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Last active July 2, 2018 13:53
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This Python code read CSV file and automatically recongizes real estate properties, finds specific cells at Excel file where specific values should be written, make all Excel formating and building all neccesary formulas only by one click! Half day work done just in half a minute.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Project Jupyter - extract data from PDF by Vytautas"""
""" Importing libraries """
import pandas as pd
import os
""" Reading Dataset file """
DF = pd.read_csv("tabula-Statement (BULK) 02 July.csv", header=None)
""" <------------- F U L L D A T A P R E P A R A T I O N -------------------->"""
def FullDataPreparation(DF):
row = 0
l = []
while row < len(DF):
for i in range(0, len(DF.columns), 1):
if type(DF.iat[row, i]) != float:
if DF.iat[row, i] == "Date":
IndexOfDate = i
date = True
elif DF.iat[row, i] == "Description":
IndexOfDescription = i
elif DF.iat[row, i] == "Property Address":
IndexOfAddress = i
elif DF.iat[row,i] == "Paid out":
IndexOfPaidOut = i
elif DF.iat[row,i] == "Paid in":
IndexOfPaidIn = i
elif DF.iat[row,i] == "Balance":
IndexOfBalance = i
if date == True:
row = row +1
while row+1 < len(DF) and DF.iat[row+1, IndexOfDate] != "Date":
d = {}
if type(DF.iat[row, IndexOfDate]) != float:
d["Date"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfDate]
if DF.iat[row, IndexOfDescription][:12] == "Rent Receive":
d["Description"] = "Rent Received"
if len(DF.iat[row, IndexOfDate]) > 3:
d["Description"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfDescription]
if type(DF.iat[row+1, IndexOfDate]) == float:
takeInto = row + 1
while type(DF.iat[takeInto, IndexOfDate]) == float:
d["Description"] = d["Description"] + " " + DF.iat[takeInto, IndexOfDescription]
takeInto = takeInto + 1
#d["Description"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfDescription]
d["Property Address"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfAddress]
d["Paid out"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfPaidOut]
d["Paid in"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfPaidIn]
d["Balance"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfBalance]
d["Property"] = "-"
row = row + 1
row = row + 1
if row+1 == len(DF):
d = {}
d["Date"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfDate]
if DF.iat[row, IndexOfDescription][:12] == "Rent Receive":
d["Description"] = "Rent Received"
d["Description"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfDescription]
d["Property Address"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfAddress]
d["Paid out"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfPaidOut]
d["Paid in"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfPaidIn]
d["Balance"] = DF.iat[row, IndexOfBalance]
d["Property"] = "-"
DFFilled = pd.DataFrame(l)
DFFilled = DFFilled[["Date", "Description", "Property Address", "Paid out", "Paid in", "Balance", "Property"]]
""" Set one Property name per block : start """
DFFilled = DFFilled.rename(columns = {"Property Address" : "property"})
namesT = # 1st name is NaN
names = []
DFFilled = DFFilled.rename(columns = {"property" : "Property Address"})
for i in range(1, len(namesT), 1):
if namesT[i] != "Property Address":
i = 0
namesI = 0
while i < len(DFFilled)-1:
if DFFilled.iat[i, DFFilled.columns.get_loc("Description")] != "Description":
if namesI < len(names):
DFFilled.iat[i, DFFilled.columns.get_loc("Property")] = names[namesI]
if i+1 < len(DFFilled)-1:
i = i +1
if i+1 < len(DFFilled)-1:
namesI = namesI + 1
i = i + 1
""" Set one Property name per block : end """
return DFFilled
""" <---------------- B E F O R E H A R D W O R K ------------------------>"""
def PreparingDataForWork(DFFilled):
import re
""" Convert number-string values to Float"""
for i in range(0, len(DFFilled), 1):#(0, len(DFFilled), 1)
for j in range(2, len(DFFilled.columns), 1): # (2, len(DFFilled.columns), 1)
if type(DFFilled.iat[i,j]) == str:
if "," in DFFilled.iat[i,j] or "." in DFFilled.iat[i,j]:
if "," in DFFilled.iat[i,j]:
DFFilled.iat[i,j] = DFFilled.iat[i,j].replace(",", ".")
