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Created April 6, 2012 02:09
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syntaxrigger: what can you tell me about heroku foreman?
syntaxrigger: necessary?
syntaxrigger: Foreman - an easy option for running your apps locally
syntaxrigger: if you don't use it then I won't worry about it right now
INSANITYWOLF: you probably don't need to worry about foreman
syntaxrigger: cool
INSANITYWOLF: it's for process management
syntaxrigger: what is considered process management?
INSANITYWOLF: we use it to manage our service processes so that they don't live forever.
syntaxrigger: can you give me an example?
INSANITYWOLF: a service worker gets spun up, it does some stuff, and once it returns its data it gets killed by foreman so it doesn't eat cycles
syntaxrigger: ah ha
syntaxrigger: like garbage control but for initialize processes right?
INSANITYWOLF: yeah kinda
syntaxrigger: errr garbage collection*
syntaxrigger: cool thanks for the help man
INSANITYWOLF: at least the way i understand it. i haven't worked with it personally
syntaxrigger: how's your concept document coming?
INSANITYWOLF: it's not yet.
syntaxrigger: no bigs, good enough. thanks
syntaxrigger: cool, if you want some help let me know
INSANITYWOLF: still kinda thinking
syntaxrigger: fair enough
INSANITYWOLF: i'm working with a pretty broad idea so far.
INSANITYWOLF: prcedurally generated world, that can have villages in it, and people in the villages
syntaxrigger: fair enough, i am pretty good at asking questions or breaking things down into smaller parts. just let me know if I can help
INSANITYWOLF: now i have to figure out what it actually does
INSANITYWOLF: i figure the world will have different 'biomes' that have different kinds of resources. there needs to be some sort of interaction b/w villages.
INSANITYWOLF: gotta figure out how i make them need resources
syntaxrigger: I think a good thing to decide is how much low level control you want players to have then try to connect it, via processes, to your broad concept. Does that make sense?
INSANITYWOLF: i'm pretty sure i want the interaction to be pretty simple.
INSANITYWOLF: i dont know though
syntaxrigger: I am certain there are mathematical formulas you will be able to use to abstract things out like resource consumption, growth rates, ratios, etc
INSANITYWOLF: but other than food what resources exist and what are they used for
syntaxrigger: well that depnds on the level of control
syntaxrigger: if we are talking dwarf fortress then you have food, shelter, and companionship
syntaxrigger: so all mats for shelter
syntaxrigger: all mats for maintaining companions
syntaxrigger: all mats for growing food
INSANITYWOLF: yeah i was thinking something like that
INSANITYWOLF: food, shelter, safety
INSANITYWOLF: i guess i have to figure out what a village can do
syntaxrigger: it is easy to get bogged down with how many factors CAN be included in your game but I would say you have to decide how you want your players to think and make THAT interaction the most detailed
INSANITYWOLF: so far i figure it can trade with other villages
syntaxrigger: abstract everything else out
INSANITYWOLF: yeah yeah. i mean i CAN do anything.
INSANITYWOLF: but it's what does it actually do
INSANITYWOLF: and also villages can fight with other villages
INSANITYWOLF: but the player shouldn't really be able to force those things to happen
syntaxrigger: so you can pull a civ and have the trade agreement actually pop up for the player to decide or just give it a percentage success rate
syntaxrigger: percentage success rates are your bread and butter
syntaxrigger: you can pretty much eyeball them and tweak later
syntaxrigger: ask questions like, how often should X succeed when doing Y
INSANITYWOLF: i get how success rates work bro :)
syntaxrigger: ok no big
syntaxrigger: sometimes it helps to have things said, helps me anyways
INSANITYWOLF: yeah i know
INSANITYWOLF: i mean i don't have a mechanic problem yet
INSANITYWOLF: i'm going in with the idea that any arbitrary mechanic will 'work'
INSANITYWOLF: but what mechanics are there
syntaxrigger: well it sounds like you want to focus on strategy and unit management, does that sound right?
