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Created January 28, 2018 12:55
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Experimentations with using requestAnimationFrame in fable elmish

If the Elmish state should be updated by the event but not the view a wrapper component might do:

[<Import("cloneElement", from="react")>]
let cloneElement(element: ReactElement, props: obj, [<ParamList>] children: obj) = jsNative

type RequestAnimationFrameState<'a> = {
    props: 'a

type RequestAnimationFrameComponent<'a>(initialProps) as this =
    inherit React.Component<'a, RequestAnimationFrameState<'a>>(initialProps)

    let mutable frameRequest = None
        this.setInitState({ props = initialProps})

    override this.shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) =
        let propsChanged = (* Compare keys in nextProps and this.props like PureComponent does *)
        if propsChanged then
            match frameRequest with
            | Some r ->
                window.cancelAnimationFrame r
            | _ -> ()

            frameRequest <- Some (window.requestAnimationFrame( fun _ -> this.setState({ props = this.props })))
        let stateChanged = not (obj.ReferenceEquals(this.state, nextState))

    override this.render() =
        cloneElement(this.children.[0], this.state.props, [||])

If each event completly erase the previous one (last one wins) even updating the elmish state can be bypassed:

type Msg = | FrequentMsg of string

// Wrap a dispatcher to dispatch using `requestAnimationFrame` (If multiple dispatch are initiated within a frame only the latest one will apply)
let dispatchWithAnimationFrame (dispatch: Dispatch<_>) =
    let mutable lastRequest = None
    fun msg ->
        match lastRequest with
        | Some r -> window.cancelAnimationFrame r
        | _ -> ()

        lastRequest <- Some (window.requestAnimationFrame (fun _ -> dispatch msg))

let view dispatch =
    let onFastEvent arg = (dispatchWithAnimationFrame dispatch) (FrequentMsg arg)
    fun model ->
        // rest of render()
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