if DFFilled.iat[i,j].count(".") == 2:
mid = round(len(DFFilled.iat[i,j])/2)
DFFilled.iat[i,j] = DFFilled.iat[i,j][:mid+1].replace(".", "") + DFFilled.iat[i,j][mid+1:]
DFFilled.iat[i,j] = float(DFFilled.iat[i,j])
if type(DFFilled.iat[i,j]) == str and'[a-zA-Z]+', DFFilled.iat[i,j]) == None and DFFilled.iat[i,j] != "-":
DFFilled.iat[i,j] = float(DFFilled.iat[i,j])
""" Remove nan values from money fields """
for i in range(0, len(DFFilled), 1):
for j in range(2, len(DFFilled.columns), 1):
if pd.isnull(DFFilled.iat[i,j]):
DFFilled.iat[i,j] = float(0)
""" Remove headers rows from the dataframe """
rabbish = []
for i in range(0, len(DFFilled), 1):
if (DFFilled.iat[i, DFFilled.columns.get_loc("Description")]) == "Description":
DFFilled2 = DFFilled.drop(DFFilled.index[rabbish]).reset_index(drop=True)
return DFFilled2
""" <---------------- F I L T E R T H E D A T A ------------------------>"""
def FilteringData(DFFilled):
""" Removing used rows in DataFrame : start """
def removeUsedRows(DataFrame):
#print("Inside removeUsedRows")
usedIndexes = []
for i in range(0, len(DataFrame), 1):
if DataFrame.iat[i, DFFilled.columns.get_loc("Property Address")] == "--data used--" or DataFrame.iat[i, DFFilled.columns.get_loc("Description")] == "Balance brought forward":
DataFrame2 = DataFrame.drop(DataFrame.index[usedIndexes]).reset_index(drop=True)
return DataFrame2
""" Removing used rows in DataFrame : end """
AggDF01 = []
AggDF02 = []
AggDF03 = []
AggDF04 = []
AggDF05 = []
AggDF06 = []
AggDF07 = []
AggDF08 = []
AggDF09 = []
AggDF10 = []
AggDF11 = []
AggDF12 = []
AggDF13 = []
AggDF13_ = []
AggDF14 = []
AggDF15 = []
AggDF16 = []
AggDF17 = []
d01 = {} # Rent Received
d02 = {} # Payment made to Owner
d03 = {} # THTC Fee
d04 = {} # Cleaning Inventory
d05 = {} # Incomes from Landlord
d06 = {} # Others (Paid out)
d07 = {} # Agent Fee
d08 = {} # Service Charge
d09 = {} # Utility Bills (Water, gas, electricity)
d10 = {} # Handyman
d11 = {} # Other (Paid in)
d12 = {} # Fund to diff Unit (Paid In)
d13 = {} # Fund to diff Unit (Paid Out)
d13_ = {} # Fund to diff Unit (to >>> : Paind in)
d14 = {} # Insurance
d15 = {} # Council Tax
d16 = {} # Ground Rent (Paid Out)
d17 = {} # Furniture & Fixing --> Beds
for i in range(0, len(DFFilled)-1, 1):
if "Rent Received".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Received from".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Balance Carried Forw".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i]: #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d01["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d01["Paid in"] = DFFilled["Paid in"][i]
d01["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property Address"][i]
d01["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Payment made to Owner".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): # This place identify the payment (!!!)
d02["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d02["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d02["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d02["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Payment of Membe".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Membership Fee".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): # This place identify the payment (!!!)
d03["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d03["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d03["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d03["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Clean Eas".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Inventories".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "need a clean".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "clean and tidy".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d04["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d04["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d04["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d04["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
#print("Station 17")
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Deposit Protectio".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Happy Tenant".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Adam Lee Property Maintenance".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Chris Farragher".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Repair Aid".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d06["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d06["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d06["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d06["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Coopers".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "letting fee".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "lettings".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Capital Lettings".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d07["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d07["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d07["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d07["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Ringleys".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d08["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d08["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d08["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d08["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
#print("Station 32")
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "EON (".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Affinity Water".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d09["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d09["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d09["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d09["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Locksmith".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Maintenance call out".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Waste Concern".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "property maintenance".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "apple maintenance".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d10["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d10["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d10["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d10["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
# continue
elif "property maintenance".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() and "ffix".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d10["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d10["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d10["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d10["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Dilapidations".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d11["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d11["Paid in"] = DFFilled["Paid in"][i]
d11["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d11["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "key fobs".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() and DFFilled["Paid in"][i] > 0: #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d11["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d11["Paid in"] = DFFilled["Paid in"][i]
d11["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d11["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Landlords Fun".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper(): #This place identify the payment (!!!)
