk with great difficulty', 'word': 'Flounder'},
{'id': 466,
'meaning': 'copy or reproduction of something',
'word': 'Facsimile'},
{'id': 467,
'meaning': 'present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; aquired during fetal development',
'word': 'Innate'},
{'id': 468,
'meaning': 'any of numerous carnivorous birds that hunt and kill other animals',
'word': 'Raptor'},
{'id': 469, 'meaning': 'baby animal', 'word': 'Cub'},
{'id': 470,
'meaning': 'a dog formed by combination of various breeds',
'word': 'Mutt'},
{'id': 471, 'meaning': 'a cushion for kneeling', 'word': 'Hassock'},
{'id': 472,
'meaning': 'a small hispanic shop selling wine and groceries',
'word': 'Bodega'},
{'id': 473,
'meaning': 'to lean your head and torso forward and down',
'word': 'Stoop'},
{'id': 474,
'meaning': 'characterised by dignity and propriety',
'word': 'Staid'},
{'id': 475,
'meaning': 'pertaining to or causing improvement in the offspring produced',
'word': 'Eugenic'},
{'id': 476,
'meaning': 'influnce or urge by gentle urging; caressing or flattering',
'word': 'Cajole'},
{'id': 477,
'meaning': 'heavy club used as weapon; truncheon, night club, cudgel and billy club',
'word': 'Bludgeon'},
{'id': 478,
'meaning': 'not serious in content or attitude or behaviour',
'word': 'Frivolous'},
{'id': 479,
'meaning': 'vigorous and energetic; full of life',
'word': 'Vitality'},
{'id': 480, 'meaning': 'at surface of something', 'word': 'Superficial'},
{'id': 481,
'meaning': 'a small tower extending above a building; self-contained weapon platform housing guns and capable of rotation',
'word': 'Turret'},
{'id': 482, 'meaning': 'front part of a vessel or aircraft', 'word': 'Prow'},
{'id': 483,
'meaning': 'make something dirty or make it to lose purity',
'word': 'Defile'},
{'id': 484,
'meaning': 'troubled persistently especially with pretty annoyance',
'word': 'Harried'},
{'id': 485,
'meaning': 'extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or be filling hell',
'word': 'Fiendish'},
{'id': 486,
'meaning': 'something declared sacred or holy',
'word': 'Consecrated'},
{'id': 487, 'meaning': 'chronological historical record', 'word': 'Annals'},
{'id': 488,
'meaning': 'so great in size or force or extend as to elicit awe',
'word': 'Stupendous'},
{'id': 489, 'meaning': 'state of being forgotten', 'word': 'Oblivion'},
{'id': 490,
'meaning': 'shine, although sometimes quite weakly',
'word': 'Shimmer'},
{'id': 491, 'meaning': 'consider something thoughtfully', 'word': 'Muse'},
{'id': 492,
'meaning': 'produced or growing in excess abundance; a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually',
'word': 'Lush'},
{'id': 493, 'meaning': 'wicked, considerd as a sin', 'word': 'Iniquitous'},
{'id': 494,
'meaning': 'characteristic of an absolute ruler; having extreme sovereignty; marked by unjust severity or behaviour',
'word': 'Tyrannical'},
{'id': 495,
'meaning': 'a long-handled tool with a row of tines; to search something; immoral man; slanted plane',
'word': 'Rake'},
{'id': 496, 'meaning': 'make lively or spirited', 'word': 'Enlivened'},
{'id': 497,
'meaning': 'to insult someone or dismiss them in a hateful way',
'word': 'Contemptuous'},
{'id': 498,
'meaning': 'relates to medieval system of feudalism',
'word': 'Feudal'},
{'id': 499, 'meaning': 'squirm or twist', 'word': 'Writhe'},
{'id': 500,
'meaning': 'to be sad; forlorn; or heart broken',
'word': 'Wobegone'},
{'id': 501, 'meaning': 'a disorderly crowd of people', 'word': 'Rabble'},
{'id': 502,
'meaning': 'having or showing arrogant superiority; expressing extreme contempt',
'word': 'Disdainful'},
{'id': 503, 'meaning': 'faughty with danger', 'word': 'Perilous'},
{'id': 504, 'meaning': 'Unplesantly loud and harsh', 'word': 'Strident'},
{'id': 505,
'meaning': 'showing fear and lack of self-confidence',
'word': 'Timid'},
{'id': 506,
'meaning': 'to get over a challenge or difficult situation',
'word': 'Surmount'},
{'id': 507,
'meaning': 'marked by practical half-headed intelligence',
'word': 'Shrewd'},
{'id': 508, 'meaning': 'extras or accessories', 'word': 'Accoutrement'},
{'id': 509, 'meaning': 'extreme excess', 'word': 'Superfluity'},
{'id': 510,
'meaning': 'dressed or clothed especially in fine attire',
'word': 'Garbed'},
{'id': 511,
'meaning': 'giving close and thoughtful attention',
'word': 'Heedful'},
{'id': 512,
'meaning': 'to give a nick-name; raise to knighthood',
'word': 'Dub'},
{'id': 513, 'meaning': 'make calm or still', 'word': 'Lull'},
{'id': 514,
'meaning': 'feeling downcast and dishertened and hopeless',
'word': 'Despondency'},
{'id': 515,
