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Last active March 1, 2021 06:30
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Private Function ConvertToTglUnix(tgl As Date) As String
ConvertToTglUnix = (tgl - DateSerial(1970, 1, 1)) * 86400
End Function
Private Function xtime(time As Date) As String
Dim the_date As Date
Dim system_time As SYSTEMTIME
Dim local_file_time As FILETIME
Dim utc_file_time As FILETIME
' Get the local time.
the_date = CDate(time)
' Convert it into a SYSTEMTIME.
DateToSystemTime the_date, system_time
' Convert it to a FILETIME.
SystemTimeToFileTime system_time, local_file_time
' Convert it to a UTC time.
LocalFileTimeToFileTime local_file_time, utc_file_time
' Convert it to a SYSTEMTIME.
FileTimeToSystemTime utc_file_time, system_time
' Convert it to a Date.
SystemTimeToDate system_time, the_date
' Display the result.
xtime = Format$(the_date)
End Function
' Convert a Date into a SYSTEMTIME.
Private Sub DateToSystemTime(ByVal the_date As Date, ByRef system_time As SYSTEMTIME)
With system_time
.wYear = Year(the_date)
.wMonth = Month(the_date)
.wDay = Day(the_date)
.wHour = Hour(the_date)
.wMinute = Minute(the_date)
.wSecond = Second(the_date)
End With
End Sub
'Convert a SYSTEMTIME into a Date.
Private Sub SystemTimeToDate(system_time As SYSTEMTIME, ByRef the_date As Date)
With system_time
'' The following doesn't work internationally.
'the_date = CDate( _
' Format$(.wMonth) & "/" & _
' Format$(.wDay) & "/" & _
' Format$(.wYear) & " " & _
' Format$(.wHour) & ":" & _
' Format$(.wMinute, "00") & ":" & _
' Format$(.wSecond, "00"))
' Thanks to Justin Starnes for the
' following internationalized version.
the_date = DateSerial(.wYear, .wMonth, .wDay) + _
TimeSerial(.wHour, .wMinute, .wSecond)
End With
End Sub
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