d11["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d11["Paid in"] = DFFilled["Paid in"][i]
d11["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d11["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Transfer Funds For".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() and DFFilled["Paid in"][i] > 0:
d12["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d12["Paid in"] = DFFilled["Paid in"][i]
d12["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d12["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Transfer from".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() and DFFilled["Paid out"][i] > 0:
property_from = DFFilled["Description"][i].split("from ")[1].split(" to")[0]
property_to = DFFilled["Description"][i].split("to ")[1]
property_to = property_to.split(" to ")[0]
print(DFFilled["Description"][i], ":::", property_from, ":::-->", property_to, ":: sum =", DFFilled["Paid out"][i] * (-1))
print(DFFilled["Paid in"][i], "type: ", type(DFFilled["Paid out"][i]))
d13["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d13["Paid out"] = float(DFFilled["Paid out"][i]) * (-1)
d13["Property Address"] = property_from
d13["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
# Dictionary d13_ for evaluating :::Property to:::
d13_["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d13_["Paid in"] = DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
print("::", DFFilled["Paid out"][i])
d13_["Property Address"] = property_to
d13_["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
elif "Lockton".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() and "Insurance".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper():
#print(DFFilled["Paid out"][i], "type: ", type(DFFilled["Paid out"][i]))
d14["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d14["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d14["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d14["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "coucil".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() or "Hillingdon Council".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper():
#print(DFFilled["Paid out"][i], "type: ", type(DFFilled["Paid out"][i]))
d15["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d15["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d15["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d15["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "transfer".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper():
#print(DFFilled["Paid out"][i], "type: ", type(DFFilled["Paid out"][i]))
d15["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d15["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d15["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d15["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Red Rock".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() and DFFilled["Paid out"][i] == 150:
#print(DFFilled["Paid out"][i], "type: ", type(DFFilled["Paid out"][i]))
d16["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d16["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d16["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d16["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Red Rock".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper() and DFFilled["Paid out"][i] != 150:
#print(DFFilled["Paid out"][i], "type: ", type(DFFilled["Paid out"][i]))
d08["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d08["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d08["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d08["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "We Fix Now".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper():
#print(DFFilled["Paid out"][i], "type: ", type(DFFilled["Paid out"][i]))
d10["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d10["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d10["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d10["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "My Property Maintenance".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper():
#print(DFFilled["Paid out"][i], "type: ", type(DFFilled["Paid out"][i]))
d10["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d10["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d10["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d10["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
elif "Beds".upper() in DFFilled["Description"][i].upper():
#print(DFFilled["Paid out"][i], "type: ", type(DFFilled["Paid out"][i]))
d17["Description"] = DFFilled["Description"][i]
d17["Paid out"] = - DFFilled["Paid out"][i]
d17["Property Address"] = DFFilled["Property"][i]
d17["Date"] = DFFilled["Date"][i]
DFFilled["Property Address"][i] = "--data used--" # eliminating used row from the dataframe later
#print("Station 47")
DF01 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF01)
DF01.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid in"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF01 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF02 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF02)
DF02.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid in"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF02 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF03 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF03)
DF03.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid out"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF03 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF04 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF04)
DF04.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid out"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF04 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF05 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF05)