'meaning': 'one of four pointed conical teeth located between incisors and premolars',
'word': 'Canine'},
{'id': 516,
'meaning': 'fixed and established especially by order or command',
'word': 'Decreed'},
{'id': 517,
'meaning': 'affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to mind or spirit',
'word': 'Corporal'},
{'id': 518, 'meaning': 'ceremonial display', 'word': 'Pomp'},
{'id': 519,
'meaning': 'to really like something and to study its history and characteristics',
'word': 'Aficionado'},
{'id': 520, 'meaning': 'a small concavity', 'word': 'Niche'},
{'id': 521,
'meaning': 'a very wealthy businessperson; a bump or ski on a rope',
'word': 'Mogul'},
{'id': 522,
'meaning': 'deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting and illness or emotion',
'word': 'Hoarse'},
{'id': 523,
'meaning': 'a dirty shabbily clothed urchin',
'word': 'Ragamuffin'},
{'id': 524, 'meaning': 'unimportant', 'word': 'Trifling'},
{'id': 525,
'meaning': 'resembling the sound of a brass intrument; tastelessly showy',
'word': 'Brassy'},
{'id': 526, 'meaning': 'related to church', 'word': 'Ecclesiastical'},
{'id': 527,
'meaning': 'characterised by lack of thought or deliberation and undue haste',
'word': 'Impetuous'},
{'id': 528,
'meaning': 'marked by rude or peremptory shortness',
'word': 'Brusque'},
{'id': 529, 'meaning': 'happen in spasms', 'word': 'Convulse'},
{'id': 530, 'meaning': 'rebuffed without warning', 'word': 'Spurned'},
{'id': 531,
'meaning': 'people who believes in things easily without having to be convinced',
'word': 'Credulous'},
{'id': 532, 'meaning': 'here', 'word': 'Hither'},
{'id': 533, 'meaning': 'timid or shy', 'word': 'Timorous'},
{'id': 534, 'meaning': 'a former Spanish gold coin', 'word': 'Doubloon'},
{'id': 535,
'meaning': 'a spread made chiefly from oils and used as substitute to butter',
'word': 'Margarine'},
{'id': 536,
'meaning': 'spicy creole dish of rice and ham',
'word': 'Jambalaya'},
{'id': 537,
'meaning': 'sweet almound-flavoured milk pudding thickend with gelatine or cornstarch; usually moulded',
'word': 'Blancmange'},
{'id': 538,
'meaning': 'impossible to come to understand',
'word': 'Unfathomable'},
{'id': 539,
'meaning': 'preparing a group of people so they are ready to act',
'word': 'Mobilisation'},
{'id': 540,
'meaning': 'standing above others in quality and position',
'word': 'Eminent'},
{'id': 541,
'meaning': 'weather that brings extremely strong guts of wind',
'word': 'Blustery'},
{'id': 542,
'meaning': 'agreement between two or more people',
'word': 'Covenant'},
{'id': 543,
'meaning': 'the property of something spacious and abounding in fresh air',
'word': 'Airiness'},
{'id': 544, 'meaning': 'something that is in bloom', 'word': 'Efflorescence'},
{'id': 545,
'meaning': 'the period or greatest prosperity or productivity',
'word': 'Heyday'},
{'id': 546,
'meaning': 'giving off bubbles; marked by high spirits or excitement',
'word': 'Effervescent'},
{'id': 547,
'meaning': 'speak as if delivering a sermon; express moral judgement',
'word': 'Sermonise'},
{'id': 548,
'meaning': 'Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs',
'word': 'Irony'},
{'id': 549, 'meaning': 'brusque and surly and forbidding', 'word': 'Gruff'},
{'id': 550, 'meaning': "animal's father", 'word': 'Sire'},
{'id': 551, 'meaning': 'cause suffering; pain or misery', 'word': 'Afflict'},
{'id': 552,
'meaning': 'way of making fun of people by silly or exaggerated language',
'word': 'Satire'},
{'id': 553, 'meaning': 'in a flippant manner', 'word': 'Flippantly'},
{'id': 554,
'meaning': 'a disorderly outbrust or tumult',
'word': 'Commotion'},
{'id': 555, 'meaning': 'arrogant and full of pride', 'word': 'Haughty'},
{'id': 556,
'meaning': 'the official right to vote in public elections',
'word': 'Suffrage'},
{'id': 557, 'meaning': 'guiding and restraining', 'word': 'Rein'},
{'id': 558, 'meaning': 'restrain in style or quality', 'word': 'Subdued'},
{'id': 559,
'meaning': 'very successful but does not call attention to that',
'word': 'Modest'},
{'id': 560,
'meaning': 'angry about an unfair situation',
'word': 'Indignant'},
{'id': 561,
'meaning': 'to proceed or get along; cost or food',
'word': 'Fare'},
{'id': 562, 'meaning': 'grief and dispair', 'word': 'Woe'},
{'id': 563,
'meaning': 'a foolish and usaully extravagant passion or love or admiration',
'word': 'Infatuation'},
{'id': 564,
'meaning': 'a right reserved exclusively by particular person or group',
'word': 'Prerogative'},
{'id': 565,
'meaning': 'easily triggered feeling or repulsion',
'word': 'Squemishness'},
{'id': 566, 'meaning': 'something that soothes', 'word': 'Salve'},