INSANITYWOLF: not really
INSANITYWOLF: well unit management yea
syntaxrigger: then what do you want the player to focus on
syntaxrigger: ok
INSANITYWOLF: but not really strategy.
syntaxrigger: what should be 75% of what they are thinking about
INSANITYWOLF: not sure yet
INSANITYWOLF: i'm not sure what i create ends up being a fun game
syntaxrigger: yeah it is hard to narrow it down because it is a trade off
INSANITYWOLF: becasue really i jsut awant a sandbox
syntaxrigger: if it is fun to you then there is a good chance other people will like it
INSANITYWOLF: user loads up the gme. creates a world. puts villages in that world. tells the villages how to act, and then they just kind of go
syntaxrigger: well a sandbox games is really defined by its borders
syntaxrigger: what you are NOT allowed to do
syntaxrigger: imo
INSANITYWOLF: you are not allowed to directly control units
syntaxrigger: ok so unit management
INSANITYWOLF: i know that
syntaxrigger: what would be the goal? what is the win condition?
INSANITYWOLF: there isn't one
INSANITYWOLF: it's a sandbox
syntaxrigger: so then what is fun about the game?
syntaxrigger: building stuff
syntaxrigger: ?
INSANITYWOLF: the goal is to just be creative
INSANITYWOLF: and try things and see what happens
syntaxrigger: sandbox games still have goals but they have other things you can do as well
INSANITYWOLF: not all of them
syntaxrigger: name one
INSANITYWOLF: have you played universe sandbox?
syntaxrigger: no
syntaxrigger: minecraft has a goal
INSANITYWOLF: what is it
syntaxrigger: single player is to survive
syntaxrigger: multiplayer is to create
INSANITYWOLF: if you play it that way
syntaxrigger: what other way is there to play?
INSANITYWOLF: i always just liked exploring
syntaxrigger: all multiplayer is, is just tools given to a player to create with
INSANITYWOLF: but there's not really a definite goal.
syntaxrigger: there isn't a stated goal
INSANITYWOLF: idea is that players create thier own goals
syntaxrigger: exploring is a goal that you define based on what you are given
syntaxrigger: they can sure
syntaxrigger: but the "nudge" from the game developer is to create
syntaxrigger: hence the many levels of tools
INSANITYWOLF: yeah definitely. the push here i guess would be to create worlds
syntaxrigger: people can repurpose things all the time
INSANITYWOLF: but the ultimate goal is what you make it
syntaxrigger: right
syntaxrigger: so create civilizations from nothing?
INSANITYWOLF: do you want to create villages and pick one that you want to make take over the whole world?
INSANITYWOLF: yeah kinda
syntaxrigger: how difficult should it be to have your villiage "take over the whole world"?
syntaxrigger: in theory
INSANITYWOLF: hhmmm. as difficult as the game makes it
syntaxrigger: that is the question. since you make the game how difficult do you want to make it?
syntaxrigger: put a pin in it and come back to it but I think that is going to be one of your core questions you will need answered
INSANITYWOLF: i don't think this is really necessarily a game that i'm looking to please people
syntaxrigger: please yourself
INSANITYWOLF: it's more this would be an interesting simulation and i could throw in some game elements
syntaxrigger: worry about others later
syntaxrigger: so then do what you think is interesting?
INSANITYWOLF: villages that can do stuff with each other with not much human interaction
syntaxrigger: what stuff can villages do with each other
syntaxrigger: ?
INSANITYWOLF: so far i've got that they can fight and trade
INSANITYWOLF: that's probably all for the beginning
INSANITYWOLF: initial phase
syntaxrigger: so what do you think would be the condition for one village to become part of another
syntaxrigger: treaties? assimilation?
syntaxrigger: sacking?
INSANITYWOLF: probably those 3
INSANITYWOLF: treaties might be a liuttle complex for the "prototype"
INSANITYWOLF: or rather more than i want to bite off
syntaxrigger: fair enough, afk a sec
syntaxrigger: back
INSANITYWOLF: I haven't really figured out how the size of villages works
syntaxrigger: what specifically?
INSANITYWOLF: well do they really have a physical size
syntaxrigger: yes
INSANITYWOLF: i mean i know they do in real life, but do they in the game
INSANITYWOLF: i figure they have to though
syntaxrigger: how would a villiage work that didn't have a size?