DF05.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid in"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF05 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF06 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF06)
DF06.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid in"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF06 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF07 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF07)
DF07.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid out"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF07 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF08 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF08)
DF08.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid out"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF08 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF09 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF09)
DF09.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid out"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF09 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF10 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF10)
DF10.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid out"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF10 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF11 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF11)
DF11.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
#print("Station 60")
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid in"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF11 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF12 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF12)
DF12.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid in"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF12 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF13 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF13)
DF13.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid out"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF13 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF13_ = pd.DataFrame(AggDF13_)
DF13_.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid in"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF13_ = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF14 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF14)
DF14.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid in"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF14 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF15 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF15)
DF15.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid in"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF15 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF16 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF16)
DF16.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid out"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF16 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DF17 = pd.DataFrame(AggDF17)
DF16.sort_values(["Property Address", "Date"], ascending=[True, True], inplace=False)
columns = ["Property Address", "Date", "Paid out"] # if category is not exist in PDF
DF17 = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
DFFilled = removeUsedRows(DFFilled)
return DF01, DF02, DF03, DF04, DF05, DF06, DF07, DF08, DF09, DF10, DF11, DF12, DF13, DF13_, DF14, DF15, DF16, DF17, DFFilled
""" <---------------- A G R E G A T I O N D A T A ------------------------> """
""" AGGREGATION <<Paid In>> : START """
def AggregationDataPaidIn(DF):
if len(DF) > 0:
DF.set_index(['Property Address', 'Date'])
DF = DF.rename(columns = {"Paid in" : "paidin"})
DF = DF.groupby(['Property Address', "Date"], as_index=False).paidin.sum()
DF = DF.rename(columns = {"paidin" : "Paid in"})
return DF
""" AGGREGATION <<Paid In>> : END """
""" AGGREGATION <<Paid Out>> : START """
def AggregationDataPaidOut(DF):
if len(DF) > 0:
DF.set_index(['Property Address', 'Date'])
DF = DF.rename(columns = {"Paid out" : "paidout"})
DF = DF.groupby(['Property Address', "Date"], as_index=False).paidout.sum()
DF = DF.rename(columns = {"paidout" : "Paid out"})
return DF
""" AGGREGATION <<Paid Out>> : END """
""" <---------------- S C E N A R I O ---------------------> """
""" #0 Scenario """
DFFilled = FullDataPreparation(DF)
DFFilled = PreparingDataForWork(DFFilled) #Preparing DataFrame with all the values
""" #1 Getting data : start """
PreparedDataByTypes = FilteringData(DFFilled)
DF_01 = PreparedDataByTypes[0] # Rent received & Received from
DF_02 = PreparedDataByTypes[1] # Payment to Owner
DF_03 = PreparedDataByTypes[2] # THTC Fee
DF_04 = PreparedDataByTypes[3] # Cleaning and Inventory Check In&Out
DF_05 = PreparedDataByTypes[4] # Incomes from Landlord
DF_06 = PreparedDataByTypes[5] # Others (Paid out - EXPENSES)
DF_07 = PreparedDataByTypes[6] # Agent Fee
DF_08 = PreparedDataByTypes[7] # Service Charge
DF_09 = PreparedDataByTypes[8] # Utility Bills (Water, gas, electricity)
DF_10 = PreparedDataByTypes[9] # Handyman
DF_11 = PreparedDataByTypes[10] # Others (Paid in - INCOMES)
DF_12 = PreparedDataByTypes[11] # Fund to diff Unit (Paid In)
DF_13 = PreparedDataByTypes[12] # Fund to diff Unit (Paid Out)
DF_13_ = PreparedDataByTypes[13] # Fund to diff Unit (Paid In) : updated at 2018 05 03
DF_14 = PreparedDataByTypes[14] # Insurance
DF_15 = PreparedDataByTypes[15] # Council Tax
DF_16 = PreparedDataByTypes[16] # Ground Rent
DF_17 = PreparedDataByTypes[17] # Beds
DF_01 = AggregationDataPaidIn(DF_01) # Rent reveiced & Received from
DF_02 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_02) # Payment to Owner
DF_03 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_03) # THTC Fee
DF_04 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_04) # Cleaning and Inventory Check In&Out
DF_05 = AggregationDataPaidIn(DF_05) # Incomes from Landlord