{'id': 567, 'meaning': 'diminish gradually', 'word': 'Taper'},
{'id': 568,
'meaning': 'flase reason given for doing something',
'word': 'Pretext'},
{'id': 569,
'meaning': 'unpredictable and it may be risky or downright dangerous',
'word': 'Dicey'},
{'id': 570, 'meaning': 'sense of humor in a sarcastic tone', 'word': 'Wry'},
{'id': 571,
'meaning': 'things are eccentric or shockingly strong',
'word': 'Outre'},
{'id': 572, 'meaning': 'same as cash register', 'word': 'Till'},
{'id': 573, 'meaning': 'risky and suspicious situation', 'word': 'Dodgy'},
{'id': 574,
'meaning': 'something that makes one suffer',
'word': 'Affliction'},
{'id': 575,
'meaning': 'a inlet along the shoreline of a body or water',
'word': 'Bay'},
{'id': 576, 'meaning': 'an artful simulated semblance', 'word': 'Guise'},
{'id': 577, 'meaning': 'modern neck-tie', 'word': 'Cravat'},
{'id': 578,
'meaning': 'unprincipled, unworthy, dishonest dealing',
'word': 'Knavery'},
{'id': 579, 'meaning': 'a dishonest or unscrupulous man', 'word': 'Knave'},
{'id': 580, 'meaning': 'reckless extravagance', 'word': 'Profligacy'},
{'id': 581,
'meaning': 'relapse into bad ways or errors',
'word': 'Backsliding'},
{'id': 582, 'meaning': 'a violent person', 'word': 'Ruffian'},
{'id': 583,
'meaning': 'disreputable and undesirable person',
'word': 'Riffraff'},
{'id': 584,
'meaning': 'a person who has done something wrong',
'word': 'Miscreant'},
{'id': 585, 'meaning': 'a violent young trouble maker', 'word': 'Hooligan'},
{'id': 586,
'meaning': 'a person who engages in crime and violence',
'word': 'Hoodlum'},
{'id': 587,
'meaning': 'a person especially a child who is mischievous in a likeable or amusing manner',
'word': 'Scamp'},
{'id': 588,
'meaning': 'a mischievous or wayward person especially a young person or child; rascal',
'word': 'Scapegraces'},
{'id': 589, 'meaning': 'annoying and tiresome', 'word': 'Irksome'},
{'id': 590,
'meaning': 'affording satisfaction or pleasure',
'word': 'Gratifying'},
{'id': 591,
'meaning': 'a predisposition in favour of something; biased',
'word': 'Predilection'},
{'id': 592,
'meaning': 'so remarkly different or sudden to cause momentory shock or alaram',
'word': 'Startling'},
{'id': 593,
'meaning': 'worthless due to being feeble and ineffective',
'word': 'Fecklessness'},
{'id': 594, 'meaning': 'moderately warm', 'word': 'Tepid'},
{'id': 595, 'meaning': 'difficult to penetrate', 'word': 'Absture'},
{'id': 596, 'meaning': 'giving strong encouragement', 'word': 'Hortatory'},
{'id': 597, 'meaning': 'growing together; fusing', 'word': 'Coalescing'},
{'id': 598,
'meaning': 'characterised by departure from accepted standards',
'word': 'Heterodox'},
{'id': 599,
'meaning': 'tediously prolong or tending to speak or write at a length',
'word': 'Prolix'},
{'id': 600, 'meaning': 'out of fashion', 'word': 'Outmoded'},
{'id': 601,
'meaning': 'the cultivation of soil or raising crops',
'word': 'Tillage'},
{'id': 602,
'meaning': 'the act of searching food and provisions',
'word': 'Foraging'},
{'id': 603,
'meaning': 'hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; the goodness of healing',
'word': 'Panacea'},
{'id': 604, 'meaning': 'worship or regard as god', 'word': 'Deified'},
{'id': 605,
'meaning': 'shortened by condensing or rewriting',
'word': 'Abridged'},
{'id': 606,
'meaning': 'feeling or revealing an overt sexual desire or interest',
'word': 'Lascivious'},
{'id': 607,
'meaning': 'having or showing knowledge of events even before they take place',
'word': 'Prescient'},
{'id': 608,
'meaning': 'beyond what is normal or natural',
'word': 'Preternatural'},
{'id': 609,
'meaning': 'contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous',
'word': 'Preposterous'},
{'id': 610, 'meaning': 'terse and vigorously expressive', 'word': 'Pithy'},
{'id': 611, 'meaning': 'to grant celebrity status', 'word': 'Lionise'},
{'id': 612, 'meaning': 'compensate for harm or loss', 'word': 'Indemnify'},
{'id': 613,
'meaning': 'affected by or deriving from wildly uncontrolled emotion',
'word': 'Hysterical'},
{'id': 614,
'meaning': 'change or circumstance or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant',
'word': 'Vicissitude'},
{'id': 615,
'meaning': 'the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way',
'word': 'Serendipidity'},
{'id': 616,
'meaning': 'wiht hands or hips and elbows turned outwards flung out widely or haphazardly',
'word': 'Akimbo'},
{'id': 617,
'meaning': 'advocate of a theory, proposal or course of action',
'word': 'Proponent'},
{'id': 618,
