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Last active November 3, 2015 00:00
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Extract nested classes/struct/enums to their own files
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting
open System.IO
module FluentRoslynLite =
let (!!) t = Async.AwaitTask t
let emptyFile = SyntaxFactory.CompilationUnit()
let identifier (identifierName : string) = SyntaxFactory.IdentifierName(identifierName)
let inline addMembers members (input:^T) =
(^T : (member AddMembers : MemberDeclarationSyntax array -> ^T) (input, members |> Seq.toArray))
let inline addMember member' (input:^T) =
(^T : (member AddMembers : MemberDeclarationSyntax array -> ^T) (input, [|member'|]))
let inline addModifiers syntaxKinds (input:^T) =
let tokens = syntaxKinds |> (fun k -> SyntaxFactory.Token(k)) |> Seq.toArray
(^T : (member AddModifiers : SyntaxToken array -> ^T) (input, tokens))
let class' (name:string) = SyntaxFactory.ClassDeclaration(name)
let namespace' (name:string) = SyntaxFactory.NamespaceDeclaration(identifier name)
open FluentRoslynLite
let ofType<'a, 'T> (seq : 'a seq) =
|> Seq.choose (fun x ->
match box x with
| :? 'T as x -> Some(x)
| _ -> None
let getCuteName (decl: BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax) =
match decl with
| :? ClassDeclarationSyntax -> "class"
| :? StructDeclarationSyntax -> "struct"
| :? EnumDeclarationSyntax -> "enum"
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected type"
let getDoc (decl:BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax) =
let text =
"\r\n/// <content>\r\n/// Contains the <see cref=\"%s\"/> nested %s.\r\n/// </content>\r\n"
(getCuteName decl)
let makeExtractedFile ns usings (rootClass:ClassDeclarationSyntax) nestedType =
|> addMembers
namespace' ns
|> (fun ns -> ns.WithUsings(SyntaxFactory.List(usings)))
|> addMembers
class' rootClass.Identifier.Text
|> addModifiers [ SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword; SyntaxKind.PartialKeyword ]
|> addMember nestedType
|> (fun c -> c.WithLeadingTrivia(getDoc nestedType))
|> (fun f -> f.WithAdditionalAnnotations(Formatter.Annotation))
let splitNestedThings (root:SyntaxNode) (document:Document) (projectId:ProjectId) (solution:Solution) = async {
let classes = root.DescendantNodesAndSelf() |> ofType<_,ClassDeclarationSyntax> |> List.ofSeq
let nsNodes = root.DescendantNodesAndSelf() |> ofType<_,NamespaceDeclarationSyntax> |> List.ofSeq
if classes.IsEmpty || nsNodes.IsEmpty then
return solution
let ns = (nsNodes.Head.Name :?> IdentifierNameSyntax).Identifier.Text
let usings = root.DescendantNodesAndSelf() |> ofType<_,UsingDirectiveSyntax> |> List.ofSeq
let rootClass = classes.Head
let nested = rootClass.ChildNodes() |> ofType<_,BaseTypeDeclarationSyntax> |> List.ofSeq
let expectedFileNames = nested |> (fun x -> x, sprintf "%s+%s.cs" rootClass.Identifier.Text x.Identifier.Text)
let fileName = Path.GetFileName document.FilePath
let mutable solution = solution
let mutable toRemove = []
for (nestedType, expectedFileName) in expectedFileNames do
if fileName <> expectedFileName then
printfn "Extracting %s from %s" expectedFileName fileName
let newFile = makeExtractedFile ns usings rootClass nestedType
let currentProject = solution.GetProject(projectId)
let doc = currentProject.AddDocument(expectedFileName, newFile)
let! formattedDoc = !! Formatter.FormatAsync(doc)
solution <- formattedDoc.Project.Solution
toRemove <- nestedType :: toRemove
let nodesToRemove = toRemove |> x -> (x :> SyntaxNode))
let modifiedRoot = root.RemoveNodes(nodesToRemove, SyntaxRemoveOptions.AddElasticMarker)
return solution.WithDocumentSyntaxRoot(document.Id, modifiedRoot)
let splitSolutionNestedThings (solution:Solution) = async {
let mutable currentSolution = solution
for project in solution.Projects do
for doc in project.Documents do
let currentDoc = currentSolution.GetDocument(doc.Id)
let! syntaxTree = !! currentDoc.GetSyntaxTreeAsync()
let! root = !! syntaxTree.GetRootAsync()
let! modifiedSolution = splitNestedThings root currentDoc project.Id currentSolution
currentSolution <- modifiedSolution
return currentSolution
let main _ =
use ws = MSBuildWorkspace.Create()
async {
printf "Loading solution... "
let! solution = !! ws.OpenSolutionAsync(@"E:\Code\pinvoke\src\PInvoke.sln")
printfn "Done."
let! newSolution = splitSolutionNestedThings solution
if not (ws.TryApplyChanges(newSolution)) then
failwith "Can't change"
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
printfn "Done."
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AArnott commented Nov 3, 2015

Really cool!

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