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Created January 7, 2022 08:46
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interface WabikenMetaBase {
id: ID!
version: Int!
notValidBefore: AWSTimestamp!
notValidAfter: AWSTimestamp!
lockRequired: Boolean!
playbackRemaining: Int!
validityPeriod: Int!
issuerTrace: String
createdAt: AWSTimestamp!
type UserWabikenMeta implements WabikenMetaBase
@auth(rules: [{ allow: owner, operations: [read, create] }]) {
id is same as token
id: ID! @primaryKey(sortKeyFields: ["notValidAfter"])
version: Int!
notValidBefore: AWSTimestamp!
notValidAfter: AWSTimestamp!
lockRequired: Boolean!
playbackRemaining: Int!
validityPeriod: Int!
issuerTrace: String
createdAt: AWSTimestamp!
contentDisplayName: String!
content: UserContentMeta!
following are required fields in UserWabikenMeta (as they are activated wabikens)
activatedAt: AWSTimestamp!
owner: String
@index(name: "byOwnerByActivatedAt", sortKeyFields: ["activatedAt"])
name: "byOwnerByNotValidAfter"
queryField: "userWabikenMetaByOwnerByNotValidAfter"
sortKeyFields: ["notValidAfter"]
name: "byOwnerByContentDisplayName"
queryField: "userWabikenMetaByOwnerByContentDisplayName"
sortKeyFields: ["contentDisplayName"]
type WabikenMeta implements WabikenMetaBase {
id: ID!
version: Int!
notValidBefore: AWSTimestamp!
notValidAfter: AWSTimestamp!
lockRequired: Boolean!
playbackRemaining: Int!
validityPeriod: Int!
createdAt: AWSTimestamp!
content: ContentMeta!
issuerTrace: String
activatedAt: AWSTimestamp
interface ContentMetaBase {
id: ID!
key: ContentMetaKey!
type ContentMeta implements ContentMetaBase {
id: ID!
key: ContentMetaKey!
displayName: String
catchphrase: String
comment: String
duration: Int
evaluationPoint: Int
maker: CodeName
series: CodeName
releaseDate: String
publicPeriod: Period
salePeriod: Period
paymentBadge: CodeName
thumbnails: ContentMetaThumbnail
mainEpisodeCode: String
type UserContentMeta implements ContentMetaBase {
id: ID!
key: ContentMetaKey!
displayName: String!
catchphrase: String!
comment: String!
duration: Int!
evaluationPoint: Int!
maker: CodeName!
series: CodeName!
releaseDate: String!
publicPeriod: Period!
salePeriod: Period!
paymentBadge: CodeName!
thumbnails: ContentMetaThumbnail!
mainEpisodeCode: String!
type CodeName {
code: String!
name: String!
type Period {
since: AWSTimestamp
until: AWSTimestamp
type ContentMetaKey {
id: ID!
type: String!
providerId: String!
type ContentMetaThumbnail {
packageL: String
packageM: String
packageS: String
standard: String
tsptFhds: String
tsptFwxga: String
type ErrorCodeMessage {
code: Int!
message: String!
type WabikenMetaResponse {
wabiken: WabikenMeta!
result: Boolean!
type SceneSearchSize {
width: Int!
height: Int!
type SceneSearchCdn {
sceneSearchUrl: AWSURL!
extra: SceneSearchSize!
type SceneSearch {
type: String!
cdns: [SceneSearchCdn!]!
type ISemMeta {
version: String!
endpoint: AWSURL!
isemToken: String!
type PlayInfoEndpointExtra {
playToken: String!
playTokenHash: String!
type PlayInfoEndpoint {
id: ID!
displayName: String!
sceneSearchList: [SceneSearch!]!
playables: [Playable!]!
isem: ISemMeta!
extra: PlayInfoEndpointExtra!
type LicenseUrl {
drmType: String!
version: String!
endpoint: AWSURL!
type PlayableCdn {
cdnId: String
weight: Int!
playlistUrl: AWSURL!
licenseUrlList: [LicenseUrl!]!
type Playable {
type: String!
cdns: [PlayableCdn!]!
type PlayInfo {
type: String!
landingPage: String!
endpoints: [PlayInfoEndpoint!]!
refreshToken: String!
playbackRemaining: Int!
notValidBefore: AWSTimestamp!
notValidAfter: AWSTimestamp!
type PlayInfoResponse {
playInfo: PlayInfo!
result: Boolean!
type Query {
getWabikenMeta(id: ID!): WabikenMetaResponse
@function(name: "helloeroLambdaResolver")
wabikenId: String!
deviceCode: String!
deviceId: String!
): PlayInfoResponse @function(name: "helloeroLambdaResolver")
type Mutation {
activateWabiken(id: ID!): WabikenMetaResponse
@function(name: "helloeroLambdaResolver")
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