'meaning': 'not having or showing foresight; spendthrift or thoughtless',
'word': 'Improvident'},
{'id': 619,
'meaning': 'reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little',
'word': 'Taciturn'},
{'id': 620, 'meaning': 'having little or no money', 'word': 'Impecunious'},
{'id': 621,
'meaning': 'extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical',
'word': 'Quixotic'},
{'id': 622, 'meaning': 'criticise harshly or severely', 'word': 'Panned'},
{'id': 623,
'meaning': 'indiffernce; casual lack of concern',
'word': 'Insouciance'},
{'id': 624,
'meaning': 'likeable and easy to get along with',
'word': 'Simpatico'},
{'id': 625, 'meaning': 'austere', 'word': 'Mauldin'},
{'id': 626,
'meaning': 'persuade someone to do something by means of deception or flattery',
'word': 'Inveigle'},
{'id': 627, 'meaning': 'to talk in a bullying way', 'word': 'Hector'},
{'id': 628, 'meaning': 'be a sign of something', 'word': 'Presage'},
{'id': 629,
'meaning': 'relating to or denoting people descended from same ancestor',
'word': 'Consanguineous'},
{'id': 630, 'meaning': 'timid; shy', 'word': 'Tremulous'},
{'id': 631,
'meaning': 'cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something',
'word': 'Chary'},
{'id': 632,
'meaning': 'a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage',
'word': 'Sycophant'},
{'id': 633,
'meaning': 'highly fertile; producing many ideas; capable of bearing child',
'word': 'Fecund'},
{'id': 634,
'meaning': 'a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another',
'word': 'Harbinger'},
{'id': 635,
'meaning': 'fat or heavily built; strong and thick; having or showing courage and determination',
'word': 'Stout'},
{'id': 636,
'meaning': 'naturally accompanying or associated',
'word': 'Concomitant'},
{'id': 637,
'meaning': 'forming a very small remnant of something that was once greater or more noticeable',
'word': 'Vestigial'},
{'id': 638, 'meaning': 'old-fashioned and outdated', 'word': 'Antiquated'},
{'id': 639, 'meaning': 'minor fault or sin', 'word': 'Peccadilloes'},
{'id': 640, 'meaning': 'a person who starts fire', 'word': 'Incendiaries'},
{'id': 641,
'meaning': 'soon pushing out of sight, memory or existence; quickly fading or disappearing',
'word': 'Evanescent'},
{'id': 642,
'meaning': 'having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; wise and shrewd',
'word': 'Sagacious'},
{'id': 643,
'meaning': 'green with grass or other rich vegetation',
'word': 'Verdant'},
{'id': 644, 'meaning': 'superficial', 'word': 'Facile'},
{'id': 645, 'meaning': 'smooth and soothing', 'word': 'Dulcet'},
{'id': 646,
'meaning': 'nervous or excitable; easily scared',
'word': 'Skittish'},
{'id': 647, 'meaning': 'disparate', 'word': 'Motley'},
{'id': 648,
'meaning': 'of or involving strongly critical or disputatious writing or speech',
'word': 'Polemical'},
{'id': 649,
'meaning': 'fond of having heated arguments',
'word': 'Disputatious'},
{'id': 650, 'meaning': 'beauty', 'word': 'Pulchritude'},
{'id': 651,
'meaning': 'the small, precise or trivial details',
'word': 'Minutiae'},
{'id': 652, 'meaning': 'convincing', 'word': 'Credible'},
{'id': 653, 'meaning': 'the quality of being subtle', 'word': 'Subtleties'},
{'id': 654,
'meaning': 'out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied',
'word': 'Berserk'},
{'id': 655,
'meaning': 'abrupt or offhand in speech or manner',
'word': 'Brusque'},
{'id': 656, 'meaning': 'full or danger or uncretainity', 'word': 'Parlous'},
{'id': 657, 'meaning': 'fearless adventurous', 'word': 'Intrepid'},
{'id': 658,
'meaning': "excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements",
'word': 'Vainglory'},
{'id': 659, 'meaning': 'a small stream; tolerate or allow', 'word': 'Brook'},
{'id': 660, 'meaning': 'an earnest or humble request', 'word': 'Entreaty'},
{'id': 661,
'meaning': 'the lowest or most unsuccessful point in a situation',
'word': 'Nadir'},
{'id': 662,
'meaning': 'a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something desirable or valuable',
'word': 'Modicum'},
{'id': 663,
'meaning': 'expressing or intending to pomote a particular cause or point of view, especially a controversial one',
'word': 'Tendentious'},
{'id': 664, 'meaning': 'extremely dirty and unpleasant', 'word': 'Squalid'},
{'id': 665,
'meaning': 'the area around or beyond a town or port',
'word': 'Hinterland'},
{'id': 666,
'meaning': 'excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol or drugs',
'word': 'Debaunchery'},
{'id': 667,
'meaning': 'promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters',
'word': 'Licentious'},
{'id': 668, 'meaning': 'excite or stimulate', 'word': 'Whet'},
