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Created July 19, 2012 08:13
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Pretty GnuPlots
>> cat
set terminal push
set terminal postscript eps font "Times" mono dashed
plot '$0' using 1:2:xtic(4) title "..." smooth csplines with lines, \
'$0' using 1:2 with points notitle pointtype 5 pointsize 1, \
'$0' using 1:3:xtic(4) title "..." smooth csplines with lines, \
'$0' using 1:3 with points notitle pointtype 5 pointsize 1
set xlabel "Number of Items"
set ylabel "Time (secs)"
set key top left
set title '$1'
set grid
set output '$0.eps'
set output
set terminal pop
gnuplot> call '' $FILE 'Plot Title'
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