DF_06 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_06) # Others (Paid out - EXPENSES)
DF_07 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_07) # Agent Fee
DF_08 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_08) # Service Charge
DF_09 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_09) # Utility Bills (Water, gas, electricity)
DF_10 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_10) # Handyman
DF_11 = AggregationDataPaidIn(DF_11) # Others (Paid in - INCOMES)
DF_12 = AggregationDataPaidIn(DF_12) # Fund to diff Unit (Paid In)
DF_13 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_13) # Fund to diff Unit (Paid Out)
DF_13_ = AggregationDataPaidIn(DF_13_) # Fund to diff Unit (Paid In) : updated at 2018 05 03
DF_14 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_14) # Insurance
DF_15 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_15) # Insurance
DF_16 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_16) # Ground Rent
DF_17 = AggregationDataPaidOut(DF_17) # Beds
DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant = pd.DataFrame(DF_01)
DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner = pd.DataFrame(DF_02)
DF03_THTCFee = pd.DataFrame(DF_03)
DF04_CleaningInventory = pd.DataFrame(DF_04)
DF05_IncomesFromLandlord = pd.DataFrame(DF_05)
DF06_OthersExpenses = pd.DataFrame(DF_06)
DF07_AgentFee = pd.DataFrame(DF_07)
DF08_ServiceCharge = pd.DataFrame(DF_08)
DF09_UtilityBills = pd.DataFrame(DF_09)
DF10_Handyman = pd.DataFrame(DF_10)
DF11_OtherIncomes = pd.DataFrame(DF_11)
DF12_FundToDiffUnit = pd.DataFrame(DF_12)
DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut = pd.DataFrame(DF_13)
DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn = pd.DataFrame(DF_13_)
DF14_Insurance = pd.DataFrame(DF_14)
DF15_CouncilTax = pd.DataFrame(DF_15)
DF16_GroundRent = pd.DataFrame(DF_16)
DF17_Beds = pd.DataFrame(DF_17)
""" #1 Getting data : end """
""" <--------------- W R I T E D A T A T O E X C E L ---------------------> """
""" Write Data to Excel : START """
def ExcelPart(DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant, DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner, DF03_THTCFee, DF04_CleaningInventory, DF05_IncomesFromLandlord, DF06_OthersExpenses, DF07_AgentFee, DF08_ServiceCharge, DF09_UtilityBills, DF10_Handyman, DF11_OtherIncomes, DF12_FundToDiffUnit, DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut, DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn, DF14_Insurance, DF15_CouncilTax, DF16_GroundRent, DF17_Beds):
import openpyxl, os, datetime
from pandas import ExcelWriter as ewriter
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, Border, Side, Alignment, Protection, Font, Fill
""" Hard part in Excel : start"""
def writeDataExcel(startRow, propertyName, Data, sheet, CategoryRowIndex):
if propertyName == "CommonPartsOtter":
print("CommonPartsOtter rasta")
startMonthCellIndex = 1039 #This cell means ACL [766] 2017 09 01, ADP [796] 2017 10 01, AFY [857] 2017 12 01, [888] 2018 01 01, [947] 2018 03 01, [978] 2018 04 01, [1008] 2018 05 01, [1039] 2018 06 01
startMonthDay = float(str(sheet.cell(row = 9, column = startMonthCellIndex).value).split(" ")[0][-2:])
#print("startRow = ", startRow, ", propertyName = ", propertyName, "RowID = ", Data.loc[Data["Property Address"] == propertyName].index.values, "len = ", len(Data.loc[Data["Property Address"] == propertyName].index.values), "Month starts: ", startMonthDay)
# Give color to marked cells
fillGreen = PatternFill(fill_type = "solid",
start_color = "009e73",
end_color = "009e73")
fillYellow = PatternFill(fill_type = "solid",
start_color = "d9f442",
end_color = "d9f442")
if Data.iat[Data.loc[Data["Property Address"] == propertyName].index.values[0], 2] > 0:
print(propertyName, "---> Paid In")
for i in range(0, len(Data.loc[Data["Property Address"] == propertyName].index.values), 1):
index = Data.loc[Data["Property Address"] == propertyName].index.values[i]
#print("Date :", Data.iat[index, 1], "Date day: ", float(Data.iat[index, 1][:2]), "Paid in :", Data.iat[index, 2])
print("Error: --->", propertyName, CategoryRowIndex, (Data.iat[index, 1][:2]), " : ", Data.iat[index, 2])
sheet.cell(row = startRow + CategoryRowIndex, column = startMonthCellIndex + float(str(Data.iat[index, 1][:2]).replace("/", "")) - 1).value = Data.iat[index, 2]
sheet.cell(row = startRow + CategoryRowIndex, column = startMonthCellIndex + float(str(Data.iat[index, 1][:2]).replace("/", "")) - 1).fill = fillGreen
print(propertyName, "---> Paid Out")
print("DATA :-->", Data)
print("Lenght:", len(Data))
for i in range(0, len(Data.loc[Data["Property Address"] == propertyName].index.values), 1):
index = Data.loc[Data["Property Address"] == propertyName].index.values[i] # Get number of row that correspond the Property Name
print("Data.iat[index, 2] =", Data.iat[index, 2])
print("Maybe error is here:", str(Data.iat[index, 1][:2]).replace("/", ""))
#print("Date :", Data.iat[index, 1], "Date day: ", float(Data.iat[index, 1][:2]), "Paid out :", Data.iat[index, 2])
sheet.cell(row = startRow + CategoryRowIndex, column = startMonthCellIndex + float(str(Data.iat[index, 1][:2]).replace("/", "")) - 1).value = Data.iat[index, 2]
sheet.cell(row = startRow + CategoryRowIndex, column = startMonthCellIndex + float(str(Data.iat[index, 1][:2]).replace("/", "")) - 1).fill = fillYellow
for i in range(0, len(Data.loc[Data["Property Address"] == propertyName].index.values), 1):
index = Data.loc[Data["Property Address"] == propertyName].index.values[i]
return sheet
""" Hard part in Excel : end"""
"""Prepare primary Excel File"""
os.chdir("C:\\Users\\Vytautas.Bielinskas\\Desktop\\Python\\02 Jupyter\\")
filename = "primary_file.xlsx"
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename, data_only = True)
sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(wb.get_sheet_names()[0]) # If file is original --> 4