{'id': 669,
'meaning': 'affected, over-refined and ineffectual',
'word': 'Effete'},
{'id': 670,
'meaning': 'attempt to sell, typically by a direct and persistent approach',
'word': 'Tout'},
{'id': 671,
'meaning': 'denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful',
'word': 'Halcyon'},
{'id': 672, 'meaning': 'weak or lacking vitality', 'word': 'Anaemic'},
{'id': 673, 'meaning': 'carry out badly or carelessly', 'word': 'Botched'},
{'id': 674,
'meaning': 'cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions',
'word': 'Leery'},
{'id': 675, 'meaning': 'gentle and kind', 'word': 'Benign'},
{'id': 676,
'meaning': 'deliberately avoid using; abstain from',
'word': 'Eschew'},
{'id': 677, 'meaning': 'loyalty', 'word': 'Fealty'},
{'id': 678,
'meaning': 'equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as',
'word': 'Tantamount'},
{'id': 679, 'meaning': 'vomit', 'word': 'Retch'},
{'id': 680,
'meaning': 'the ability or tendency of something to float in water or other fluid; a cheerful and optimistic attitude or disposition',
'word': 'Buoyancy'},
{'id': 681, 'meaning': 'scold or rebuke', 'word': 'Chide'},
{'id': 682,
'meaning': 'flamboyant confidence of style or manner',
'word': 'Panache'},
{'id': 683, 'meaning': 'ghost; fear', 'word': 'Specter'},
{'id': 684,
'meaning': 'a standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognised',
'word': 'Touchstone'},
{'id': 685,
'meaning': 'fluent or persuasive speaking or writing',
'word': 'Eloquence'},
{'id': 686, 'meaning': 'having grey hair', 'word': 'Grizzled'},
{'id': 687,
'meaning': 'characterised by bitterness or resentment',
'word': 'Rancorous'},
{'id': 688,
'meaning': 'extremely and uncritically fond of something',
'word': 'Doting'},
{'id': 689, 'meaning': 'an impediment or burden', 'word': 'Encumbrance'},
{'id': 690,
'meaning': 'arouse; feel irritated or resentful; pride oneself',
'word': 'Piques'},
{'id': 691,
'meaning': 'new and experimental ideas and methods in art, music or literature',
'word': 'Avant-grade'},
{'id': 692,
'meaning': 'a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning',
'word': 'Allegory'},
{'id': 693, 'meaning': 'supersede and replace', 'word': 'Supplant'},
{'id': 694, 'meaning': 'excessively harsh and severe', 'word': 'Draconian'},
{'id': 695, 'meaning': 'inspire or permeate with', 'word': 'Imbues'},
{'id': 696,
'meaning': 'something or someone that one vehemently dislikes',
'word': 'Anathema'},
{'id': 697,
'meaning': 'conspicuously or obviously offensive',
'word': 'Flagrant'},
{'id': 698,
'meaning': 'not being what it claims to be; false or fake',
'word': 'Spurious'},
{'id': 699,
'meaning': 'a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson',
'word': 'Parable'},
{'id': 700,
'meaning': 'an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one',
'word': 'Innuendos'},
{'id': 701,
'meaning': 'subject to debate, dispute or uncertainity',
'word': 'Moot'},
{'id': 702,
'meaning': 'disturbing beacuse concerned with or causing fear of death',
'word': 'Macarbe'},
{'id': 703,
'meaning': 'a source of frustation or guilt',
'word': 'Albatross'},
{'id': 704,
'meaning': 'directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible',
'word': 'Antithetical'},
{'id': 705,
'meaning': 'an image or representation of something or someone',
'word': 'Simulacrum'},
{'id': 706,
'meaning': 'one who instigates, encourages or assists another to commit an offence',
'word': 'Abettor'},
{'id': 707, 'meaning': 'amateur', 'word': 'Dilettante'},
{'id': 708,
'meaning': 'uncompromising advocate of an ideology',
'word': 'Ideologues'},
{'id': 709,
'meaning': 'ability to make good judgement and take quick decisions',
'word': 'Acumen'},
{'id': 710,
'meaning': 'a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer',
'word': 'Apprentice'},
{'id': 711,
'meaning': 'lack of thought or intelligence; empty-headedness',
'word': 'Vacuity'},
{'id': 712,
'meaning': 'conformity to or following what is currently popular and fashionable',
'word': 'Veracity'},
{'id': 713,
'meaning': 'conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable',
'word': 'Modishness'},
{'id': 714,
'meaning': 'divide into smaller mutually hostile states or groups',
'word': 'Balkanised'},
{'id': 715,
'meaning': 'use of clever but false arguments',
'word': 'sophistry'},
{'id': 716,
'meaning': 'a position requiring little or no work but giving holder status or financial benefit',
'word': 'Sinecure'},
{'id': 717, 'meaning': 'declare invalid', 'word': 'Annulling'},
{'id': 718,
'meaning': 'open in principle to revision; valid objection for future annulment',