INSANITYWOLF: well there's not really a need to be able to see things moving around in it, but with the idea of assimilating other villages you've got to have a physical village that can grow in size
INSANITYWOLF: and it's probably less interesting without
syntaxrigger: I would argue that if your villiage didn't have a size then you would be dealing with something else entirely
INSANITYWOLF: hhmmm. i think you could have a village that doesn't take dimensionality into account
INSANITYWOLF: but i think it would be less interesting
INSANITYWOLF: hell. maybe even the villages are generated
INSANITYWOLF: that actually sounds like a good idea
syntaxrigger: players need to see visual evidence of their decisions
syntaxrigger: it is what makes incremental progression fun
INSANITYWOLF: yeah i think the villages are generated with the world
INSANITYWOLF: and there are "kingdoms"
syntaxrigger: as far as size goes just come up with a ration between population and a graphic
INSANITYWOLF: yeah for sure
INSANITYWOLF: i have an idea
INSANITYWOLF: i think you're right though. cities have to take up "tiles"
syntaxrigger: indeed
INSANITYWOLF: i dont' know if you ever see villagers
INSANITYWOLF: but i thikn the idea here is that you are the one true god, but you can only influence the will of the people
INSANITYWOLF: you can't do anything physically to affect them
syntaxrigger: have you every played Black & White?
INSANITYWOLF: yeah. the idea is very black and white
INSANITYWOLF: kind of where i started stealing ideas from
syntaxrigger: yeah except a bigger scale
syntaxrigger: great artists steal :)
INSANITYWOLF: i think this game is black and white but not as pretty and not with some bullshit "point"
INSANITYWOLF: it's just. here's a thing
INSANITYWOLF: play with it and see what happens
INSANITYWOLF: but i like the idea of taking the Df approach and adding complexity over time
syntaxrigger: indeed
INSANITYWOLF: eventually just have tons of "systems"
syntaxrigger: I like to think of games like this as having stages
syntaxrigger: you have the beginning where you figure shit out, mid where you start knowing the ropes, and end where you are doing some complex shit
INSANITYWOLF: that's a good point. i didn't really mean over gameplay time. i meant over the life of the game, but yeah a good game should be playable without understanding all the nuances
INSANITYWOLF: you should play universe sandbox btw though
INSANITYWOLF: it's a astrophysics simulator basically
INSANITYWOLF: they have models of like our solar system and you can start dicking with different properties of different bodies
INSANITYWOLF: you can increase the mass of earth twofold and watch what happens to the solar system
syntaxrigger: sounds neat
INSANITYWOLF: yeah there's all kinds of shit you can change
INSANITYWOLF: but anyway
INSANITYWOLF: so. wtf. blood bowl patch?
syntaxrigger: ?
INSANITYWOLF: can't believe anyone is still supporting that game
syntaxrigger: haha
INSANITYWOLF: another game that is terribly fun but impossible to understand
syntaxrigger: it is pretty niche
INSANITYWOLF: yeah hella niche
syntaxrigger: so I am told
syntaxrigger: I haven't sat down with it to figure it out yet
INSANITYWOLF: I finally figured it out for the most part
syntaxrigger: I am hoping to eventually do so and have a Mutant League Football exp
INSANITYWOLF: i'm still not very good at it, but i at least kind of understand how it works
syntaxrigger: I really wish the Mutant League Games would have lasted longer, they were a blast
INSANITYWOLF: i understand it as well as i understand 40k
syntaxrigger: cool
INSANITYWOLF: i played one but didn't really see what was interesting about it. i was probably like 7 tho
INSANITYWOLF: so anything strategy would have been pretty over my head
syntaxrigger: there wasn't much strategy as I remember
syntaxrigger: just violence and funny satire
INSANITYWOLF: blood bowl dosn't really deliver on that point
INSANITYWOLF: the dialog is annoying and gets old pretty fast, he violence is cute but doesn't really look all that cool
INSANITYWOLF: it's not really a fun to look at game in general
INSANITYWOLF: that's the worst part about it
INSANITYWOLF: you have to enjoy the mechanics and strategy of the thing otherwise you will get nothing out of it
syntaxrigger: cool
INSANITYWOLF: but it really satisfies my desire to have a computer game board game thing
INSANITYWOLF: i'm going to make a cimputer board game eventually
INSANITYWOLF: i think tablets are being seriously underapprecated for board games
syntaxrigger: yeah it is something I'd like to eventually do as well
syntaxrigger: yes
syntaxrigger: could always make a tabletop game too
INSANITYWOLF: maybe they're not 'large enough' yet
INSANITYWOLF: you'd have to have a board game that has a board size that works well with the 6-10in screen
INSANITYWOLF: or a board layout at least
INSANITYWOLF: so that they aren't having to zoom all over the place by hand
syntaxrigger: ah
INSANITYWOLF: lol. weeed.
