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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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-- Gautam Muralidhar, Srivatsan Ramanujam, Oct-2014
-- PL/Python UDF, which calls the native Canny edge detection application
-- Input: the raw image byte stream encoded as a comma-separated string and stored in a column in a HAWQ table
-- Output: a composite type as defined in Figure 5.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION canny_edge_detect(img varchar)
RETURNS canny_output_type
import ctypes
from array import array
from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer
libfile = '/usr/local/lib/ds/'
# Load the shared object of the native Canny edge detection application
# GD is a global dictionary supplied by PL/Python that is available to each user session
if(not GD.has_key('canny_edge_detection')):
GD['canny_edge_detection'] = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libfile)
dl = GD['canny_edge_detection']
# Prepare to call the native getImgSizeFromByteStream function to determine the image size
getImgSize = dl.getImgSizeFromByteStream
# Specify the input argument types of the native function using ctypes mapping
getImgSize.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_uint]
# Specify the result type of the native function as an ndpointer from numpy.ctypeslib
getImgSize.restype = ndpointer(dtype=ctypes.c_uint,shape=(2,))
# Map the comma-separated string representing the image byte stream to a character array
buf = array('b', map(int, img.split(','))).tostring()
# Call the native getImgSizeFromByteStream function
imgSize = getImgSize(ctypes.c_char_p(buf),ctypes.c_uint(len(buf)) )
# Repeat above steps to call the native edgeDetectionFromByteStream function
edgeDetect = dl.edgeDetectionFromByteStream
edgeDetect.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p,ctypes.c_uint]
edgeDetect.restype = ndpointer(dtype=ctypes.c_uint,shape=(imgSize[0]*imgSize[1],))
result = edgeDetect(ctypes.c_char_p(buf),ctypes.c_uint(len(buf)))
# Return the composite type
return [imgSize[0], imgSize[1], result]
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