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Last active July 17, 2023 12:37
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Script to create a postgresql table from markdown table (pasted as variable)
_table_name text = 'md_temp';
_md text = '
| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `git status` | List all *new or modified* files |
| `git diff` | Show file differences that **havent been** staged |
_line text;
_i integer;
_exp text;
_array text[];
_i = 0;
foreach _line in array string_to_array(_md, E'\n') loop
-- skip empty lines
if trim(_line) = '' then
end if;
_i = _i + 1;
-- header line, create a table
if _i = 1 then
_array = string_to_array(_line, '|');
_exp = 'create temp table '
|| _table_name
|| ' ('
|| (
select string_agg(replace(lower(trim(a)), ' ', '_'), ' text, ')
from unnest(_array) a
where trim(a) <> ''
|| ' text);';
raise info '%', _exp;
execute format('drop table if exists %s;', _table_name);
execute _exp;
-- separator line num. 2, skip
elsif _i = 2 then
-- inserts
_array = string_to_array(_line, '|');
-- skip empty line
if not exists(select 1 from unnest(_array) a where trim(a) <> '')b then
end if;
_exp = 'insert into '
|| _table_name
|| ' values ('
|| (
select string_agg(case when trim(a) = '' then 'NULL' else '''' || trim(replace(replace(a, '**', ''), '`', '')) || '''' end, ', ')
from unnest(_array) a
where trim(a) <> ''
|| ');';
execute _exp;
end if;
end loop;
select * from md_temp;
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