'word': 'Defeasible'},
{'id': 719,
'meaning': 'awkward; clumsy; inefficient or inept',
'word': 'Maladroitness'},
{'id': 720,
'meaning': 'a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen',
'word': 'Trepidation'},
{'id': 721,
'meaning': 'art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing',
'word': 'Rhetoric'},
{'id': 722, 'meaning': 'interfering', 'word': 'Meddlesome'},
{'id': 723,
'meaning': 'concerned with diet and nutrition',
'word': 'Dietetic'},
{'id': 724, 'meaning': 'an item of food; edible', 'word': 'Comestible'},
{'id': 725,
'meaning': 'a plant variety that has been produced in cultivation by selective breeding',
'word': 'Cultivars'},
{'id': 726, 'meaning': 'decease or ailments', 'word': 'Maladies'},
{'id': 727, 'meaning': 'involving trust', 'word': 'Fiduciary'},
{'id': 728, 'meaning': 'reluctant; unwilling', 'word': 'Loath'},
{'id': 729,
'meaning': "a feeling or smug or critical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.",
'word': 'Complacence'},
{'id': 730, 'meaning': 'place side by side or contrast', 'word': 'Juxtapose'},
{'id': 731,
'meaning': 'firm and dependable especially in loyalty',
'word': 'Staunch'},
{'id': 732,
'meaning': 'characterised or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity',
'word': 'Precocious'},
{'id': 733, 'meaning': 'extreme generosity and giving', 'word': 'Largess'},
{'id': 734,
'meaning': 'a gathering of persons representative of some larger group',
'word': 'Contingent'},
{'id': 735,
'meaning': 'being of questionable authenticity',
'word': 'Apocryphal'},
{'id': 736,
'meaning': 'impervious to correction by punishment',
'word': 'Incorrigible'},
{'id': 737, 'meaning': 'dishonourable', 'word': 'Ignoble'},
{'id': 738,
'meaning': 'gain favour with somebody by deliberate efforts',
'word': 'Ingratiate'},
{'id': 739,
'meaning': 'requiring secret or mysterious knowledge',
'word': 'Arcane'},
{'id': 740, 'meaning': 'habitual', 'word': 'Inveterate'},
{'id': 741,
'meaning': 'presenting favourable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs of success',
'word': 'Propitious'},
{'id': 742,
'meaning': 'done with great haste and without due deliberation',
'word': 'Precipitous'},
{'id': 743,
'meaning': 'enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellucutal or moral improvement',
'word': 'Edifying'},
{'id': 744, 'meaning': 'expressing disapproval', 'word': 'Pejorative'},
{'id': 745,
'meaning': 'marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed',
'word': 'Furtive'},
{'id': 746,
'meaning': 'very hungry; approaching an activity with gusto',
'word': 'Voracious'},
{'id': 747,
'meaning': 'carelessly and hastily put together',
'word': 'Slapdash'},
{'id': 748, 'meaning': 'to yearn for', 'word': 'Pine'},
{'id': 749,
'meaning': 'eager to fight or argue; verbally combative',
'word': 'Pugnacious'},
{'id': 750, 'meaning': 'to pester', 'word': 'Badger'},
{'id': 751, 'meaning': 'intense hostility', 'word': 'Animosity'},
{'id': 752,
'meaning': 'felt or underdone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another',
'word': 'Vicarious'},
{'id': 753, 'meaning': 'an ill-tempered and violent woman', 'word': 'Virago'},
{'id': 754, 'meaning': 'a frenzied or uncontrolled state', 'word': 'Amok'},
{'id': 755, 'meaning': 'a pause from something', 'word': 'Respite'},
{'id': 756,
'meaning': 'marked by carefree unconventionality or disreputableness',
'word': 'Raffish'},
{'id': 757,
'meaning': 'state of uncertainity or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavourable options',
'word': 'Quandary'},
{'id': 758, 'meaning': 'spirit of the times', 'word': 'Zeitgeist'},
{'id': 759,
'meaning': 'a person who has abandoned a religious faith or cause',
'word': 'Apostate'},
{'id': 760, 'meaning': 'to eliminate completely', 'word': 'Expunge'},
{'id': 761,
'meaning': 'critical explanation or analysis; especially of a text',
'word': 'Exegesis'},
{'id': 762, 'meaning': 'an outcast', 'word': 'Pariah'},
{'id': 763, 'meaning': 'intricate and complex', 'word': 'Byzantine'},
{'id': 764, 'meaning': 'illusive; unreal', 'word': 'Phantasmagorical'},
{'id': 765,
'meaning': 'exaltation to divine status; the highest point of development',
'word': 'Apotheosis'},
{'id': 766,
'meaning': 'the confusion of words with another word that sounds familiar',
'word': 'Malapropism'},
{'id': 767,
'meaning': 'having clarity in terms of expression',
'word': 'Limpid'},
{'id': 768,
'meaning': 'joy from watching the suffering of others',
'word': 'Schadenfreude'},
{'id': 769, 'meaning': 'extremely optimistic', 'word': 'Pollyannaish'},