INSANITYWOLF: easily sidetracked
INSANITYWOLF: but yeah "villages"
syntaxrigger: haha
syntaxrigger: I think any property a village has should be able to be changed by the player in some way
syntaxrigger: So i guess since the village is a basic element
syntaxrigger: you'd have to decide how many properties a village should have
INSANITYWOLF: that's the next thing
INSANITYWOLF: there are people
INSANITYWOLF: that exist individually
INSANITYWOLF: but it hink they just have a role and maybe some equipment
syntaxrigger: apparently there a civilization like game for the andriod that is free
syntaxrigger: called freeciv
syntaxrigger: might give you some ideas
INSANITYWOLF: freeciv has been around forever
syntaxrigger: wish I would have known
INSANITYWOLF: but yeah android version is recent i guess
syntaxrigger: always wanted to try out the civ games
INSANITYWOLF: you never played any?>
syntaxrigger: correct
INSANITYWOLF: whaaaaaat?
syntaxrigger: i've watched people play some
syntaxrigger: heh yeah
INSANITYWOLF: freeciv shouldn't be your intro tho
syntaxrigger: meh I'll be fine
syntaxrigger: I'll get civ 5 eventually
INSANITYWOLF: i was gonna say civ 4 or civ revolution
INSANITYWOLF: civ revolution is probably the best starter one
syntaxrigger: might look into that
syntaxrigger: i check steam pretty regular for sales
INSANITYWOLF: yeah civ 5 if it goes on super sale
INSANITYWOLF: i haven't played 5 yet
syntaxrigger: haha yeah
syntaxrigger: same
syntaxrigger: my neighbors upstairs have it
syntaxrigger: they seem to enjoy it
INSANITYWOLF: yeah. 'it's civ' from what i understand
INSANITYWOLF: they haven't really toyed much with the concept
syntaxrigger: indeed
INSANITYWOLF: they jsut keep reskinning and adding modern features and interface
syntaxrigger: that is the ticket
INSANITYWOLF: but it's still pretty much the same game
syntaxrigger: if you could ever come up with a game or a game engine everyone wanted to use
INSANITYWOLF: maybe with new tech trees and shit
syntaxrigger: that would be some serious bank
syntaxrigger: then it wouldn't matter if I played civ 1 versus civ 5
syntaxrigger: ;)
INSANITYWOLF: if you make any piece of software that everyoone wanted to use :)
syntaxrigger: indeed
syntaxrigger: I don't really need everyone, just enough to keep me busy and satisfied
INSANITYWOLF: 'game engines' don't last forever tho
syntaxrigger: yeah
INSANITYWOLF: yeah. i mean look how apple manages
syntaxrigger: shelf life seems to be getting shorter and shorter
INSANITYWOLF: of course they have mass market productes
INSANITYWOLF: yeah you really hardly even see LTS engines anymore. source and unreal have pretty much cornered the market
INSANITYWOLF: everyone else just makes thier own to use for a few games
syntaxrigger: I think Mobile is the new market
syntaxrigger: and then, eventually, Augmented Reality
INSANITYWOLF: i mean people are already doing it
INSANITYWOLF: oh damn forgot there was an ipad version of civ rev
syntaxrigger: heh
INSANITYWOLF: 'too bad i don't have an ipad'
INSANITYWOLF: that should help you understand what foreman is
syntaxrigger: cool thanks
syntaxrigger: I always forget how simple google chrome makes my life with cookies until I delete them all
INSANITYWOLF: oooohghhh cookies. you so bad, but so good
syntaxrigger: if I ever start using git regularly I will totally take advantage of aliasing and shortcuts
syntaxrigger: heh
INSANITYWOLF: yeah dude. cli for life
syntaxrigger: indeed
INSANITYWOLF: "the cat internet"
syntaxrigger: /
syntaxrigger: ?