Properties = ["16 Otter Way","17 Otter Way", "19 Otter Way", "20 Otter Way", "22 Otter Way", "23 Otter Way", "24 Otter Way",
"26 Otter Way", "29 Otter Way", "30 Otter Way", "31 Otter Way", "36 Otter Way", "37 Otter Way",
"41 Otter Way", "42 Otter Way", "45 Otter Way", "46 Otter Way", "47 Otter Way", "48 Otter Way", "50 Otter Way",
"26 Autumn Way", "42 Autumn Way", "56 Autumn Way", "62 Autumn Way", "Common Parts Otter Way",
"Plot 1, Frays Court, Swan Road", "Plot 2, Frays Court, Swan Road", "Plot 3, Frays Court, Swan Road",
"Plot 4, Frays Court, Swan Road", "Plot 5, Frays Court, Swan Road", "Plot 6, Frays Court, Swan Road",
"Plot 7, Frays Court, Swan Road", "Plot 8, Frays Court, Swan Road", "Plot 9, Frays Court, Swan Road",
"Plot 10, Frays Court, Swan Road", "Plot 11, Frays Court, Swan Road", "Plot 12, Frays Court, Swan Road",
"Plot 13, Frays Court, Swan Road", "Plot 14, Frays Court, Swan Road", "Plot 15, Frays Court, Swan Road",
"Common Parts, Frays Court, Swan Road"]
PropertiesIndexes = {}
ListOfProperties = []
for i in range(1, sheet.max_row, 1):
for j in range(0, len(Properties), 1):
if Properties[j] == sheet.cell(row = i, column = 1).value:
PropertiesIndexes["Property"] = Properties[j]
PropertiesIndexes["Row in Excel"] = i
DFProperties = pd.DataFrame(ListOfProperties)
DFProperties = DFProperties.drop_duplicates(subset=None, keep='first', inplace=False)
# Make the names of Properties more similar!
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
print(i, DFProperties.iat[i,0])
if "swan".upper() in DFProperties.iat[i,0].upper():
DFProperties.iat[i,0] = DFProperties.iat[i,0].split("Swan")[0]
if "plot".upper() in DFProperties.iat[i,0].upper():
DFProperties.iat[i,0] = DFProperties.iat[i,0].split("Plot")[1]
DFProperties.iat[i,0] = DFProperties.iat[i,0].replace(", ", " ").split(" Court")[0]
DFProperties.iat[i,0] = DFProperties.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
if "Common Parts Otter Way".upper() in DFProperties.iat[i,0].upper():
DFProperties.iat[i,0] = "CommonPartsOtter" # Common Parts Otter
print("COMMON PARTS OTTER:", DFProperties.iat[i,0])
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-01)
for i in range(0, len(DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant), 1):
if "court".upper() in DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant.iat[i,0].upper():
DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant.iat[i,0] = DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant.iat[i,0] = DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
#print(i, " : ", DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant.iat[i,0]))
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-02)
for i in range(0, len(DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner.iat[i,0].upper():
DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner.iat[i,0] = DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner.iat[i,0] = DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-03)
for i in range(0, len(DF03_THTCFee), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF03_THTCFee.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF03_THTCFee.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF03_THTCFee.iat[i,0].upper():
DF03_THTCFee.iat[i,0] = DF03_THTCFee.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF03_THTCFee.iat[i,0] = DF03_THTCFee.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-04)
for i in range(0, len(DF04_CleaningInventory), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF04_CleaningInventory.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF04_CleaningInventory.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF04_CleaningInventory.iat[i,0].upper():
DF04_CleaningInventory.iat[i,0] = DF04_CleaningInventory.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF04_CleaningInventory.iat[i,0] = DF04_CleaningInventory.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-05)
for i in range(0, len(DF05_IncomesFromLandlord), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF05_IncomesFromLandlord.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF05_IncomesFromLandlord.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF05_IncomesFromLandlord.iat[i,0].upper():
DF05_IncomesFromLandlord.iat[i,0] = DF05_IncomesFromLandlord.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF05_IncomesFromLandlord.iat[i,0] = DF05_IncomesFromLandlord.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-06)
for i in range(0, len(DF06_OthersExpenses), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF06_OthersExpenses.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF06_OthersExpenses.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF06_OthersExpenses.iat[i,0].upper():
DF06_OthersExpenses.iat[i,0] = DF06_OthersExpenses.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF06_OthersExpenses.iat[i,0] = DF06_OthersExpenses.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-07)
for i in range(0, len(DF07_AgentFee), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF07_AgentFee.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF07_AgentFee.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF07_AgentFee.iat[i,0].upper():
DF07_AgentFee.iat[i,0] = DF07_AgentFee.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF07_AgentFee.iat[i,0] = DF07_AgentFee.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-08)
for i in range(0, len(DF08_ServiceCharge), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF08_ServiceCharge.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF08_ServiceCharge.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF08_ServiceCharge.iat[i,0].upper():
DF08_ServiceCharge.iat[i,0] = DF08_ServiceCharge.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF08_ServiceCharge.iat[i,0] = DF08_ServiceCharge.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-09)
