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Created January 10, 2019 14:01
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  • Save vatsalsaglani/9f0e90b81f9d026b632aece066087170 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vatsalsaglani/9f0e90b81f9d026b632aece066087170 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Download this .sh file and install it using "bash" command to install all the FAST-AI packages/libraries on your personal system. Implement all the concepts related to ML for coders taught at on your personal computers. For macOS users open the file and check the comments.
echo "For macOS open this script file and check the comments!!!"
# FAST-AI ML for CODERS on your laptop using virtualenv
# Note: Your system must have python3.6 installed.
# Run this file using `bash`
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get python3-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
# For macOS comment out the above three lines and uncomment the below given line and then run the file
# brew install python3-pip
echo"on macOS if the above command doesn't work open the script"
pip3 install -U virtualenv
# on macOS if the above command doesn't work do comment the above given line and uncomment the below give line and then run
# pip3 install -U virtualenv --ignore-installed six
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 FAST-AI
source ./bin/activate
pip3 install -U ipykernel
ipython kernel install --user --name=FASTAIML
# this creates a FASTAIML ipython kernel which we can use on the jupyter notebook
pip3 install --no-deps fastai==0.7.0
pip3 install -U bcolz
pip3 install -U bleach
pip3 install -U certifi
pip3 install -U cycler
pip3 install -U entrypoints
pip3 install -U feather-format
pip3 install -U graphviz
pip3 install -U html5lib
pip3 install -U ipywidgets
pip3 install -U isoweek
pip3 install -U Jinja2
pip3 install -U jsonschema
pip3 install -U jupyter
pip3 install -U MarkupSafe
pip3 install -U matplotlib
pip3 install -U opencv-python
pip3 install -U pandas
pip3 install -U pandas-summary
pip3 install -U plotnine
pip3 install -U pyparsing
pip3 install -U pytz
pip3 install -U PyYAML
pip3 install -U scipy
pip3 install -U seaborn
pip3 install -U simplegeneric
pip3 install -U sklearn-pandas
pip3 install -U testpath
pip3 install -U torchtext
pip3 install -U tqdm
pip3 install -U webencodings
pip3 install -U widgetsnbextension
pip3 install torch torchvision
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