syntaxrigger: ah
syntaxrigger: yeah
syntaxrigger: didn't know it had a name
INSANITYWOLF: i don't know that it does, but that's what i feel like it is
syntaxrigger: ah
syntaxrigger: makes sene
INSANITYWOLF: i assume cats find humans as funny as we find them
syntaxrigger: sense
syntaxrigger: fuck this keyboard
syntaxrigger: still not used to it
INSANITYWOLF: yeah i hate my keyboard at home for actual typing
INSANITYWOLF: i'm way too used to mac keyboard
syntaxrigger: I have been having it sense dec and I still mistype all kinds of shit
INSANITYWOLF: i feel like i have to punch the keys ont his thing
syntaxrigger: feels weird
INSANITYWOLF: and i fat finger everythign because i actually have to push
syntaxrigger: keypress is cool but something about the config of the keys
syntaxrigger: maybe they are too close together?
syntaxrigger: I dunno
syntaxrigger: I got big hands
INSANITYWOLF: i have kind of short fingers so i like more compact keyboards
INSANITYWOLF: but this keyboard is pretty good otherwise so i won't get rid of it
INSANITYWOLF: i just don't use it for anything that requires a lot of typing
syntaxrigger: I think this is the last time I buy a keyboard that I haven't tried first
syntaxrigger: it is a g110
syntaxrigger: probably awesome for average hands
INSANITYWOLF: is that a fancy logitech one?
syntaxrigger: but my hands are truckasaurus hands
syntaxrigger: yeah
INSANITYWOLF: haha yeah you got big hands
syntaxrigger: the "gaming keyboard"
syntaxrigger: I like the idea of the macros
syntaxrigger: but haven't messed with them yet
INSANITYWOLF: yeah. this one is a razer/MS keyboard
INSANITYWOLF: this one has a few but the thing i really like about it is it has a bunch of knobs
INSANITYWOLF: i <3 knobs
INSANITYWOLF: don't know why
INSANITYWOLF: but i love them as an interface element
INSANITYWOLF: but yeah volume knob on the keyboard is chill
INSANITYWOLF: it doesn't really have enough macro keys to be useful for anything
syntaxrigger: heh
INSANITYWOLF: it's got music keys though which are nice
syntaxrigger: I like switched
syntaxrigger: switches
syntaxrigger: the old scholl kind
INSANITYWOLF: yeah i like switches too
INSANITYWOLF: i'm building a big red button device we can use to deploy servers
syntaxrigger: yeah I have this role thing that I can use to control volume, it is pretty sweet
syntaxrigger: heh cool
INSANITYWOLF: i got my arduino and shit in today
syntaxrigger: sweet
INSANITYWOLF: 'hopefully i can pull it off'
syntaxrigger: have an idea of what you are going to do with it?
INSANITYWOLF: yeah. make that big red button
syntaxrigger: AH
syntaxrigger: i thought you meant a software button
INSANITYWOLF: nope hardware :)
syntaxrigger: how does the arduino come into play?
INSANITYWOLF: to initiate deploys
INSANITYWOLF: and manage what you're deploying
syntaxrigger: so what is your spec? YOu hook this up to a server and push a button and what happens?
INSANITYWOLF: it'll be somewhat self contained
INSANITYWOLF: nah you hook it up to the internet
syntaxrigger: just runs a whole bunch of config shit?
INSANITYWOLF: and it tells the server to run some deploy script
syntaxrigger: and you can send it messages over the internet?