for i in range(0, len(DF09_UtilityBills), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF09_UtilityBills.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF09_UtilityBills.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF09_UtilityBills.iat[i,0].upper():
DF09_UtilityBills.iat[i,0] = DF09_UtilityBills.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF09_UtilityBills.iat[i,0] = DF09_UtilityBills.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-10)
for i in range(0, len(DF10_Handyman), 1):
print(i, " : ", DF10_Handyman.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF10_Handyman.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF10_Handyman.iat[i,0].upper():
DF10_Handyman.iat[i,0] = DF10_Handyman.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF10_Handyman.iat[i,0] = DF10_Handyman.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-11)
for i in range(0, len(DF11_OtherIncomes), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF11_OtherIncomes.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF11_OtherIncomes.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF11_OtherIncomes.iat[i,0].upper():
DF11_OtherIncomes.iat[i,0] = DF11_OtherIncomes.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF11_OtherIncomes.iat[i,0] = DF11_OtherIncomes.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-12)
for i in range(0, len(DF12_FundToDiffUnit), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF12_FundToDiffUnit.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF12_FundToDiffUnit.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF12_FundToDiffUnit.iat[i,0].upper():
DF12_FundToDiffUnit.iat[i,0] = DF12_FundToDiffUnit.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF12_FundToDiffUnit.iat[i,0] = DF12_FundToDiffUnit.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-13)
for i in range(0, len(DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut.iat[i,0].upper():
DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut.iat[i,0] = DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut.iat[i,0] = DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-_13)
for i in range(0, len(DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn.iat[i,0].upper():
DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn.iat[i,0] = DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn.iat[i,0] = DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-14)
for i in range(0, len(DF14_Insurance), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF14_Insurance.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF14_Insurance.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF14_Insurance.iat[i,0].upper():
DF14_Insurance.iat[i,0] = DF14_Insurance.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF14_Insurance.iat[i,0] = DF14_Insurance.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-15)
for i in range(0, len(DF15_CouncilTax), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF15_CouncilTax.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF15_CouncilTax.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF15_CouncilTax.iat[i,0].upper():
DF15_CouncilTax.iat[i,0] = DF15_CouncilTax.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF15_CouncilTax.iat[i,0] = DF15_CouncilTax.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-16)
for i in range(0, len(DF16_GroundRent), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF16_GroundRent.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF16_GroundRent.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF16_GroundRent.iat[i,0].upper():
DF16_GroundRent.iat[i,0] = DF16_GroundRent.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF16_GroundRent.iat[i,0] = DF16_GroundRent.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
# Making shorter names for Frays properties in PDF dataset (DF-17)
for i in range(0, len(DF17_Beds), 1):
#print(i, " : ", DF17_GroundRent.iat[i,0]," ", type(DF17_GroundRent.iat[i,0]))
if "court".upper() in DF17_Beds.iat[i,0].upper():
DF17_Beds.iat[i,0] = DF17_Beds.iat[i,0].split(" Court")[0]
DF17_Beds.iat[i,0] = DF17_Beds.iat[i,0].replace(" ", "")
print(" ")
# <<<--- W R I T I N G D A T A T O E X C E L --->>>
CategoryRowIndex = 8 # StartRow + 8 in Excel for Rent Received From Tenant
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
for j in range(0, len(DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF01_RentReceivedFromTenant, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 19 # StartRow + 19 in Excel for Payment Made To Owner
for j in range(0, len(DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF02_PaymentMadeToOwner, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 24 # StartRow + 24 in Excel for THTC Fee
for j in range(0, len(DF03_THTCFee), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF03_THTCFee.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF03_THTCFee, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 26 # StartRow + 26 in Excel for Cleaning Inventory
for j in range(0, len(DF04_CleaningInventory), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF04_CleaningInventory.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF04_CleaningInventory, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 4 # StartRow + 4 in Excel for Incomes From Landlord
for j in range(0, len(DF05_IncomesFromLandlord), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF05_IncomesFromLandlord.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF05_IncomesFromLandlord, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 28 # StartRow + 28 in Excel for Other Expenses
for j in range(0, len(DF06_OthersExpenses), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF06_OthersExpenses.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF06_OthersExpenses, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 23 # StartRow + 23 in Excel for Agent Fee