{'id': 770, 'meaning': 'dull; lacking flavour', 'word': 'Jejune'},
{'id': 771,
'meaning': 'describing a victory that comes at such great cost that the victory is not worthwhile',
'word': 'Pyrrhic'},
{'id': 772,
'meaning': 'to be moralising; usually in a pompous sense',
'word': 'Sententious'},
{'id': 773,
'meaning': 'something that has been changed numerous times but on which traces of former iterations can still be seen',
'word': 'Palimpsest'},
{'id': 774,
'meaning': "excessively flattering toward someone's life or work",
'word': 'Hagiographic'},
{'id': 775,
'meaning': 'edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate',
'word': 'Bowdlerize'},
{'id': 776,
'meaning': 'acutely insightful and wise',
'word': 'Perspicacious'},
{'id': 777,
'meaning': 'a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes',
'word': 'Charlatan'},
{'id': 778,
'meaning': 'any long and tedious account of something',
'word': 'Litany'},
{'id': 779,
'meaning': 'a statement made about the future',
'word': 'Prognostication'},
{'id': 780,
'meaning': 'a socially awakward or tactless act',
'word': 'Solecism'},
{'id': 781, 'meaning': 'to enclose usually in walls', 'word': 'Immure'},
{'id': 782,
'meaning': 'something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity',
'word': 'Subterfuge'},
{'id': 783,
'meaning': 'of or characteristic of a child; displaying or suggesting lack of maturity',
'word': 'Puerile'},
{'id': 784,
'meaning': 'fit together tightly; as if by means of an interlocking joint',
'word': 'Dovetail'},
{'id': 785,
'meaning': 'to make accustomed to something unpleasant',
'word': 'Inure'},
{'id': 786,
'meaning': 'stealthy; taking pains not to be caught or detected',
'word': 'Surreptitious'},
{'id': 787,
'meaning': 'deeply hurt the feelings of; distress',
'word': 'Lacerate'},
{'id': 788, 'meaning': 'not real or genuine', 'word': 'Ersatz'},
{'id': 789,
'meaning': 'smug and ignorant towards artistic and cultural values',
'word': 'Philistine'},
{'id': 790,
'meaning': 'threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic development',
'word': 'Baleful'},
{'id': 791,
'meaning': "do something that one considers to be below one's dignity",
'word': 'Deign'},
{'id': 792, 'meaning': 'total lack of meaning or ideas', 'word': 'Inanity'},
{'id': 793,
'meaning': 'the most essential part of something',
'word': 'Pith'},
{'id': 794,
'meaning': 'be bossy towards; discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering maneer',
'word': 'Browbeat'},
{'id': 795,
'meaning': 'a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime',
'word': 'Reprisal'},
{'id': 796, 'meaning': 'a trite or obvious remark', 'word': 'Bromide'},
{'id': 797,
'meaning': 'convert to another religion, philosophy, or prespective',
'word': 'Proselytize'},
{'id': 798, 'meaning': 'brave; bold; courageous', 'word': 'Doughty'},
{'id': 799, 'meaning': 'expressing sorrow', 'word': 'Elegiac'},
{'id': 800, 'meaning': 'having extremely bad smell', 'word': 'Noisome'},
{'id': 801,
'meaning': 'associated with or participating in an activity, especially one of a questionable manner',
'word': 'Complicit'},
{'id': 802,
'meaning': 'the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess',
'word': 'Bridle'},
{'id': 803, 'meaning': 'showing sorrow', 'word': 'Dolorous'},
{'id': 804,
'meaning': '(a conflict) within a group or organization',
'word': 'Internecine'},
{'id': 805,
'meaning': 'overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner towards inferiors',
'word': 'Hauteur'},
{'id': 806, 'meaning': 'a pauper who lives by begging', 'word': 'Mendicant'},
{'id': 807,
'meaning': 'highly or widely praised or boasted about',
'word': 'Vaunted'},
{'id': 808,
'meaning': 'being or equal extend or scope or duration',
'word': 'Coterminous'},
{'id': 809, 'meaning': 'attack as false or wrong', 'word': 'Impugn'},
{'id': 810,
'meaning': 'a very intense and uncontrolled fire',
'word': 'Conflagration'},
{'id': 811,
'meaning': 'characterised by lightness and insubstantiality',
'word': 'Ethereal'},
{'id': 812, 'meaning': 'accepted the taste or mind', 'word': 'Palatable'},
{'id': 813,
'meaning': 'resourcefulness and determination',
'word': 'Gumption'},
{'id': 814,
'meaning': 'great coolness and composure under stress',
'word': 'Aplomb'},
{'id': 815,
'meaning': 'strongly attracted to or in love with',
'word': 'Enamored'},
{'id': 816, 'meaning': 'impossible to avoid or evade', 'word': 'Ineluctable'},
{'id': 817, 'meaning': 'showing sorrow', 'word': 'Lachrymose'},
{'id': 818,
'meaning': 'greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation',
'word': 'Exorbitant'},