INSANITYWOLF: you could, but there's not necessarily any reason to
syntaxrigger: I don't think I am seeing the "big picture" but good luck
INSANITYWOLF: it can send messages
INSANITYWOLF: ok so the idea: box witha big red button, an LCD and a knob
INSANITYWOLF: knob is used to select a "box" to deploy
INSANITYWOLF: button is pressed to initate deploy
INSANITYWOLF: when you press the button the selected server runs it's deployment script
INSANITYWOLF: which basically just pulls down the code from somewhere, maybe runs some other tasks to prep, then restarts the webserver and shit so its running the newest version
syntaxrigger: cool
INSANITYWOLF: the box actually tells the server to deploy
INSANITYWOLF: since it's connected to the itnernets
syntaxrigger: is their a benefit to having this big red button or it is just cool?
INSANITYWOLF: it's just for funsies
syntaxrigger: haha cool
INSANITYWOLF: and slightly practical
INSANITYWOLF: it'll make it easier to get deploys done.
INSANITYWOLF: but it doesn't make sense
syntaxrigger: cool
INSANITYWOLF: there is an easier way to make it easier :)
INSANITYWOLF: kind of a ruby goldberg machine
syntaxrigger: cool
INSANITYWOLF: i've been wanting to play around with arduino for a while and i finally found an excuse to get one
INSANITYWOLF: pretty much
syntaxrigger: cool
syntaxrigger: anything you can learn from is a good excuse
syntaxrigger: to mess with
INSANITYWOLF: i like to tinker, you know me
INSANITYWOLF: i need t dabble in some food
syntaxrigger: heh cool, take it easy man
INSANITYWOLF: heh not necessarily going anywhere. heh. just making a statement
syntaxrigger: cool
INSANITYWOLF: so what properties to villages have...
INSANITYWOLF: they have citizens
INSANITYWOLF: they have a food supply
INSANITYWOLF: i think they have an 'aggressiveness'
syntaxrigger: structure
syntaxrigger: or durability
INSANITYWOLF: i thik they have structures
INSANITYWOLF: like buildings and shit
INSANITYWOLF: houses, and different buildings that give abilities
INSANITYWOLF: like you need a smithy and a forge to make steel weapons
syntaxrigger: i was thinking of a propertiy like "HP" where if violence happens to them they have this HP to absorb X amount of violence, durability damage, nature damage, etc
INSANITYWOLF: ah yeah i got you
INSANITYWOLF: i'm not sure if durability is a property of villages or individual structures
INSANITYWOLF: to thier kingsom
syntaxrigger: well are villiages going to be your basic unit? or are structures going to be you basic unit?
syntaxrigger: that could work
syntaxrigger: heh
syntaxrigger: I think villiages can be your basic unit and they can "specialize" in certain things as well
INSANITYWOLF: yeah but i want to have people
syntaxrigger: like village A has a smithy and village B has a silo
INSANITYWOLF: yeah you right
syntaxrigger: right people would be in the villages
INSANITYWOLF: not sure how that shoudl work
INSANITYWOLF: might pin that
syntaxrigger: kk
INSANITYWOLF: it doesn't seem all that important, but if kind of feel like if a village is attacked specific buildings should be attackable
syntaxrigger: or maybe all the structures in that village unit share the damage
syntaxrigger: or maybe it could be risk style where a village is comprised of certain structures and damage elimantes a structure
syntaxrigger: how damage in risk dwindles an army
INSANITYWOLF: i think that's closer to how the mechanic works
INSANITYWOLF: but i think each structure has an HP amount and the total HP amount of structures is the village durability
INSANITYWOLF: and villages have a base durability
INSANITYWOLF: fuck. steam chat be logged
syntaxrigger: heh
syntaxrigger: also yes
INSANITYWOLF: gotta paste this somewhere eventually
INSANITYWOLF: i dont' feel like taking notes
INSANITYWOLF: and attackers can essentially give buildings certain priorities
INSANITYWOLF: and decide only to destroy a ceratin building
INSANITYWOLF: this is going to be hard
INSANITYWOLF: there's just so much to do even for basic functionality
syntaxrigger: heh yeah
syntaxrigger: i gotta jet man, my mom and uncle came from louisiana to visit
syntaxrigger: gonna get them set up
INSANITYWOLF: cool man. later
syntaxrigger: talk to you tomorrow
INSANITYWOLF: thanks for hashing out
INSANITYWOLF: very productive
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