for j in range(0, len(DF07_AgentFee), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF07_AgentFee.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF07_AgentFee, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 21 # StartRow + 23 in Excel for Service Charge
for j in range(0, len(DF08_ServiceCharge), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF08_ServiceCharge.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF08_ServiceCharge, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 22 # StartRow + 22 in Excel for Utility Bills
for j in range(0, len(DF09_UtilityBills), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF09_UtilityBills.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF09_UtilityBills, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 25 # StartRow + 25 in Excel for Handyman
for j in range(0, len(DF10_Handyman), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF10_Handyman.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF10_Handyman, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 11 # StartRow + 11 in Excel for Other Incomes
for j in range(0, len(DF11_OtherIncomes), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF11_OtherIncomes.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF11_OtherIncomes, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 6 # StartRow + 6 in Excel for Funds from Rental Income of diff Unit
for j in range(0, len(DF12_FundToDiffUnit), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF12_FundToDiffUnit.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF12_FundToDiffUnit, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 15 # StartRow + 15 in Excel for Funds from Rental Income of diff Unit (Expenditures)
for j in range(0, len(DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF13_FundToDiffUnitOut, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 6 # StartRow + 6 in Excel for Funds from Rental Income of diff Unit (Expenditures)
for j in range(0, len(DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF13__FundToDiffUnitIn, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 29 # StartRow + 29 in Excel for Insurance
for j in range(0, len(DF14_Insurance), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF14_Insurance.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF14_Insurance, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 27 # StartRow + 27 in Excel for Council Tax
for j in range(0, len(DF15_CouncilTax), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF15_CouncilTax.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF15_CouncilTax, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 20 # StartRow + 38 in Excel for Council Tax
for j in range(0, len(DF16_GroundRent), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF16_GroundRent.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF16_GroundRent, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
for i in range(0, len(DFProperties), 1):
CategoryRowIndex = 31 # StartRow + 31 in Excel for Council Tax
for j in range(0, len(DF17_Beds), 1):
if DFProperties.iat[i,0] == DF17_Beds.iat[j,0]:
# Here is starting writing Data to Excel
writeDataExcel(DFProperties.iat[i,1], DFProperties.iat[i,0], DF17_Beds, sheet, CategoryRowIndex)
""" Write formulas to the file : start """
asset = {}
properties = []
id_object = 0
print("Writing formulas now!")
for rows in range (17, sheet.max_row+1, 1):
value = sheet.cell(row = rows, column = 1).value
if value == "Bop":
bop = rows
asset["Bop"] = bop
total_income = bop + 11
asset["Total Income"] = total_income
total_expenditure = total_income + 41
asset["Total Expenditure"] = total_expenditure
eop = total_expenditure + 1
asset["Eop"] = eop
for column in range(698, sheet.max_column+1, 1):
formula_bop = '=' + openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(column-1) + str(eop)
sheet.cell(row = bop, column = column).value = formula_bop
formula_total_income = '=SUM(' + openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(column) + str(total_income - 8) + ':' + openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(column) + str(total_income-1) + ')'
sheet.cell(row = total_income, column = column).value = formula_total_income
formula_total_exp = '=SUM(' + openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(column) + str(total_income + 1) + ':' + openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(column) + str(total_expenditure-1) + ')'
sheet.cell(row = total_expenditure, column = column).value = formula_total_exp
formula_eop = '=SUM(' + openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(column) + str(total_income) + "," + openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(column) + str(bop) + "," + openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(column) + str(total_expenditure) + ')'
sheet.cell(row = eop, column = column).value = formula_eop
formula_total_income_sum = '=SUM(' + 'C'+ str(total_income) + ':' + str(openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(sheet.max_column)) + str(total_income) + ')'
sheet.cell(row = total_income, column = 2).value = formula_total_income_sum
formula_total_expend_sum = '=SUM(' + 'C'+ str(total_expenditure) + ':' + str(openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(sheet.max_column)) + str(total_expenditure) + ')'
sheet.cell(row = total_expenditure, column = 2).value = formula_total_expend_sum
print("Bop", bop, ", Total Income", total_income, ", Total Expenditure", total_expenditure, ", Eop", eop)
""" Write formulas to the file : end """"RESULT_FILE_final_formules_2_vsio.xlsx")
return None
""" Write Data to Excel : END """
ItemsLeft = PreparedDataByTypes[18] # Take the last parameter to get cleaned DataFrame
if len(ItemsLeft) > 0:
print("Prepare fro EXCEL part >>>")
print("Check the list!")
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