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Created January 25, 2019 08:41
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Analyzing CloudTrail Logs using jq/bash
# Cloudtrail recursively search through all events in different folders relating to a specific log group which generated #
find . -name '*.json' -exec cat {} \; | jq '.Records[] | select(.requestParameters.logGroupName=="/mnt/log/communications-delivery-stage")' | jq -s '[ .[] | select(.errorCode=="ResourceAlreadyExistsException") ] | unique_by(.eventName)'
find . -name '*.json' -exec cat {} \; | jq '.Records[] | select(.requestID=="3ddb4d1f-41d2-11e8-8533-1dadb66cbff4")'
-- Count number of Exceptions
find . -name '*.json' -exec cat {} \; | jq '.Records[]' | jq -s '[ .[] | select(.errorCode=="ResourceAlreadyExistsException") ] | length'
# Create new JSON object of eventName and eventTime #
cat $DESKTOP/logGroupName.txt | jq '.Records[]' | jq -s '[ .[] | select(.errorCode=="ResourceAlreadyExistsException") ] | .[] | { "eventName":.eventName,"eventTime":.eventTime}'
"eventName": "CreateLogGroup",
"eventTime": "2018-04-18T00:24:20Z"
"eventName": "CreateLogGroup",
"eventTime": "2018-04-18T00:46:04Z"
"eventName": "CreateLogGroup",
"eventTime": "2018-04-18T00:44:54Z"
-- Show only unique
cat $DESKTOP/logGroupName.txt | jq '.Records[]' | jq -s '[ .[] | select(.errorCode=="ResourceAlreadyExistsException") ] | unique_by(.eventName)'
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