{'id': 819,
'meaning': 'unhappy in love; suffering from unrequired love',
'word': 'Bereft'},
{'id': 820, 'meaning': 'very irritable', 'word': 'Splenetic'},
{'id': 821,
'meaning': 'the name derived from a person; the person for whom something is named',
'word': 'Eponym'},
{'id': 822, 'meaning': 'to surrender', 'word': 'Capitulate'},
{'id': 823, 'meaning': 'the appearance of truth', 'word': 'Verisimilitude'},
{'id': 824, 'meaning': 'light teasing', 'word': 'Raillery'},
{'id': 825,
'meaning': 'the quality of being meager(lacking in quantity or quality)',
'word': 'Exiguity'},
{'id': 826,
'meaning': 'a living full of debaunchery and indulgence in sensual pleasure',
'word': 'Dissolution'},
{'id': 827, 'meaning': 'to deceive or trick someone', 'word': 'Hoodwink'},
{'id': 828,
'meaning': 'revoke or relinquish formally; do away with',
'word': 'Abrogate'},
{'id': 829, 'meaning': 'speak rapidly and incessantly', 'word': 'Palaver'},
{'id': 830, 'meaning': 'resist', 'word': 'Buck'},
{'id': 831, 'meaning': 'show submissions of fear', 'word': 'Grovel'},
{'id': 832,
'meaning': 'marked by refinement in taste and manners',
'word': 'Genteel'},
{'id': 833,
'meaning': '(of a person) speaking with ease by without sinserity',
'word': 'Glib'},
{'id': 834,
'meaning': 'a slight or superficial understanding of something of a subject; a small amount of something',
'word': 'Smattering'},
{'id': 835,
'meaning': 'gnaw(bite at or nibble something persistently) into; make resentful or angry',
'word': 'Rankle'},
{'id': 836,
'meaning': 'an abundant supply of something good',
'word': 'Cornucopia'},
{'id': 837, 'meaning': 'reject with contempt', 'word': 'Spurn'},
{'id': 838, 'meaning': 'attack in speech or writing', 'word': 'Assail'},
{'id': 839, 'meaning': 'made ineffective or powerless', 'word': 'Hamstrung'},
{'id': 840, 'meaning': 'easily irritated or annoyed', 'word': 'Peevish'},
{'id': 841,
'meaning': 'taking part in immoral and unethical plots',
'word': 'Connive'},
{'id': 842,
'meaning': 'a behavioural attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual',
'word': 'Foible'},
{'id': 843, 'meaning': 'a perceptive understanding', 'word': 'Savvy'},
{'id': 844,
'meaning': 'to leave or merger(a combination of two things) resources, to scrape by',
'word': 'Eke'},
{'id': 845, 'meaning': 'a witty saying or remark', 'word': 'Quip'},
{'id': 846,
'meaning': 'spend thoughtlessly; waste time, money or opportunity',
'word': 'Squander'},
{'id': 847,
'meaning': 'something that is concise and instructive of a general truth or principle',
'word': 'Aphoristic'},
{'id': 848,
'meaning': 'use of physical or mental energy; hard work; agony and anguish',
'word': 'Travail'},
{'id': 849,
'meaning': 'wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred',
'word': 'Malevolent'},
{'id': 850, 'meaning': 'dull and lacking excitement', 'word': 'Humdrum'},
{'id': 851,
'meaning': "to be in one's duty or obligation",
'word': 'Behoove'},
{'id': 852,
'meaning': 'marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences',
'word': 'Foolhardy'},
{'id': 853,
'meaning': 'given to haughty(arrogant superior and disdainful) disregard for others',
'word': 'Cavalier'},
{'id': 854, 'meaning': 'collect information bit by bit', 'word': 'Glean'},
{'id': 855,
'meaning': 'stopping and starting at irregular intervals',
'word': 'Intermittent'},
{'id': 856,
'meaning': 'leniency and compassion shown towards offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice',
'word': 'Clemency'},
{'id': 857, 'meaning': 'having an unpleasant smell', 'word': 'Malodorous'},
{'id': 858, 'meaning': 'in terrible condition', 'word': 'Dilapidated'},
{'id': 859,
'meaning': 'involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt; foul and run-down and repulsive',
'word': 'Sordid'},
{'id': 860,
'meaning': 'a short instructive saying about a general truth',
'word': 'Aphorism'},
{'id': 861, 'meaning': 'compete for something', 'word': 'Vie'},
{'id': 862,
'meaning': 'uneasiness about the fitness of an action',
'word': 'Qualm'},
{'id': 863,
'meaning': 'harass, as with question or requests; cause to feel distressed or worried',
'word': 'Besiege'},
{'id': 864, 'meaning': 'describing a lively atmosphere', 'word': 'Convivial'},
{'id': 865, 'meaning': 'refuse to comply', 'word': 'Balk'},
{'id': 866, 'meaning': 'an incorrect or unsuitable name', 'word': 'Misnomer'},
{'id': 867,
'meaning': 'extreme greed for material wealth',
'word': 'Cupidity'},
{'id': 868,
'meaning': 'causing annoyance or difficulty',
'word': 'Nettlesome'}
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