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Disable the Yoast SEO meta box and the page analysis columns for all roles other than administrator and also disable the Yoast SEO meta box in the content types like "post", "page" and "custom post type".
// Returns true if user has specific role
function {your_prefix}_check_user_role( $role, $user_id = null ) {
if ( is_numeric( $user_id ) )
$user = get_userdata( $user_id );
$user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( empty( $user ) )
return false;
return in_array( $role, (array) $user->roles );
// Disable Yoast SEO meta box for all roles other than administrator
function {your_prefix}_wpse_init(){
if( !({your_prefix}_check_user_role('seo') || {your_prefix}_check_user_role('administrator')) ){
// Remove page analysis columns from post lists, also SEO status on post editor
add_filter('wpseo_use_page_analysis', '__return_false');
// Remove Yoast meta boxes
add_action('add_meta_boxes', '{your_prefix}_disable_seo_metabox', 100000);
add_action('init', '{your_prefix}_wpse_init');
function {your_prefix}_disable_seo_metabox(){
remove_meta_box('wpseo_meta', '{your_custom_post_type}', 'normal'); // Remove from custom post type
remove_meta_box('wpseo_meta', 'post', 'normal'); // Remove from post
remove_meta_box('wpseo_meta', 'page', 'normal'); // Remove from page
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